The tree was covered with blood, but the battle was over.

Before Minato Namikaze could react, he was hit in the abdomen by Chiyu. He hit the tree trunk hard and vomited blood.

Minato Namikaze really didn't expect that Chiyu would hit the mark and end the battle in an instant.

Qianyu walked to the front of Minato Namikaze, looked down at him and said: "You lost this competition."

Minato Namikaze wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Is this the new move you researched? The speed is really fast. Although it is still a thunderbolt flash, it is faster and has greater slashing power than the ordinary thunderbolt flash.

I didn't expect the gap between you and me to be so big, so big that I couldn't even take one of your moves. Qianyu, I lost this competition."

Qianyu looked at Minato Namikaze and said, "Why do you seem to be not depressed at all? Instead, you seem to be getting more and more excited. Logically, you regard me as your opponent and see the gap between you and me. , should be at least a little frustrated. "

Namikaze Minato smiled: "No, I won't, Chiyu, it is because I regard you as my opponent that I won't be frustrated. I am really excited now. I will keep working hard, starting from not being able to take one of your moves, gradually becoming stronger, and then taking one or two of your moves, until I catch up with you..."

Chiyu curled her lips: "Just be happy, it's really a boring competition."

When Chiyu turned around and was about to leave, Namikaze Minato asked: "Chiyu, you said before that your move was not completed, so just now, did you complete it?"

Chiyu paused, left a "no", and left directly.

Namikaze Minato took a breath of cold air.

Such a powerful move is still in an unfinished state.

Chiyu's One Form·Thunderbolt Flash·Speed ​​is indeed not completed.

The first form, Thunderbolt Flash, Super Speed, requires Qianyu to use the Lightning Chakra to stimulate the meridians of the legs to the maximum extent, and then burst out in one breath.

However, Qianyu can feel a clear sense of frustration when performing it, and the stimulation of the Thunder Chakra is not enough, and his speed can be faster.

It's just because his legs can't bear this speed now.

Now Qianyu's feet are still throbbing.

And the consumption is also very large.

But even the unfinished Thunderbolt Flash, Super Speed, is much faster than the ordinary Thunderbolt Flash.

And because it is also a derivative move of Thunderbolt Flash, Qianyu can perform it even if it is not completed.

Thunderbolt Flash, Super Speed ​​and the seventh form, Fire Thunder God, are two development directions.

Thunderbolt Flash, Super Speed ​​is to bring extreme power through extreme speed.

The Seventh Type, Fire Thunder God, is a unique skill created by combining other sword types. It is more comprehensive and slightly slower than Thunderbolt Flash, Super Speed.

Qianyu felt his sore legs and sighed slightly.

The practice of Thunderbolt Flash, Super Speed, still cannot be rushed.

Because it is not a simple practice that can succeed, the meridians of his legs must also keep up with the strength.

His legs must be able to withstand more stimulation of Thunder Chakra, perhaps to truly display Super Speed.

After Qianyu found a secluded place, he forgot about Minato Namikaze.

In his opinion, unless Minato Namikaze learned the Flying Thunder God Technique or the Sage Mode, he might be able to fight him.

Otherwise, even if he created the Rasengan, it would be useless.

Qianyu began today's consolidation practice.


The next morning.

The 32 ninjas who were still able to fight gathered again.

The commander of these 32 ninjas is still Orochimaru.

"Everyone, all of you, use the clone technique as much as possible, and then create a shadow clone, then gather in a team, keep the main body in the queue with the clone, and push the front line forward, Jiraiya!"

Hearing Orochimaru calling him, Jiraiya responded seriously: "Here!"

Orochimaru ordered Jiraiya: "Jiraiya, you and I are at the two ends of the team, summon the summoning beasts, and drive away the cloud ninjas with the summoning beasts! The fish that slip through the net will mainly be dealt with by the two of us!"

Jiraiya accepted Orochimaru's order and said in a low voice: "Yes!"

Orochimaru called again: "Chiyu!"

Chiyu stepped forward: "Here!"

Orochimaru ordered: "Here is a separate task for you. You have the fastest speed and the highest mobility. You are within 50 meters around the team.

Search, if you find the enemy, use the summoned beast to notify me immediately. "

Qianyu asked: "Teacher Orochimaru, is it just a simple reconnaissance?"

Orochimaru said coldly: "Kill if you are sure!"

Qianyu bowed and said: "Yes!"

Orochimaru looked at the other ninjas and ordered: "Other ninjas, unless the Cloud Ninjas really approach us, your task is to maintain the queue of shadow clones and clones as much as possible. Do you understand?"


Orochimaru announced: "Then start advancing the front now! After advancing to ten kilometers, set traps nearby and guard the front, and then follow my orders at any time to act!"

A group of ninjas began to separate shadow clones and clones and began to form teams.

Jiraiya noticed that Namikaze Minato's face was very ugly, frowned and asked: "Minato, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly? Didn't you rest well yesterday? "

Namikaze Minato shook his head and said, "I'm fine, Jiraiya-sensei, it won't affect the battle."

Jiraiya said, "Then be careful, don't be too stubborn."

Everyone has already separated their shadow clones and clones.

Even if a ninja can separate one shadow clone, there will be seven clones with five clones.

32 people, seven each, it looks like there are more than 200 people, it looks like a good scale.

Orochimaru nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go now!"

The ninjas began to advance forward under the leadership of Orochimaru and Jiraiya.

And Chiyu also began to act alone, conducting reconnaissance within a range of 50 meters around the team.

In the first two kilometers, Chiyu did not find anything.

But from two kilometers on, Chiyu noticed that there was gradually movement.

Chiyu made seals with both hands and pressed one hand on the ground.

"Ten Thousand Snakes Formation! "

Compared to Orochimaru who spewed out a large number of snakes from his mouth, Qianyu summoned a large number of snakes directly from his sleeves.

Qianyu ordered these snakes to spread out and report the intelligence they had found to him.

At the same time, Qianyu summoned a small black snake from the Dragon Cave.

"Go find Teacher Orochimaru and tell him that there is movement now, and let them pay attention."

"Yes! Master Qianyu!"

The little black snake twisted its body and left quickly.


Several snakes returned to Qianyu, wrapped around his arms, and reported the situation they had found to Qianyu.

"Is a three-person team investigating?"

A cold light flashed in Qianyu's eyes, and he tightened the ninja sword in his hand.

It's time to fight!

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