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This dreamlike city is the magic named"Time-Eating City" by Charlotte.

As the name suggests, this is a"city" that can"swallow time".

Charlotte looked at everything in the Time-Eating City with an indifferent and cold expression. Only the blue pointer on the clock in his left eye was turning slowly.

As the pointer turned, the modified rules in the void of the Time-Eating City began to change, and invisible waves descended into it.

"What is this?"

Soon, the ghosts in the crowd all discovered this"magnificent wonder" that appeared at some unknown time.

However, no one answered their questions.

Soon, their faces changed drastically.

"My magic!"

"What's going on? My magic power is fading!"

"My hands, my body, how could this happen!"

Frightened voices began to be heard from Ghost and others. They were horrified to find that the magic power stored in their bodies began to dissipate unconsciously.

Moreover, the few people with the lowest magic power found that all parts of their bodies became wrinkled. In just a moment, the originally normal skin became like dead wood, the hair turned gray and began to fall off, the pupils began to dilate, and the eye sockets gradually sunken. In the blink of an eye, they changed from young and middle-aged people to old men who were entering their twilight years and had not much time left.

The face aged in the blink of an eye! It's nothing more than that!

This is the power of the rules changed by the 'City of Time Eating', the power of 'swallowing time'.

As mentioned in the preface, for any magician, , magic power is closely related to their lives. The more powerful the magician, the more so. Just like Makarov, whose magic power was taken away by the Four Elements' Aria, without his magic power, his life was like a candle in the wind, crumbling.

And when the"Time-Eating City" devours their time, it is also devouring their magic power.

Among them, those magicians with low magic power, the magic power in their bodies is"devoured" in just a moment. It is precisely because of their too much and low magic power that even if their magic power is all"devoured", it will not affect their lives.

However, without their magic power, the power of the"Time-Eating City" will naturally operate directly on their real lives. Devouring time is actually devouring life......

The tragic situation in the City of Eating Time is still there.

"I.....I am dying....."

One of the Phantom Wizards, who had just entered his prime but was like an old man in his twilight years, felt the last flame of life in his weak body fading away. His old face showed a miserable expression, and finally, as the last ray of light in his eyes faded, he fell down, and his breath of life completely disappeared.

Such a scene was played out in the City of Time.

In a moment, nearly one-third of the Phantom members fell down, and another one-third continued to fall down. Only the most elite one-third, whose magic power was slightly stronger, could barely resist.

After all, this was a range-type group magic involving rules, and the effects produced when facing wizards of different magic levels were not the same.

From this, it can be seen that although the number of Phantom members is large, their strength is uneven. Obviously, Joseph has completely ignored the quality of the lower-level members in his pursuit of the first guild in the kingdom. As long as there are many, there are cases of ants biting elephants to death. It is not uncommon in the magic world.

Since he learned this magic half a year ago, this was the first time that Charlotte used it on a human wizard. Although he was still a little unfamiliar with it, and the effect it had only been exerted was at the most basic stage, Charlotte was very satisfied.

He looked in one direction, and the corner of his mouth curled up. His right eye, which still maintained its normal appearance, flashed with a cold light.

That direction was exactly where the ghost soldiers created by Joseph gathered in large numbers.

However, at this moment, the ghost soldiers were under the influence of the power of the"City of Time Eating", and the situation was not optimistic. Although they were not living beings and did not exist in"time", they were all created by Joseph's magic.

All of these ghost soldiers were without exception floating with black air. The magic power from Joseph slowly disappeared, and countless ghost soldiers disappeared in an instant.

Group attack! ?

It's just a joke!

Not far away, Fairy Tail and the others outside the"Time Eating City" were stunned by the strange scenes. Their eyes were finally focused on Charlotte, who was leading all of this. They were filled with doubts and curiosity! ?

What exactly is his magic! ?

"What a domineering magic!"Even Erza, who was always calm, took a breath after seeing the power of the 'City of Time Eating', and murmured solemnly

"Magic that takes away other people's time?" Mira pursed her lips and thought secretly. Knowing Charlotte's ability, she could naturally infer the ability of Charlotte's magic from those who were affected by the 'Time-Eating City'.

It is worth mentioning that although most of the people in Fairy Tail are kind and merciful, after seeing Charlotte use such a domineering magic to directly wipe out nearly half of the members of the Phantom, although many girls felt a little bit reluctant, no one had the idea of speaking out to stop it.

Because they all understood that this time the Phantom went to war with them just to destroy their guild and kill them. As a qualified wizard, they all understood that being kind to the enemy is cruel to themselves.

Therefore, their kindness and mercy are for those kind people and ordinary people, not for....The enemy!

What's more, their leader is in critical condition because of the ghost. How can they have any mercy on the ghost? They want to kill him as soon as possible!

At this time, a roar suddenly sounded.

"Iron Dragon Stick!"

I saw a pitch-black iron stick the size of an adult's arm, stretched out from a distance, and flew towards Charlotte's face.

However, Charlotte seemed to have expected this. Before the iron stick hit his face, he tilted his head slightly, dodged the iron stick, raised his right hand, grabbed the iron stick with five fingers, and held it tightly in his hand.

At the same time, his eyes followed the direction of the iron stick to the figure at the end.

It was the vice president of Phantom, Iron Dragon Slayer Gajeel, and this iron stick was his Iron Dragon Arm........


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