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Kalfa gently wiped the blood off his face, looked up and saw something glowing in the pile of octopus monster's body parts, so he slowly waded through the rubble and said, "Kalfa, what's wrong? Is there anything there?" What?"

Seeing this, Erza also hurried over. Calfa squatted down, reached out and stirred the broken body, and took out a bloody blue gem from it. "Here, I found this..."

Eluza Lusa approached and saw such a bloody scene. She couldn't help but feel nauseous. She pinched her nose and turned away. "Then you take it first... maybe it will be useful."

Kalfa raised the gem and looked at it, then nodded. Nodding, "Yeah, that's right..."

After that, Calfa walked out of the pile of corpses, Erza Covering his nose, he fanned the bloody smell. "Karfa, didn't you bring any change of clothes?"

Karfa looked down at the white shirt half stained with blood and sighed, "Then I'll go change..."

After a while , Karl changed into a black outfit. "Black is better, although it's a bit hot, but it's dirt-resistant..."

Eluza looked back and couldn't help but take a breath. "I said Karl "Fa, have you ever thought about holding back your strength when you draw your sword? There's no need to make the scene so...bloody, right?"

Kalfa asked in confusion as he walked, "Why should you have mercy on the enemy when you draw your sword?" Erza shook her head. "It's not that I want you to feel pity... It's just that you don't think this scene is a bit Is it too inappropriate for children? "

Carfa looked around in confusion, then looked at Erza, "There are no children around here..."

Erza lowered her head helplessly and muttered, "I'm only 13 years old... "

Carfa smiled embarrassedly, "Ah, sorry, did the scene just now make you uncomfortable? I will pay attention next time!"

Eluza smiled bitterly, "It's okay, let's go quickly, don't be late"

……… ……………………………………………………………

Without the interference of the fog, the two people's journey was very smooth. After a while, they came to a stone door. "Kalfa, there's a hole here... Do you think we should put the stone we had earlier in there?"

Kalfa came closer He took out the blue gem, compared it, and put it in. "It looks like it is~"

With a click, the gem was set into the door, and the stone door slowly opened. Kalfa and Erza walked in slowly. "Does this count as passing the first exam?"

Erusa looked around, looking at the empty cave around her. "No, not yet..."

Carfa stopped and pulled Erza. Looking at the two figures in front of him, "Right?"

The two figures were Shiroi and Yaka who also took the exam. "You're so slow, we've been waiting here for a long time~"

Shiroi got up from the ground Sitting down, he smiled softly and stood up, patting the dirt off his pants. “Then what to do next is obvious, right? "

Kalfa smiled faintly, and the silver-gray light on the "Deep Scar" appeared again. "Eluza, are you still strong?"

"Change clothes! Flame Emperor Armor!"

Eluza took a deep breath and changed clothes again. Armor appeared, this time it was an orange armor, and Erza also had two brown swords in her hands. "Of course!"

Shiroi waved her hand lightly, and Wu Ma and Wei Yang appeared behind Shiroi at the same time "Then come on!"

Yaka held the scabbard with one hand and the handle with the other hand. "Well, I'm sorry."

Yaka took a step forward and Kalfa also rushed forward. Ding!The blades of the two men collided, making a crisp sound, "Thunder Arrow!"

Wuma stood aside and secretly shot two arrows at Calfa. Erza took a step forward, waving the burning The flaming double swords cut down the flying arrows, and then Erza quickly stepped forward and rushed in front of Shiloy. Shiloy turned back and gave Weiyang a look, and Weiyang immediately understood and said, "Crown!" A burst of golden light flashed and attached to Kalfa and Yaka. Ding! Ding Ding!

Erza quickly waved the two flaming swords in her hand, but they were both caught by Shiloy. Shiloy quickly slapped, However, after two weeks of special training at Calfa, Erza's reaction speed was much faster than before, and she could easily


"Remember, you must keep calm during the battle and don't attack easily, because no matter what kind of creature it is, it will expose its weaknesses when it attacks. Correspondingly, when your enemy attacks you, you need to dodge the attack in a very short time, find your enemy's flaws, and then break it!"

Erusa silently recited what Calfa said during training, concentrated her mind, and turned to dodge Shiloy's attack while aiming at Calfa's lower abdomen

Then, Erza slashed at Shiloy with her left hand, Shiloy quickly blocked the attack, and Erza immediately swung her right hand

"Wind Arrow!"

Wuma shot a wind arrow at a very close distance, and the strong storm blew Erza away

Calfa looked back and quickly blocked the knife that Yaka chopped back, then took a step back and caught Erza

Yaka also retreated back to Shiloy, Shiloy rubbed Wrist, gently smiled

"Hehe~ Erza is learning techniques from Karlfa?"

Erza confidently gripped the two swords

"Yes! I learned a lot of new moves from Karlfa!"

Kalfa let out a long sigh, and the light on the blade slowly turned blue

"Then, the test ends here... Cang Yue!"

"Behind you!"

Kalfa's figure disappeared in an instant, and Shiloi quickly turned around and blocked behind him

"Shadow Attack!"

Shiloi Yi smiled and blocked Kalfa's attack. Erza saw this and quickly swung her sword forward. Yaka drew her knife to block Erza.

"Ice Flower!"

The blades of ice and fire clashed with each other, and it was hard to tell who was better for a while.

Yaka easily removed Erza's force, turned around and swung a knife, and white ice and snow instantly covered the feet of the two.

"Ice Lotus!"

A burst of blue and white light came from the ground, and a beam of ice light gushed upward. Erza quickly stepped back to avoid it.

Bang! Ding!

On the other side, Kalfa used all his strength to draw his sword faster and faster, and Shiloy also used all his strength to try to take every attack

Then, when Kalfa was fighting happily, Shiloy glanced behind Kalfa

Wuma understood instantly, and jumped behind Kalfa with a full bowstring


With a snap, an arrow instantly flew out of the string and shot straight behind Kalfa

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