
In front of the guild gate, a group of people looked at the restored guild with disbelief in their eyes and remained speechless for a long time. If they had not seen the guild in such a dilapidated state before, they would definitely think that they were dreaming.

"Let's go in and take a look."

After standing there in a daze for a while, Makao was the first to shout, and then he couldn't wait to rush into the guild.

Seeing this, the other members immediately followed.

Then, cheers of excitement and joy rang out in the guild.

"It’s amazing, everything is really restored!"

"It's exactly the same as before it was destroyed! I don't know how to express my feelings"

"Even the wine is still the same as before, incredible, really incredible!"

At the same time, outside the guild.

Like these members, the Mira sisters also saw the guild restored to its original state after coming out.

Lisanna covered her mouth with her hands and looked at Charlotte with surprise,"Brother Charlotte, did you do this?"

Charlotte nodded and smiled,"How is it, are you happy?"

"I am so happy. Brother Charlotte is the best!"Lisanna cheered and praised Charlotte without reservation.

When she saw the guild was destroyed, she was sad for a long time. Before Charlotte came, she was still a little depressed. It was not until Charlotte appeared that the long-lost joy washed away the depression.

Now seeing the guild restored to its original state, and it was her brother Charlotte who made it for her, she was almost overwhelmed with joy.

"Brother Charlotte, this is a reward for you."

Lisanna suddenly stood on tiptoe and pecked Charlotte's left cheek lightly, offering her sweet kiss.

"I'll go into the guild first." After saying that, Lisanna took light steps and ran into the guild with a red face.

Looking at Lisanna's back, Charlotte chuckled and thought to himself,"Is the little girl shy?" As soon as Lisanna left, only Charlotte and Mira were left here. As for Elfman, he had already followed Makao and the others into the guild first.

"That was Lisanna's first kiss!" Mira looked at Charlotte with a hint of amusement in her tone.

"Ahem, is that so?"Charlotte Charlotte heard this and coughed twice, saying it calmly, hiding the emotions in her heart perfectly.

Mira just stared at Charlotte's face, her mouth slightly curved, as if she had completely seen through Charlotte's thoughts. She thought to herself, this deep sister control must be very happy now.

"Let's go in together! I think if everyone knew that you restored the guild, they would be very grateful to you!" Mira said with a smile. Upon hearing this, Charlotte just smiled casually. He didn't care much about the gratitude of those people. The only thing that made him care was the sweet kiss that Lisanna gave him just now.

After the two entered the guild, Makarov and Natsu, who came out of the basement last, were the only ones outside the guild.

Looking at the restored guild, Makarov suddenly sighed,"This boy named Charlotte is really not simple!"

"Hey, President, do you mean that Charlotte did this?" Lucy, who was standing by, was surprised when she heard Makarov's words. Erza looked at the guild and pondered for a moment, then said,"Although it is very weak, I can feel a trace of Charlotte's power from it. There is no doubt that Charlotte did it."

"Yoshi!" The guild was restored. Although Natsu was still furious at the ghost who destroyed the guild, his mood had obviously improved. He praised,"I don't know how you did it, but Charlotte did a great job."

Gray beside him nodded in agreement............

After learning that their guild was restored by Charlotte, all the members of Fairy Tail were very enthusiastic about Charlotte, a strange boy. Under the encouragement of Makao and other old hands, the guild even held a party on the spot, and toasted Charlotte crazily to express their gratitude.

Especially the unrestrained girl named Cana, who came directly with several barrels of wine, and it seemed that she wanted to get Charlotte drunk here.

Fortunately, Lisanna, who felt sorry for Charlotte, came up and pulled Cana away, otherwise Charlotte might have forced herself to drink the barrels of wine that Cana brought.

Everyone's enthusiasm made Charlotte, who came here for the first time, feel as if he had known these guys for many years, and the unfamiliarity that should have been there seemed to be skipped directly.

But to some extent, this also shows that each of them has a deep love for this guild. Just as Lisanna said when she invited Charlotte to join the guild two years ago, this place is not just a guild, but more like a home. Every guild member gets along like a family.

That is why they are so enthusiastic about Charlotte who has repaired their home!

Seeing that her brother Charlotte has integrated into the atmosphere of the guild so quickly and is so popular, Lisanna is so happy. After all, both Fairy Tail and Charlotte are her favorites!

Looking at Charlotte who is accepting Erza's toast, Lisanna's dark eyes are full of spirituality. The idea that has been in her heart for two years has emerged again, especially when she thinks of the huge changes in Charlotte after meeting her this time, and her love for her, she secretly thinks in her heart:

"I think Brother Charlotte will reject me this time!".........


First update!!!!

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