The old man was very happy.

Kalfa leaned against the stone wall, trying to soothe his heart and sort out his emotions


Kalfa opened his mouth slightly and called Nidhogg

"You mean... In addition to our world, there are many worlds that we know nothing about, and Mistgang comes from other worlds very close to our world"

"In general, that's what I mean"

Nidhogg said

"Do you remember the painting you saw on a scroll a few days ago?"

Kalfa thought about it

"Remember... the black creature in the painting, is it you?"

Nidhogg smiled gently

"Guessed it?"

Kalfa Fa continued

"Such a big reaction... and they are all black lizards, it's hard not to think of you"

"Don't think of me and ugly bugs like lizards as the same species!"

Nidhogg said

"What do those paintings mean?"

Carlfa asked puzzledly

"It's like a war, a war without a winner"

"You're right"

Nidhogg recalled and said

"That happened before your small worlds were established, but these things are too complicated to talk about... Anyway, the final outcome of that world was to fall apart, split into countless small fragments, and merge with the bodies of the dead to form a new world group, and this is one of them"

Nidhogg smiled

"And I am the only survivor of the old world. I have integrated my consciousness into the entire world group and become one with the stars in the sky."

Seeing that Kalfa listened carefully, Nidhogg continued to speak

"So I must ensure the balance between the worlds. To this end, my approach is to destroy the things that are beyond or may be beyond the balance of that world one by one."

Kalfa was puzzled

"So... why are you pestering me? Am I something that is beyond balance?"

"Over-understanding, over-confidence..."

Nidhogg said lightly

"For this reason, I will set up a trigger in the world to be balanced in advance, that is, a wisp of my will will become a creature in this world, and then induce They found the remains of my body, and after I killed them in my heart, they became my carriers in that world."

Kalfa's heart trembled

"I... am the trigger?"


Nidhogg said

"But you don't have to worry about your race. As I said just now, each world is formed by a dead warrior and the fragments of the old world. The creatures in each world are nothing more than the remaining will of the dead warrior. Your friends in that other world are different from your other friends."

Kalfa paused, as if trying to digest this huge information

"I have a question..."

"Ask it~"

Kalfa hesitated and spoke

"Why didn't you kill me? I also realized that this is not difficult for you!"

Nidhogg laughed a few times

"Finally asked a question I like! "

Nidhogg was silent for a while

"Because you are different..."

After hearing this, Kalfa was even more puzzled, and Nidhogg explained

"You are the primer of my will. Logically, you should be completely transformed by my will. Among the primers I can't count, you are the only one who actually has good intentions. You are the only one who has good intentions. Even I don't know good intentions, so I don't want to wipe you out so easily. I want to see how far this good intention can go..."

Kalfa sat on the ground, stunned, and Nidhogg continued to speak

"But you are not without evil, and even... your evil thoughts are quite violent. You have also discovered it, right? Your "goodness" is getting more and more shaken~"

Nidhogg looked at Kalfa

"Because you always pass your "goodness" to others, and the remaining "evil" can only be accepted by yourself... Kalfa, you need to vent the "evil" in your heart! "

Kalfa was covered in cold sweat, and his heart suddenly felt extremely depressed

"You are my will, I understand you best..."

"Stop talking... Stop talking..."

Kalfa covered his ears, knelt on the ground in pain, and screamed desperately

"Kalfa, you need a killing!"

"Shut up!"

Kalfa shouted and fainted


I don't know how long it took, Karlfa was in an empty place

Kalfa woke up in the ground, sat up, his eyes were a little empty, and he looked up and saw a tombstone

"Ah! Kalfa, I found you, I found you~"

Makarov breathed a sigh of relief

"You scared me to death, why did you come here alone?"

Kalfa shook his head slightly

"Okay, the exam is over, I will take you to find ancient ruins"

Kalfa stood up and shook his head and said

"No, I found it... Let's go back"

After that, Kalfa directly bypassed Makarov, and Makarov frowned

"Kalfa, are you really okay?"

"It's okay..."

Kalfa replied lightly, walking in silence

After a while, the two returned to the magic yacht. When Mirajane and Yaka saw Kalfa coming back, they quickly surrounded him

"Kalfa! How is it! I became an S-class wizard !"

Miraja said proudly

"Of course, Yaka is the same, this year two people are promoted~"

Yaka smiled

"Mira has been waiting for you for a long time~ Where have you been?"

Kalfa was silent for a while, and forced a smile

"Congratulations to you two..."

Kalfa looked at Ferid and Kana who were unwilling to give up

"Don't be discouraged, you two, try harder next time..."

After saying that, Karfa walked into the lounge without looking back and closed the door

"Kalfa...what's wrong?"

Miraja looked at Karfa who was so abnormal, and was very worried

"I don't know, let him be alone for a while"

Makarov sighed and said

"Let's go back to the guild..."

At this time, Karfa in the lounge covered his head with a towel and lay on the bed. The atmosphere was unusually depressing

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