The impact on Erza and the others was not because their bodies became heavy, nor because the space that carried them became thicker, but because the flow of time in the area they were in changed. The flow of time slowed down, and their movements naturally slowed down.

The moves that Charlotte used this time were different from the time acceleration he used in the past. When he used"time acceleration" before, he only blessed it on himself, making his own time flow faster, achieving the effect of doubling both the movement speed and the attack speed.

With the blessing of this time acceleration ability, within a short distance, Charlotte's speed, in the eyes of ordinary people, is like teleportation! Only in the eyes of those truly powerful wizards can they catch some of his movement trajectories.

And this time, he used the time deceleration ability that is completely opposite to time acceleration. Since it is time deceleration, he naturally will not bless himself, but act on others!

Through the"Eye of Time", relying on his strong spiritual will, it spreads to an area and allows it to descend in the form of a domain.

In this area, except for himself, everything will be affected by the slowing down of time.

People in this area will be affected differently by the slowing down of time according to their own strength, but the specific situation depends on the form.

Of course, there is an exception. That is, if someone in the area has a spiritual will that can surpass the owner of this area, Charlotte, then as long as he knows how to use his spiritual will, he may be able to forcefully break this area.

However, if someone really does this, then Charlotte will definitely give him two words: looking for death!........

At this time, in the station,

Lucy, the weakest and most affected member of the strongest team, suddenly exclaimed, and her speech speed slowed down a lot:

"Look, the wind wall seems to be disappearing!"

Without Lucy's reminder, the other people had already noticed the changes in the Magic Wind Wall, and they all stared at it nervously. The Magic Wind Wall, which was originally rotating at high speed, seemed to have lost its power. The speed of rotation became abnormally slow, and the overall appearance was even thinner. You could even vaguely see the outside world through the gap.

In the field of time deceleration, if the wind loses its speed, can it continue to rotate to form a storm?

The answer is naturally no!

Soon, the Magic Wind Wall, which had lost its ability to rotate at high speed, was like ordinary wind, floating in the air, and everything outside the station was exposed to everyone's vision again.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Fairy Tail shouted in their hearts, and their expressions were even more excited. The Magic Wind Wall that trapped them disappeared. What else could stop them?

Erza looked at Charlotte's back in front of her, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. This person really gave her a big surprise!

But in the next moment, Erza only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and then she saw Charlotte's body blurry, and disappeared directly on the spot, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

No However, Erza knew that Charlotte did not disappear out of thin air just now, but it was an illusion caused by the speed being too fast, because Erza caught Charlotte's moving trajectory at that moment.

But, that was all.

Erza asked herself, the speed Charlotte had just burst out at that moment, even if she changed into the"Flying Armor" in her armor that could greatly increase the speed, she could not reach that speed.

Who is this person called"Charlotte"! ? Why have I never heard of him before?!

Whether it is the mysterious domain ability that was used before, or the The terrifying speed that broke out in an instant made Charlotte look mysterious in Erza's eyes.

Lucy and Natsu seemed to have had contact with this person before, so we can ask them when the time comes!

Speaking of Natsu, this guy called out to Happy and flew out of the station the moment the Magic Wind Wall disappeared.

After the Magic Wind Wall disappeared, Charlotte lifted the time deceleration field, and Happy seemed to be reborn. With the flapping of the white wings behind him, he carried Natsu and suddenly burst out with an extremely terrifying speed, flying towards the direction of the city in front.

"We hurried to catch up."

The remaining people didn't have that kind of speed, so at Erza's call, they chose to still use the magic four-wheeled vehicle they had used when they came.

When Lucy stepped out of the station, she did not forget to look at the place where Charlotte had just stood. Originally, after the magic wind wall disappeared, she wanted to go up and say hello to Charlotte happily, but in the blink of an eye, Charlotte suddenly disappeared without giving her a chance to say hello.

Moreover, for some reason, although she had not approached Charlotte before, the latter had just given her The feeling made him feel extremely unfamiliar. In her impression, Charlotte was gentle and kind, but what she felt from Charlotte just now was only a sense of indifference and coldness.

If it weren't for the handsome face that was the same as the one she met in Hargeon, she would even think that she had recognized the wrong person.

However, when Lucy thought about Charlotte's easy breakthrough of the magic wind wall that even Erza was helpless against, she couldn't help but feel proud. Humph, she knew that Charlotte was not an ordinary wizard!........

Over the road leading to Kroba City, Eligoer's flying body suddenly stopped. In front of him was a canyon. He said to himself with some excitement,"As long as we cross this canyon, we can reach that place."���The old man is holding a meeting!"

He had already begun to imagine the glorious moment after completing his great achievement, but at this moment, his heart suddenly jumped, as if a terrible aura was locked on him. At this moment, he actually had a creepy feeling as if a thorn was on his back!.....


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