In the living room.

Charlotte sat on the sofa, looking at the half-open door, stroking his chin, and said to Juvia,"You stay here."

""Yeah." Juvia nodded obediently like a chick pecking at rice.

Then Charlotte stood up from the sofa, walked to the door, pushed it open and closed it.

After Charlotte entered the room, Juvia was the only sober person in the living room except for the unconscious Thor. Her clear eyes stared at the door, and her mind began to fantasize involuntarily. As she thought more and more, her cheeks became redder and hotter, obviously thinking of some strange things.

At the same time.

After Charlotte stepped into the room, he stopped at the door. In his sight, a piece of white came into his eyes. In front of the closet, Lucy turned her back to Charlotte, and her hands kept rummaging in the closet.

But her current condition made Charlotte's sight freeze. The bathrobe she was wearing was casually pulled aside, and she was only wearing a sky blue panties. Even the majestic upper body was not bound by anything. Her smooth and tender back was completely exposed to

Charlotte's eyes, which was very pleasing to the eye. The only thing that made Charlotte feel a little regretful was that because she was facing away, she could not appreciate the more beautiful scenery in front.

At this moment, Lucy, who was rummaging for clothes, seemed to hear the sound of the door closing, and turned around subconsciously.

At this moment, Charlotte narrowed her eyes slightly, and a ray of light flashed between her eyes. Now, the last regret was made up......


Seeing Charlotte standing at the door of her room, Lucy was stunned at first, then she immediately remembered her current situation and screamed, covering her breasts with one hand, reaching into the closet with the other hand to take out a set of clothes at random, then bursting out with unprecedented speed to the big bed beside her, picked up the quilt and wrapped herself tightly, leaving only her head exposed, with a panicked expression and a blushing face.

She stretched out a bare arm from the quilt, pointed at Charlotte, and said angrily,"You...Why did you just come in without saying a word? Don’t you know that you can’t enter a girl’s bedroom without permission?"

"How do I know that it takes you so long to change clothes?"While speaking, Charlotte's eyes stayed on Lucy's quilt, as if his eyes could see through the quilt and see the scenery inside. Do

I take a long time to change clothes?

Hearing this, Lucy also felt that she took a little longer to change clothes this time than before. In the past, she was more casual about her clothes, but this time, for some reason, she was entangled for a long time when choosing clothes, a bit like....It's a bit like the state of girls changing clothes before going on a date with their favorite boys.....

After noticing Charlotte's strange gaze, Lucy blushed even more and tightened the quilt around her.

But thinking of what Charlotte had said before, a strange idea popped up in her mind.

"he.....He doesn't really want me to entertain him with my body......If this is really the case, what should I do? Should I agree to him? He is so handsome and strong, just like a prince in a fairy tale, but shouldn’t a girl be more reserved? If I refuse, will he be sad and ignore me in the future?......"

It was as if two villains appeared in Lucy's heart, and they began to argue about this issue, trying to suppress each other. However, as the argument became more intense, it seemed that the villain who said he would agree began to gradually gain the upper hand, and gradually even completely crushed the other villain, leaving him speechless.

As the inner world's argument came to an end, Lucy's already blushing face turned even redder, and her cheeks became so hot that they were almost smoking.

Seeing this scene, Charlotte's eyes became strange, and she said,"Are you okay?"


Charlotte's voice suddenly brought Lucy, who was immersed in her inner world, back to her senses. At the moment she came back to her senses, she glanced at Charlotte, and there was a flash of shame in her eyes. Obviously, the final answer of the two villains in her inner world had completely appeared.

But Charlotte had no idea that at this time he only needed to hook his hands, and he would be able to have an indescribable thing with the outstanding blonde beauty in front of him, and it was completely voluntary.

It's a pity that Charlotte, who did not use the"Eye of Time", did not have the ability to see through the blonde beauty's heart, so he could only miss this great opportunity without knowing what was going on.

However, even if Charlotte knew, he probably wouldn't care too much. After all, for him, there would be many such opportunities in the future. Even if there was no opportunity, he could create opportunities at any time as long as he wanted.

Charlotte looked at Lucy, who was shy and dared not look at him, and said lightly,"Come on!"

"Come....What to do...."Lucy stuttered as she spoke. As she spoke, her hands, whether they were outside or inside the quilt, could not help but tightly grasp the quilt, revealing her nervousness. After all, it was her first time.....

Charlotte didn't know that Lucy had completely misunderstood at this time, and he said as a matter of course,"Come and tell me your secret, didn't you tell it yourself?"

"you....Is this why you came in?" Hearing Charlotte's words, Lucy was slightly stunned, and her expression seemed to be quite surprised.

"otherwise.....What do you think I came here for?..."Looking at Lucy's strange expression, Charlotte's expression was a little subtle. He was sure that Lucy must have thought of other things just now. Could it be that this girl was talking to me?......

"without...Nothing!" Lucy's nervousness disappeared all of a sudden, but her tone seemed to carry a little disappointment, which made Charlotte even more curious about what this girl was thinking just now.

"you....Can you please turn around!" Lucy whispered

"Why are you turning around!"

"I....You need to put on your clothes! Turn around quickly!" Lucy said shyly.

"Can't you wear it under the quilt? I can't see it."Charlotte teased

"No way!" Lucy gritted her teeth. This guy is so infuriating!

""Tsk~ You saw it just now, why are you shy!"

Seeing Lucy's embarrassed look, Charlotte had to curl her lips and turn away, but on the way back, Charlotte muttered something in a low voice, but even though it was a low voice, it was just enough for Lucy on the bed to hear, as if she did it on purpose.

"This guy....."

Lucy's face flushed pink again. She reached both her hands into the quilt, and then she heard a rustling sound coming from the quilt.

This was the first time Lucy put on clothes in front of a boy, and that included underwear. Although Charlotte turned away and she was still covered with a quilt, the process still made her very shy.

Lucy even felt that all the shyness in her life seemed to be caused by the boy in front of her, and it seemed that it was not just shyness. Many emotions that had never appeared in her before began to gradually appear in her heart after she met this boy......

Could it be that this guy is my nemesis in this life!........


First update!!!!

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