Space vs. Time!

In that instant of collision, the winner was immediately determined.

In Charlotte's time domain, Dark Night's space distortion power had no effect at all.

In mid-air, Cobra, standing on Qiuberios' back, also saw Dark Night's magic fail for the first time. While he was surprised, he also realized that it was time for him to take action.

"The poisonous dragon's fangs!"

The poisonous mist formed fangs one by one, like a shotgun, shooting towards the coalition forces below.

As a dragon slayer, all his attacks were highly toxic. The coalition forces who had seen Erza poisoned before were extremely cautious when they saw Cobra's attack.

""Iron Wall!"

Jura pointed his two fingers forward, and a huge rock wall rose from the ground, blocking all the fangs.


Dark Night, who was originally panicked because of the failure of magic, suddenly laughed. He stared at the coalition forces with a vicious look and said with a grin:"Since my magic can't work on you, I can only let you see how terrifying I really am. Feel the fear, guys of light!" As soon as the words fell, Dark Night's body suddenly swelled up, and under the horrified eyes of the coalition forces, he turned into a huge monster like a demon.

"When it comes to the dark night, my distortion will reach its limit! Hahahaha!" In the midst of crazy laughter, the dark night said some incomprehensible words.

"Compared to the dark night, I still like light more!"

Charlotte raised the corner of his mouth and said something that puzzled the coalition forces.


Charlotte flashed and rushed out suddenly.

See through the illusion and tell the truth!

In his azure eyes, the power of time surged. Charlotte's sight passed through the distorted light. In his pupils, the true appearance of the dark night was reflected. The huge and ugly body like a demon was shattered like an illusion.

Distort the light and transform into the dark night!

It's a pity that in front of the eyes of time, all illusions are bubbles, and the dark night will eventually turn into light. Bang!

When Charlotte's palm fell on the dark night, the latter had returned to his original appearance. Until he was slapped by Charlotte and hit the wall of the palace behind him, his face still maintained an incredible expression.

"I'll leave this to you. I'll go deal with Brian. Remember, this guy's magic can't cause distortion to the human body."

After the attack, Charlotte didn't make any further moves. Instead, a strange color flashed in his eyes. He suddenly turned his head and said to the coalition forces behind him. After that, he rushed into the palace.

"Was that an illusion just now?"

The coalition army members thought belatedly. Of course, Erza had an artificial eye, so like Charlotte, she saw through the illusion created by the distorted light of Dark Night at the first time, but her action was not as fast as Charlotte's.

It is worth mentioning that this time, no one in the coalition was surprised that Charlotte was able to see through Dark Night's illusion at a glance and knock him down. Obviously, the powerful strength that Charlotte had shown time and time again before had made them immune to Charlotte's strength.

In their opinion, Charlotte was already so strong that they could not recognize it, and it would not be surprising if he was stronger.

What six demon generals, they kept saying how strong they were before the crusade, but in the end, they could only fight them. When they met Charlotte, they were killed in one second.

It was Charlotte who could obviously get rid of Dark Night completely but did not do so. Instead, he told them and ran to the palace to find Brian alone, which made them feel a little strange. Strange.

But after a quick thought, they immediately understood the 'reason'.

It was obvious that this time, it was basically Charlotte who took action among the six demons. The others, except for dealing with some minions, were basically just playing soy sauce or even dragging their feet. In their opinion, the reason why Charlotte did not continue to take action was to give them a chance to perform or hone their skills, so that they would not appear to have no sense of existence in this coalition.

In fact, Charlotte was worried that they were not opponents, so he specifically told them the weaknesses of Dark Night. In this way, if they still could not win after knowing the opponent's weaknesses and having absolute numbers to suppress them, it would be really unreasonable.

It can be said that Charlotte was really worried about them.

After thinking about the cause and effect, everyone in the coalition was eager to look at Dark Night and Cobra. Charlotte had done this, and they must not let him down.

Charlotte dealt with Brian, and they dealt with Dark Night and Cobra.

King against king, general against general!


Xia Luo, who had already entered the palace, had no idea that a group of people would come up with so many messed-up things after he left.

Admittedly, he told everyone about An Ye's weakness because he was worried that they could not defeat him, but the reason why he did not continue to attack An Ye was definitely not what they imagined.

"Haha, Red Lotus Charlotte, Nirvana has already started, you are too late!"Inside the palace, Brian sneered at Charlotte who had arrived.

At this time, there were only three black stripes on Brian's face. When Tianyan Hete Ai turned against him, the black stripes corresponding to him disappeared.

"Let's put Nirvana aside for now. I came here mainly to find you."Charlotte said calmly.

"Huh?"Brian frowned. He didn't understand what Charlotte meant.

""The enemy is in front of you, Tia, come out!" Charlotte said softly with a smile.

Then, a wall of the palace beside him suddenly decayed, and a charming figure walked in, holding a crystal ball in her hand.

""Lord Charlotte."

The person who came was Urrutia.

Urrutia first bowed respectfully to Charlotte, then turned to look at Brian with hatred.

""Ultia, how come you are here!"

Brian said in surprise. Of course, he knew Urrutia. You know, he was the one who gave the latter to Hades. Urrutia's magic talent was so strong that even he was moved. Otherwise, he would not have deliberately kept her in the Magic Development Bureau.

But later, in order to get the news about Nirvana from Hades, no matter how much he valued Urrutia, he had to reluctantly let her go.

"Are you surprised? I came here for only one purpose, and that is to kill you, Brian!" Urrutia said coldly.


After just a moment, Brian figured it all out and said calmly,"It seems like you already know what happened."

"Is it related to him?" Brian turned his gaze to Charlotte and said in a deep voice:"It seems that no matter how many of us underestimated you, who would have thought that Urrutia, the leader of the seven followers of the Demon Heart Purgatory, would actually be your subordinate. You are really well hidden, Red Lotus Charlotte!"

"Now you have exposed your relationship so openly in front of me, which means you are absolutely sure to kill me!".......


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