After Cana agreed to join Fairy Tail, a grand banquet was held in the guild. Everyone warmly welcomed Cana's arrival, they put their hands on each other's shoulders and hummed cheerful songs. Makao and Wakaba were there shouting"Bring the wine", and Lidas painted this scene on his drawing board. At this time, Lidas was still very thin, and the whole guild was immersed in a lively atmosphere.

Leila and Cana sat aside, watching the people in the guild laughing and playing, and Leila said to Cana:"As for me, I have no father and no mother, but fortunately I was rescued and taken in by my grandfather. But then he had something to do, and he had no choice but to let me join this guild. The people in this guild are very nice, they are lively like this every day, and every guild member treats each other as family."

Cana nodded vigorously and agreed deeply. Although this guild is a bit noisy, everyone is really happy.

"By the way, Kana, do you have a place to go? If not, the guild has a girls' dormitory."Laila suddenly remembered that Kana was still young and might not be able to work independently, so it would be better for her to live in the guild's girls' dormitory.

"Well, the president has just told me that he will take me there."Kana felt Leila's concern and answered seriously.

Leila looked up at Makarov, whose face was red and still clamoring for a drink, and sighed helplessly:"This old man is still very thoughtful, but he really won't let me down."

Of course, Makarov did not disappoint Leila. After the banquet, he was already drunk. Leila saw that it was getting late, so she led Kana to Makarov.

"Hey, Kana, are you enjoying your drink?" Makarov was holding up his glass, ready to drink it all, when he suddenly found Leila and Kana standing beside him, and asked without thinking

"Old man, didn't you say you were going to send Kana to the girls' dormitory?" Leila was speechless when she saw Makarov still talking nonsense.

"Ah, yes, don't panic, Kana, I'll take you there right away. Makarov was stunned for a moment, apparently forgetting about this matter, and then he put down the wine in a panic and stood up, but he wanted to fall down as soon as he stood up.

"Forget it, I'll take her there, and you should go back as well, old man." Leila saw that Makarov was unsteady on his feet, so she quickly stepped forward to support him.

"Well, thank you, Leila, be careful on the road."After Leila said this, Makarov quickly stood firm, then held Leila's hand and said with a smile on his face

"Haha, I will."Seeing this, Leila guessed the old man's little thoughts directly, that he just wanted to continue drinking, so she answered with gritted teeth. Then, he said to Kana who was standing obediently beside him:"Kana, let's go"

"Well, goodbye, Grandpa President." Kana extended her hand and politely said goodbye to Makarov, who smiled and raised his hand in response.

Leila led Kana, holding the small package Kana was carrying, and Kana led her dog, out of the guild gate, turned right and walked towards Fairy Hill.

It was called this name because the girls' dormitory was built on a small hill. However, the girls' dormitory is very close to the guild. Go to the right and walk past a few houses, then cross a stone bridge, and you can see the dormitory. Finally, climb a small slope, and you will see a sign with the words"FAIRY HILLS"The entire girls' dormitory is in the shape of an I, with three floors, and a long corridor in the middle connecting the rooms on both sides.

Before she reached the door, a woman pushed it open, as if she had noticed something that shouldn't be in the girls' dormitory. She stared at Leila and asked,"Boys? Don't you know this is a girls' dormitory?"

"Oh, grandma, the old man drank too much, so he asked me to bring Kana to you." Leila quickly explained her purpose, otherwise Grandma Hilda would really beat her.

After hearing Leila's explanation, Grandma Hilda let him go and turned to look at Kana who was standing there obediently.

"You must be Kana, right? Makarov has already told me. I'll take you to your room." Grandma Hilda took Kana's hand, glanced fiercely at Leila, and was about to go back to the dormitory.

Kana looked back at Leila, who smiled and waved at her:"Kana, I'm leaving now. Let grandma take you back to your room. See you tomorrow."

""Well, OK." Kana agreed, watching Leila leave, and then followed Granny Hilda into the dormitory hall.

Granny Hilda arranged a room for Kana at the front desk of the hall and prepared some daily necessities.

She also helped Kana register her personal information, and then took her to a room on the first floor and laid out the sheets and quilts for her.

Granny Hilda asked Kana if she needed toiletries or other items, but Kana said that she had brought daily necessities and did not need to prepare.

Granny Hilda arranged the room for Kana very carefully, and then introduced the whole room to her.

After confirming that Kana did not need anything, she pushed the door open and left, and when closing the door, she reminded Kana to take a shower before going to bed, and if she was afraid in the middle of the night, she could call her at any time.

After Leila left the girls' dormitory, when she passed the guild, she happened to see Makarov standing at the door and preparing to close the door. Just after Makarov closed the door of the guild, he turned around and found Leila's figure.

"Send Kana over?"


"That's good. You should go home early too."

"Okay, got it."

After Makarov talked to Leila for a few words, he staggered away with the bottle of wine.

Although it was a little late, Leila did not use magic to go back directly, but strolled along the street. Everything happened very quickly. He was not fully prepared yet, but the plan had already begun. He just hoped that nothing would happen during the period.

The next day, Leila came to the guild early. There were not many people in the guild. He looked around and did not find any trace of Kana. He thought that she should not have woken up yet. Unlike me, I am so diligent. If August heard it, he would definitely hit her with a stick.

On the other hand, Kana had already After getting up, I was shopping with Granny Hilda. It turned out that Granny Hilda noticed that Kana's daily necessities had been used for a long time and were a little worn out, so she insisted on buying some new daily necessities and clothes for Kana. After buying things, the two returned to the dormitory and placed the items in the room.

Kana thanked Granny Hilda and said that she would repay her after she started working and making money. However, Granny Hilda said no, and also said,"Don't be a wizard anymore."

Kana was confused by this and didn't know why Granny Hilda said so, so she walked towards the guild with doubts.

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