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"Finally we're here~!"

As soon as they arrived, Mirajane excitedly ran out of the car without even taking her luggage. "Miss Mira, wait for me!"

Lisanna jumped down from the car seat. He ran towards Mirajane with all his might, completely ignoring the two remaining men in the car. "Why are you two so anxious? Stop being like kids and be calm!"

Carl Fa reluctantly carried the two people's bags and told Mirajane and Lisanna like a parent, "Aren't we just children?"

Mirajane and Lisanna turned around and looked at Calfa seriously , which made Kalfa speechless for a moment. "Okay, okay, go play by yourselves, and remember to gather at the client's place!"

Calfa sent Mirajane and Lisanna away, and when he looked down and saw Elfman still knowing how to carry his luggage, he was immediately relieved. "There is still someone who can save us some trouble... Let's go and send the things to the B&B we booked first." Let's go there."

Elfman nodded, carrying his luggage and following Calfa like a tail. After a while, the two of them settled their things in the B&B and went to the client's home, while Milaje and Li Shana had already looked sad, squatting on the side waiting for Kalfa and Elfman. "Why are you so unhappy? Didn't I let you go out and play?"

Kalfa walked up and pulled the two of them up. "You We didn’t get any pocket money~! I can’t buy many things I like~! ”

“That’s right, we can’t go out without money Going shopping, what's the point~!"

Miraje and Lisanna complained to Calfa, Calfa shrugged and smiled "You didn't ask me~"

Miraje and Lisanna pouted and shouted "I forgot~!"

Kalfa put his hands on the two people's heads and rubbed them, then turned and walked to the client's door and rang the doorbell. "Hurry up, the mission is important. I'll buy you anything you like later~" The one who opened the door for Karlfa and the others was a middle-aged woman in gorgeous clothes. "Excuse me, who are these children?" Karlfa skillfully displayed the guild emblem. "We are the wizards of Fairy Tail. We have received your Mission"

When the woman saw the guild emblem, she quickly invited Kalfa and the others into the house. "Hey, please come in, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

After the woman came in, she warmly poured tea for Kalfa and the others and brought some snacks. "Miss, you don't have to be so polite. We just came to I just want to find out the content of the commission from you."

Although Kalfa said so, the three little ones led by Milaje had already started a tea party. The woman took out a map from the cabinet and placed it on the table. "Look, This piece of land was originally the precious land on which my family depended for survival, but recently it has been disturbed by wild boars, so I beg the wizards to help me get rid of these hateful wild boars! "

Carfa took the map and the commission "Okay, if we just want to kill the wild boars, that's not a problem. But what about the quantity? I see this commission is marked as a long-term task. Is it because of the large quantity?" "

The woman shook her head. "No, the number of wild boars is not so fixed. The reason why they are making trouble is just a normal phenomenon at this time of year. It will probably last for two weeks~"

Carfa Nodding, he stood up and said, "I understand the general situation. Next, I want to go to the fields to see the way. Can you lead the way?"

The woman also stood up quickly and said, "Of course, a few people will follow me. I'll do it~"

Carfa turned his head to look at the three people who had finished their snacks, and smiled bitterly, "Anything else? "

Miraje pointed to an empty snack bag, Kalfa patted Miraje's head, grabbed Miraje's clothes and strode out, Lisanna and Elfman followed behind , fearing that she would be left behind, the woman covered her mouth and smiled softly, "If you like it, I'll pack some for you later~"

Karlfa waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, how can I be so embarrassed! This Where did you buy the snacks? I'll go by myself..."

"Thank you!"

Before Kalfa finished being polite, Mirajane thanked the woman sincerely, "Oh, young man, you don't have to be so polite. Such a valuable thing, it is usually just a gift to give to others~"

Carfa smiled and pinched the back of Milaja's neck hard. "Thank you so much.

"Don't worry, we will do our best!"

Mirajah looked at Calfa with a smug look on her face, as if she was showing off her power

Lisanna and Elfman looked at Mirajah's kitten-like expression and couldn't help but sigh

"Sister was really more childish than us when she was with Brother Calfa..."

"There's a relationship~"

The woman brought a few people to the edge of a large field

"Everyone, we're here~"

Calfa looked around and saw a field that was carefully cared for

"Okay, you go back first. If wild boars appear again these days, we will get rid of them!"

The woman nodded

"Okay! Then I'll leave it to you... Oh, by the way, if you kill a wild boar, you can drag it back~"

Calfa asked in confusion

"What do you want the wild boar's body for? "

The woman shook her head and smiled softly

"Please forgive me for keeping it secret for now. Then, I'll leave this field to you guys~"

After that, the woman stepped back and left

After the woman left, Milaje and the others started wandering around in the field

"Be careful, don't trample on other people's land~"

Carlfa told Milaje like a male mother

"You three stand guard here. Call me if there are wild boars coming. I'm going to look for wild boars over there~"


The three of them answered together. Seeing that the three agreed, Carlfa left and went about his own business

But before Carlfa could walk far, he heard Milaje's scream. After hearing it, Carlfa immediately turned around, summoned "Deep Scar" and held it in his hand, and rushed back

"What's wrong! ? "

Kalfa held the knife and looked around vigilantly

"Wild boar or enemy attack?"

Miraja jumped onto Karfa and pointed at Lisanna and Elfman. Karfa was startled and approached cautiously

Lisanna and Elfman turned around suddenly, and Miraja was frightened and screamed

Kalfa: "..."

Lisanna was holding a caterpillar and swinging it around, and Elfman was holding a bee in his hand

"Miraja (sister) look!"

Miraja hid behind Karfa and closed her eyes

"I won't look!"

"Have you guys had enough trouble? !"

Kalfa couldn't bear it anymore. There were three "dong, dong, dong" and Karfa's roar. Miraja and the other two also had a big bump on their heads

"Sorry..." (×3)

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