The two of them were very happy.

"Join... Fairy Tail?"

Kalfa was stunned and looked at Makarov in disbelief.

"Yes, you will be wandering around anyway, so why not stay? If you want to learn magic, there are plenty of magic books in the guild library~"

Makarov looked at Calfa sincerely

"How is it?"

Kalfa scratched his head and looked at the sleeping Mirajane and the others

"This matter... I can't make a decision alone."

Makarov smiled

"I asked your friends, and they said they would listen to you. If you stay, they will stay, and if you leave, they will continue to follow you~"

Kalfa was still hesitant and did not give an answer. Makarov was concerned about this. Not surprising

"It's okay. If you're unsure, you can go to the guild for a few days and try it out. Otherwise, you should take a break, right?"

"Will that... not be too much trouble for you?"

"No, it's better to have a lively guild! There are a few more kids in the guild recently, so you don't have to worry about having no friends~"


After Makarov's earnest invitation, Kalfa finally nodded slightly

"When they wake up, I'll ask them. If they have no objection... we'll go to the guild to find you."

Makarov nodded with satisfaction, jumped off the bench, and walked away slowly

"Okay, it's a deal. Our guild will go east from here. In the town, it is a wooden tavern, very easy to recognize! I am free anytime these two days~"

Kalfa nodded and said goodbye to Makarov respectfully

"Okay, I will bother you when the time comes!"


Early in the morning of the next day, Mirajane climbed up from Calfa, stretched a huge lazy waist, and looked at the sunlight through the curtains with sleepy eyes

"Thank you for your hard work, Mira, did you rest well?"

Calfa smiled slightly, Mirajane was stunned at first, then immediately reacted, looked up at Calfa looking at him with a smile, and hugged him excitedly

"Great, Calfa, you are finally awake!"

Calfa raised his hand and touched Mirajane's head, smiling and saying

"Sorry, I made you worry."

Mirajane blushed and shook her head, raising her head from Calfa

"No, I'm glad you're okay~"

Calfa stared at Mirajane lying on him, pondered for a while, and said

"Mira, do you know the Wizard Guild?"

Mirajane turned around and sat on the bed, looking at Calfa

"That old man also told you, right? He invited us to join his guild..."

"Yes, he said we can go to the guild during these few days of recuperation... What do you think?"

Mirajane lowered her head, was silent for a while, and didn't speak

"It doesn't matter, just say whatever you think."

"I think... it's pretty good. After all, Lisanna and Elfman haven't made friends because of me. Maybe I can help them make friends by taking this opportunity. "

Kalfa nodded

"Then let's go to the guild and take a look~"

Miraje hesitated for a while

"Or I will..."

"No, we have to go together."

"Then, let's go together..."

Kalfa got off the bed, put on his shoes, and patted his shoulder

"Okay, don't think about anything else. Going to the Wizard Guild will surely help you learn magic!"

Hearing Karfa's comfort, Miraje's burden was immediately relieved

Then, the two called Lisanna and Elfman who were helping Polucca to work and set off for Fairy Tail


"Is this the place? "

Lisana looked up and saw a huge tavern

"Yes, it says fairy tail on it~"

Kalfa pointed at the sign on the tavern

"Brother Karlfa, we don't know how to read..."

Kalfa smiled awkwardly

"Sorry, I'll find time to teach you how to read later."

Miraje clenched his fist nervously and poked Karlfa

"Will you go in?"

Kalfa smiled helplessly

"Of course~"

After saying that, Karlfa walked up and knocked on the door

Dong, dong, bang!

Kalfa hadn't finished knocking on the door when he heard a loud noise coming from inside the house.

"Flame bastard! Stop right there!"

"Catch me! Ice exhibitionist~!"

The door of the guild was slammed open, and a boy with cherry hair and a boy with black hair ran out of the guild, followed by a girl with crimson hair

"Natsu! Gray! No fighting!"

Calfa rubbed his head, which was red from being hit by the door

"What's going on... are you having a conflict?"

Mirajah couldn't help but mutter, watching the people running away

"Yo~ you're finally here!"

Makarov raised his cane and knocked on Calfa's shoulder

"Come in quickly! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Calfa looked down and saw Makarov holding a wine glass and pouring wine into his mouth

"Well, then we Sorry to bother you."

Carfa took Mirajane's hand and followed Makarov inside

After entering, the layout of the guild was exactly the same as that of a tavern. It was full of people smoking and drinking. Some of them looked at Carfa and his friends curiously

A blue-haired man leaned against the bar and joked to Makarov

"Hey, President, did you kidnap the kid again?"

Makarov jumped up and hit the man on the head with his cane

"I didn't kidnap him! Makao, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll knock your head off!"

"Really~ People get mad when they get old!"

Makao covered his head and smiled

"Hey, kids, enjoy your guild when you come! Oh, by the way! Be careful not to get along with a guy with a crew cut. Dealing with a guy who loves to smoke is a pervert~"

Makarov waved his hand

"Go away, go drink, and don't talk nonsense and scare the children!"

After Makarov sent Makao away, he continued to walk inside with a few people until he came to a separate small room

"Come in, this is the president's office, it's quieter."

"Mr. Makarov, these few days... we want to stay in the guild first and try it out, is that okay?"

"Of course~ Do you have a place to stay? If not, I can help you arrange it!"

Carfa shook his head

"Don't bother you, we can just find a hotel ourselves."

Carfa suddenly thought of something and asked

"Mr. Makarov, is there any reception for wizards here?" "

"Ah, is it about learning to receive magic?"

Makarov stroked his beard and thought for a while

"Now that you mention it... it seems that there is really no book about receiving magic~ But there is a book about receiving magic in the guild, I will take you to find it later!"

Kalfa nodded

"Thank you, Mr. Makarov~"

"It's okay~ No need to be so polite!"

Makarov waved his hand generously, motioning for a few people to go with him, and prepared to take a few people to the guild library

"Oh, by the way, kid, your name is...Kalfa?"

"Yes, may I ask... what's wrong?"

"It's okay~ It just feels a little familiar, I always feel like I've heard it somewhere..."

Kalfa was confused for a moment, but didn't say anything, and continued to follow Makarov

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