The smoke cleared, and Calfa fell to his knees in a mess.

The smoke cleared, and Calfa was covered in blood. Mirajane hurried to Calfa’s side

“Calfa, let’s run!”

Calfa covered his lower abdomen, looked at the crazy demon in front of him, and gritted his teeth

“Take Lisanna and Elfman away from here! The farther away from it... and me, the better!”

Mirajane was stunned and shook his head firmly

“Impossible! I will never abandon Calfa! You haven’t taught me magic yet!”

Although Lisanna and Elfman were scared, they still sat on the ground stubbornly

“Yes! We won’t abandon Calfa Brother Fa!"

Kalfa looked at the approaching demon and sighed helplessly

"Three fools..."

After that, Kalfa straightened his body and rushed towards the demon

"Goshawk Hunting!"

The demon stretched out his claws and wanted to hold the blade that was stabbing straight at him, but the next moment, Kalfa's figure appeared behind him, and Kalfa put the back of the knife on his shoulder

"Giant Bear Hunting!"

Kalfa turned forward for a circle and chopped the knife with all his strength. The demon raised his arm to block it. The blade collided with the demon's arm, but it was obvious that Kalfa was at a disadvantage

The demon swung his arm hard and directly hit the bear. Alfa was repelled far away, and the demon laughed and rushed towards Kalfa.

"Iai-style! Ridge!"

Kalfa swung his sword upwards, and was surrounded by white sword energy, forming a barrier.

But due to insufficient magic power, the demon smashed the barrier with just one collision, and then hit Kalfa's wound with a heavy elbow, knocking Kalfa into the air.

Then the demon jumped up, grabbed Kalfa's arm, and threw it heavily at the stone pillar on the ground.

With a loud bang, the stone pillar was smashed into pieces, burying Kalfa under the stone.

Miraje stumbled to the pile of stones, digging the rubble desperately, looking for Seeing Kalfa, the demon raised his arm and condensed a magic bullet.

Lisanna and Elfman held back their tears of fear and opened their arms to block Mirajane.

"Before, it was always Sister Mira and Brother Kalfa who protected us..."

"Now we have to protect them too!"

The demon laughed mockingly and fired a magic bullet. Mirajane hurriedly pushed Lisanna and Elfman away.


With a bang, the magic bullet exploded between the three people, blowing them all away.

Mirajane coughed up blood and looked up to the front. A person stood up in the ruins of the rock...Is that Kalfa? That's probably Kalfa...That's not Kalfa?

The man looked through the smoke. He had a pair of wide wings, huge horns on his head, a long and thick tail behind him, and monster-like claws on his hands and feet. But when the smoke cleared, the man's appearance was indeed Kalfa.

The demon looked at Kalfa with a little doubt for a few seconds, and threw a magic bullet at him again. Kalfa grabbed the demon's magic bullet and squeezed it lightly, and the magic bullet exploded instantly.


A crazy laugh resounded through the cave. With a grimace on his face, Kalfa rushed towards the demon at such a high speed that the demon didn't have time to react.

Kalfa's arms, or rather his claws, were attached with a dark purple magic power. He clenched his fists and smashed them hard on the demon's face.

Instantly, the demon's scales shattered like biscuits, and his head was bleeding.

Kalfa licked his bloody claws, and his eyes gradually became crazy and excited.

Kalfa raised his hands, and a dark purple magic ball condensed in his hands.

"Annihilation of Light!"

Kalfa dropped the magic ball, and a hemispherical purple light wave quickly expanded, enveloping Kalfa and the demon. The powerful energy caused the cave to tremble.

Then, look at Watching the demon groaning in pain on the ground, hesitating to say something, Kalfa raised his right leg and looked down at the demon with contempt

"Scum... Hahaha! Ridiculous! Pathetic!"

He stepped down hard, opening a huge hole in the demon's chest, and blood splashed on Kalfa's face

"Ha... Haha! Haha!"

Kalfa laughed crazily, lifted up the demon's body, and threw it into the sky with all his strength

Then Kalfa flapped his wings, flew into the air, and smashed the demon back to the ground with force. All of a sudden, a big hole was smashed on the ground

Kalfa fell back to the ground, looking at the demon's body soaked in blood, and there was a bit more madness and excitement in his terrifying eyes


Karfa picked up the demon's body and threw it against the stone wall. This throw directly embedded the demon's body on the stone wall.

With a smile on his face, Karfa walked towards the demon's body step by step, slowly raised his arm, and attached magic power.

"Smash it!"

He threw a punch with force, and blood splashed with bone fragments and meat. Then Karfa raised his other hand and punched left and right. He punched faster and faster, and became more and more excited.

"Haha! Hahaha! Haha~ Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Karfa laughed crazily. The demon's head had been smashed to pieces. Then Karfa smashed its chest again. Mouth, limbs, stomach...

Miraja covered Lisanna and Elfman's eyes, trembling all over, and looked at the crazy Calfa with tears in her eyes

After fighting for a few minutes, the demon's body had long been unrecognizable and bloody, and Calfa's face was full of enjoyment

Calfa raised his fist again and swung it down with all his strength, but his other claw suddenly grabbed his arm

Then Calfa knelt on the ground, shouting in pain

"Go back, Nidhogg!"

"Don't resist me! Isn't this good?! I can destroy all your enemies for you!"

"I don't need You must... stop occupying my body... Nidhogg!"

"Kalfa! ?"

The claws penetrated the scales and pierced into Kalfa's flesh and blood, blood splashed out, the pain woke Kalfa up, and the strange features on his body disappeared instantly

Kalfa raised his head exhausted and looked at Mirajane, and Mirajane recognized at a glance that the current Kalfa was the gentle boy she knew

Seeing that Mirajane and the others were safe, Kalfa forced out a smile and fainted

Mirajane rolled and crawled to Kalfa's side and lifted up Kalfa's body. At this time, Lisanna and Ai Elfman also dragged his embarrassed body over

"Sister Mira... Is Brother Calfa okay?"

"No... He must be okay!"

Miraja sniffed and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes

"Let's go! Take him to a nearby hospital!"

"But sister, how can we pay for the medical expenses?"

Miraja paused, carried Calfa's body, and moved with difficulty. Lisanna and Elfman quickly supported Miraja

"There will be a way! There must be a way..."

Miraja muttered, but her eyes went black, she fell forward, and fainted...

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