Charlotte was surprised to hear this man calling out his name as soon as they met. Although the dwarf had a mask on his face, Charlotte was still sure that he had never seen him before.

Moreover, he has been very low-key in recent years and has come into contact with very few people. He was only a little high-profile when he dealt with Eligore last time. It doesn't make sense that someone would have seen him in such a place.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask curiously,"Do you know me?"

Compared to Charlotte's unfamiliarity when he saw him, Zalut was very familiar with Charlotte. Although he had never seen Charlotte either, he had specially collected images of Charlotte appearing in Guilian City not long ago, and Charlotte's appearance had long been firmly remembered in his mind.

"Of course I know you." Zarut smiled slightly. From the moment he saw Charlotte, his eyes flickered from time to time. He continued in a hoarse voice,"Moreover, not only do I know you, I even know your other identity."

"Oh! ?"

Hearing this, Charlotte was immediately happy,"Then I really want to know, what is my other identity?"

Zalut did not directly answer Charlotte's question, but said quietly:

"I wonder if you have heard of this. In the dark world, there has been a legend about the Red Lotus!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Charlotte couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Although his action was very small, it was still noticed by Zaruto who was always observing him. After seeing this action, Zaruto's smile became more intense. He was now completely sure of the speculation in his heart.

Seeing that Charlotte didn't speak, he continued:

"A year ago, there was a man who was very mysterious and only a few people knew his identity. However, he completed an amazing feat in one year. He destroyed dozens of dark guilds by himself in one year, making countless people in the dark world fear him. What's more, the most interesting thing is that every time this man destroyed a dark guild, he would leave a mark of a red lotus. Because of this, the legend about this red lotus began to spread in the dark world!"

"Now in the dark world, countless people want to know who the owner of this red lotus is, but this person's methods of dealing with the dark guild are too strange. Apart from the red lotus that was deliberately left behind, there are no clues left. So until now, the identity of the owner of this red lotus is still a mystery!"

Having said this, Zarut looked at Charlotte with burning eyes, and there was a hint of playfulness in his tone:"The methods and strength of the owner of this red lotus are really amazing! Don't you think so, Sir Charlotte!"


After hearing what Zaruut said, Charlotte couldn't help but clapped his hands. This dwarf was indeed a little beyond his expectations. Not only did he know his name, but he also knew everything he had done in secret in the past two years.

You know, because of the special nature of time magic, every time he attacked the dark guilds in the past two years, it can be said that no trace was left. In other words, if he didn't mention it, no one would know that it was him who did it.

But the dwarf in front of him knew it. It seems that when he destroyed those dark guilds, he must have left some clues that even he himself didn't know.

Looking at the dwarf in front of him, he narrowed his eyes slightly, chuckled, and said:

"You know so much!"

"Really?" Zaruut just smiled.

Charlotte continued to laugh,"Then do you know what the fate of those who know too much is often?"

"What, Lord Charlotte is planning to kill people to silence them?" Zarut said

"I haven't thought of this yet, but if your answer doesn't satisfy me later, maybe this idea will come up."Charlotte said

"It seems that Lord Charlotte has many things to ask me, but this is not a good place to talk. If Lord Charlotte wants to know something, just follow me!"

After Zaruut finished speaking, he moved and moved quickly.

Seeing this, Charlotte also moved and followed.

Zaruut took Charlotte out of the Moon Temple directly, jumped all the way, and came to a jungle not far from the temple.

Under the purple moonlight, the two stood opposite each other.

Looking at Zaruut, Charlotte said,"You can tell me now!"

"Of course! But I don't know what Lord Charlotte wants to know!" Zaruut said with a smile.

Charlotte directly spit out three big words,"Who are you!"

"Who am I? Even if you don't ask me, I will tell you. But before that, I want to confirm one more thing!"

After saying that, Zarut suddenly attacked Charlotte. A crystal ball suddenly appeared in his hand, and he threw it towards Charlotte.

""Do it?"

Looking at the crystal ball wrapped in magic power and attacking him, Charlotte smiled coldly, raised his right hand, put two fingers together, and a blue light shot out, easily smashing the crystal ball.

However, at this moment, Charlotte was suddenly stunned.

He saw Zarut shaking his finger, and a very familiar magic power emanated from it.

Then he saw the crystal ball that was shattered by his finger recover again, and the crystal ball flashed, and it actually directly split into a row of crystal balls, and continued to attack Charlotte.

However, Charlotte didn't care about this row of crystal balls attacking him. He stared at Zarut in front of him and spoke softly:

"The Arc of Time!".........


The third update!!!

This update is from yesterday!!

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