Listening to the"lies" Charlotte told Wendy, Xia Lulu said nothing, but there was an inexplicable brilliance in her eyes when she looked at Charlotte.

Although she had not been in this world for a long time and had not seen the strongest people in this world, after witnessing Charlotte's battle just now, she had an inexplicable premonition in her heart that the person in front of her was very likely one of the strongest people in the world. Even though what she saw was only the tip of the iceberg of Charlotte's strength, for some reason, her premonition was particularly strong.

Charlotte had no idea what the little white cat was thinking at this moment. Now he had taken Wendy and continued to walk deeper into the sea of trees.

"Although the Fairy Tail team and the Snake Princess team encountered some troubles in the battle, they both said that they would be able to resolve the battle in a short while. Senior Charlotte, where are you?"The voice in my mind came again.

"I'm done here."Charlotte said calmly.


Xiang paused for a moment, then reacted:"As expected of Senior Charlotte!"

As Charlotte went deeper into the forest, he discovered that there were many pitch-black trees in the forest, and the deeper he went, the more such trees there were. They were most likely affected by Nirvana.

For some reason, in the following time, Charlotte never met anyone from the Six Demons or their guilds. Instead, he learned from Xiang that the other two teams had frequent battles, and even the members of the two teams were separated during the battle......


Gray, Leon Shirley and the other two somehow got together in the sea of trees. However, the three of them were in a bad situation. Many parts of their bodies were injured, and they were all panting. It was obvious that their physical strength was seriously depleted.

Opposite the three of them, Lightning Lisa, one of the six demons, looked at them with ease.

"I've said it before, you have no chance of winning against absolute speed." Lisa taunted.

"This arrogant guy." Gray gritted his teeth and looked at Lisa.

Leon on the side did not speak, but from time to time he looked at the birds in the sky. Although he seemed silent, he had already started to think of a solution.

"I say, do you need any help?" A voice that was a little lazy and indifferent came.

Charlotte, wearing a moon-white robe, appeared beside them. He held the little loli Wendy in his left hand very skillfully, and the proud little white cat named Xia Lulu also lay on Charlotte's shoulder very skillfully.

In Charlotte's mind, there was a conceptual map of the sea of trees, which was transmitted by Xiang using the"ancient text" magic. It also marked the positions of other members of the coalition. That's why Charlotte could quickly support various places, and Gray's place was the closest and most dangerous battlefield to him.

And with Charlotte's speed, it would be a quick thing for him to support.

"Charlotte." Gray looked at Charlotte who suddenly appeared with surprise.

Shirley and Leon breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Charlotte coming. Although Leon had basically found the flaws of Lightning Lisa and had made a plan to deal with him, the implementation of the plan was somewhat difficult. But now that the strongest man of their coalition had arrived, he didn't need to think about these things.

"Red Lotus Charlotte."

Lissa, who had originally looked relaxed, could not help but change her expression slightly after seeing Charlotte. She was no longer relaxed, but looked serious.

"Humph, even if you come, what can you do? In front of my speed, even you have no chance of winning." After a moment of seriousness, perhaps thinking of the power of her magic, Lisa became arrogant again.

"The angel Angel was also arrogant like you in front of me, but she fell. I don't know if all of you six demons are so arrogant, but if you are not strong enough, the consequences of being arrogant can be disastrous."

Charlotte's voice was calm, but what he said made it difficult for Lisa to remain calm. Anger was almost uncontrollable in his heart.

Since the establishment of the 'Six Demon Generals', he had never been despised and humiliated like this.

"Then let me tell you with my speed whether my strength can be arrogant or not!"

The moment the voice fell, Lisa's figure turned into a golden light like lightning and rushed towards Charlotte.


Almost in the same way as Lisa's action, Charlotte also burst out with an extremely fast speed in an instant. Before rushing out, he did not forget to put down the little Wendy in his arms, and the little white cat on his shoulder also flew up in advance very cleverly.

"Let me treat you first."After being put down by Charlotte, Wendy took small steps to Gray and the others, and said with a blushing face.

Seeing this, the three of them smiled kindly at Wendy. During the treatment, their eyes were fixed on the fight between Lisa and Charlotte, but the two fought so fast that they could not see clearly.

When fighting with Lisa, Charlotte's brows slightly frowned, but soon relaxed again, and a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.

So that's it!

"It turns out that your so-called lightning speed is just deliberately created because of reducing my physical sense. Your name of Lightning is really ridiculous!" After passing by Lisa, Charlotte sneered and mocked. She did n't expect that her magic would be discovered by the other party so quickly, and Charlotte used it to mock her. Lisa was shocked and angry:"Even if you know it, what can you leave my physical sense field and fight with me!"

"As long as I'm in my area, I'm the fastest Lightning Lisa!"

"The fastest speed!? That's it!?"

Charlotte sneered, and at the same time, blue light began to flash in his eyes, and a loud voice rang out:"If this is the fastest speed for you, then what is mine!"

Time acceleration x10!

Charlotte stopped talking nonsense and directly used the Eye of Time to buff himself!

Under the ten-fold time acceleration, Charlotte's speed reached an incredible level. In an instant, all around Lisa were covered by Charlotte's countless afterimages.

Lisa was horrified to find that even when Charlotte felt the impact, he could not accurately capture the other party's figure. The sound of breaking wind like lightning came into his ears from all directions.......


Please order the whole set!!! Please order the whole set!!!

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