Charlotte's life in Luolan Town was extremely dull. Most of the time he spent traveling back and forth between reality and the space of time. Every time he finished practicing, his time magic would be significantly improved, and his perception of time would become deeper and deeper. Although the speed of this improvement was very slow, it was also rising steadily in an extremely stable form.

I believe that with the accumulation of time, there will inevitably be a qualitative change.

In this way, another week passed.

This day.

In the early morning, the red sun rose, and the warm sunlight shone into the room through the window, making the whole room bright.

On the bed, Charlotte, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to be affected by the warm sunlight. His eyelids moved slightly, and then he opened his eyes and stretched his body to get up from the bed.

Two hours later.

Outside Luolan Town, Charlotte, dressed in a black robe, came out here, still carrying the long object wrapped in black cloth on his back.

This was the first time Charlotte had stepped out of the town in the two weeks since he came to Luolan Town.

His footsteps did not stop at all, and he walked directly to the south of the town. There, from a distance, he could vaguely see a continuous range of mountains.

The town of Loran can only be regarded as a medium-sized town in the entire Kingdom of Fiore. However, such a medium-sized town is more famous than some big cities. The main reason is that the town of Loran is backed by the Beast King Mountains.

The Beast King Mountains are a very famous place in the Kingdom of Fiore.

There are many powerful monsters in the entire mountain range. These monsters are basically mutated from some animals and beasts. As for the reason for the mutation, it is because these beasts have awakened magic.

Just like the difference between human wizards and ordinary humans, there is a huge difference in strength between the beasts that have awakened magic and other ordinary animals and beasts. Such beasts that have awakened magic are collectively called monsters.

Most monsters are concentrated in certain specific areas in the kingdom. For example, on the snowy mountain Habek Mountain, there is a unique ape monster, Vulcan. It is said that the monster is very perverted and has some special hobbies for human girls......

The Beast King Mountains is one of the more famous areas in the Kingdom of Fiore where there are many monsters. There are all kinds of monsters in it, and in the deepest part of the mountains, there is a terrifying existence whose strength is comparable to that of an S-level human wizard.

For such a mountain full of monsters, ordinary people naturally regard it as a"forbidden zone", but for wizards who like adventure and challenge themselves, this is an excellent place for training.

In addition, the kingdom often issues some missions to hunt monsters in various areas, and the Beast King Mountains is naturally one of them.

It is for this reason that wizards from various wizard guilds can often be seen in the Beast King Mountains.

Even in those missions to hunt monsters, there is a mission to hunt the strongest existence in the deepest part of the Beast King Mountains.——‘Beast King'.

It seems that no wizard has taken up the task of hunting the Beast King since it was released.

You should know that the 'Beast King' is comparable to an S-level existence, and in the task of hunting the Beast King, there is not much mention of the strength and means of the Beast King. It is only said that it is a powerful S-level monster, and nothing else. So in this case, even the S-level wizards in the major guilds are unwilling to take risks.

It is precisely because of the Beast King Mountains that many wizards from all over the world have gathered in Luolan Town, and Charlotte is one of them.

He left Luolan Town and went to the Beast King Mountains this time because he wanted to test his strength and means.

After all, he has been practicing hard behind closed doors for some time. He can clearly feel his strength growing, but for some of his means, he has only simulated them several times in his mind, and has no real combat experience.

This time, he entered the Beast King Mountains and planned to use the monsters in it to verify them one by one, and it would be best if he could make some breakthroughs in actual combat.

The moment he stepped into the mountains, Charlotte took off the black robe on his head, revealing his handsome face.

He looked around at the surrounding environment, and after staying there for a while, he chose a direction and went into a lush jungle.

In the jungle, there were thick and round trees standing in a row, and the harmonious green color was everywhere.

Charlotte's figure shuttled through the forest. He had been in this jungle for two or three hours. It was a pity that he only encountered some ordinary beasts along the way, which he solved in two or three times, and also solved the problem of food and clothing.

However, he had never encountered those monsters that had awakened magical mutations in the rumors.

At this time, there was a sound of rushing water in front of him, and Charlotte couldn't help but speed up his pace a little, and soon he saw a small stream appear in his field of vision.

Charlotte's footsteps suddenly paused, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

In front of him, beside the stream, there was a gorgeous tiger sitting on the ground, lowering its head and drinking the stream water.

As if hearing the footsteps of Charlotte's arrival, the tiger stopped drinking water, stood up on all fours, turned around, and immediately saw Charlotte who was watching it.

This tiger was a circle larger than the tiger that broke through.

There were black stripes on the tiger skin, and two sharp fangs were exposed at the tiger's mouth, which looked extremely fierce.

The most peculiar thing was that his tiger eyes showed a kind of dark green color.

The moment he saw Charlotte, a strong fierce light suddenly emerged in his tiger eyes, and his tiger's mouth opened slightly, making a low whimpering sound.

The moment Charlotte saw this tiger, he keenly noticed the difference between the latter and the ordinary beasts he had encountered before.

There was a faint wave of magic in the body of this tiger.

Obviously, this tiger was exactly what Charlotte was looking for on this trip, a mutant monster that had awakened the innate magic.

Thinking of this, a faint burning sensation appeared in his pupils. After searching for so long, he finally found it.

This tiger naturally had no way of knowing what Charlotte was thinking. At this moment, the moment it saw Charlotte, it had already defined the latter as"food".


Suddenly, with a roar, the tiger stomped its four hooves and flew towards Charlotte. The speed was much faster than those of ordinary tigers. There was a faint sound of wind in the air.............


Please collect flowers......

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