In fact, the legend of the red lotus is not only known in the dark world, but also in many regular guilds and councils. Many people know about it, but they don’t have the ability to look for it like the people in the dark guild.

After all, since this person only attacked the dark guild, he belongs to their light side, so they are more curious about the identity of the owner of the red lotus. Of course, they also talked about this matter privately. The owner of the red lotus that caused a legend in the dark world is naturally Charlotte.

Although Charlotte himself knows that his deeds in the past two years have caused quite a stir in the dark world, he doesn’t care. The people in the dark guild are looking for him, and he is also looking for people from the dark guild............

Half a month later.

In the port city of Hargeon.

Early in the morning, a hint of white just rose in the sky, and the sky began to brighten.

In a small house in a row of houses near the sea, a black-haired man in a black shirt rubbed his slightly sleepy eyes, opened the window, stretched his body, looked at the clear blue sky outside the window, and sighed:

"It's another sunny day!"

Seeing people starting to appear on the street below, the black-haired man suddenly shouted to a middle-aged man in front of his door,"Hey, isn't this Uncle Kru! Going fishing so early!"

Hearing the shout, the middle-aged man Kru turned around immediately, and when he saw the black-haired man in front of the window, he said with obvious surprise in his tone,"Charlotte, you are at home, it's so rare to see you!"

This black-haired man is naturally our protagonist Charlotte.

Feeling the deep surprise in Kru's tone, Charlotte scratched his hair, laughed and said,"Yeah, I just came back yesterday!"

"You kid!" Kru also laughed and said,"How about it, if I meet you back once, do you want to go fishing with me? I will treat you to a seafood dinner tonight!"

""Wow!" Charlotte rubbed her stomach and said loudly,"After hearing what you said, Uncle Crewe, my stomach can't help but growl. But forget about going out to sea to fish, I haven't had breakfast yet!"

""Okay." Although Charlotte refused, Kru didn't care much and said with a smile,"In that case, go and have breakfast. I'll leave first.""

"Well! I wish you good fishing!"

"That's for sure!"

Kru nodded to Charlotte and walked towards the pier. He knew very little about the handsome boy who lived next door to him. He only knew that he bought the uninhabited house next door to him a year ago and moved in.

Because they were neighbors, they had met many times and got along well.

But what made Kru complain was that this boy named Charlotte seemed to like traveling far away, and each time he left for at least ten days or half a month, resulting in the fact that he saw Charlotte only a few times in a year. He was very puzzled by this strange behavior, and he, who always had the mentality of a young man, was once very confused. I wonder if I am really old and can no longer understand the world of young people.

On the other side.

Seeing Kru's figure disappear at the end of the road, Charlotte did not leave immediately to eat, but continued to lie on the balcony to admire this beautiful port city.

Judging from the conversation between Charlotte and Kru just now, Charlotte's personality has changed drastically compared to two years ago. At that time, he always had a cold and indifferent look that kept strangers away. Not to mention chatting and laughing with others like he did just now, even ordinary people saw him and felt the indifference, and they didn't even dare to get close to him.

Has Charlotte changed?

The answer can be said to be yes, and also no!

What has changed is the way he gets along with others. The way he does things has not changed, but his heart has not changed.

In the past two years, Charlotte has traveled almost all over the Kingdom of Fiore. He has experienced many things and met many people, but his heart has never changed. It's just that now, compared to two years ago, he is better at hiding his emotions. When facing different people, he will also choose different ways to get along with them, instead of always being cold like he was in the past two years.

It's just like facing the ordinary fisherman uncle who lives next door to him.

In the eyes of that uncle, Charlotte is just a sunny boy with a cheerful personality.

The only difference is that he is a little more handsome.

For example, half a month ago, when Charlotte faced the dark magic of"Blood Tide", When he was a mentor, in the eyes of those people, Charlotte was no different from a demon.

Of course, the only one who had such an idea was the vampire Jet, the president of the Blood Tide, because the others had never seen Charlotte's methods until they died, let alone any thoughts in their hearts.

Rather than saying it is a change, it is better to say that it is a kind of growth!

Two years ago, Charlotte, who had just left Hualuo Village, was just a miserable teenager who had just experienced the destruction of his family. He did not know how to hide his emotions and did not want to.

Two years and countless experiences are enough to make him grow up and know how to hide his emotions better. At least in front of people he knows and recognizes, his emotions hidden deep in his heart will not be revealed......

However, his change may have something to do with what the girl said to him two years ago.

【Because when he smiles, Brother Charlotte is the most handsome!

Whenever he thinks of this, Charlotte can't help but smile gently. As a brother, how can he lie to his sister?

However, when he thinks of this, he also thinks of another promise he made at the beginning, and then he becomes sad. After two years, the little girl must have hated him to death......

A soft sigh sounded from the balcony.

"Hey, take some time to go see them during this period. Fairy Tail seems to be in Magnolia......"

To be continued.....


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