“How is it possible…”

Thor was also taken aback.

Thorin said about the last battle, and Jin Yan smashed Thorin’s plaster fist with a hammer.

Saul wasn’t impressed.

I think it’s that Thorin’s level of magic is too poor.

This time, Jin Yan did not use a hammer, but released a bolt of lightning from the top of the hammer.

That lightning bolt was not powerful in Thor’s perception.

However, it was that lightning bolt that seemed to have no power, and with just one blow, his strongest magic collapsed.

Not just disintegrate, but completely dissolve and smash.

“What kind of magic is this?” Thor had heard of such magic.

Gildas, the wizard of the Fairy Tail Guild, is good at crushing magic.

It is said that the magic of Gildas can shatter everything, even magic.

However, Gildas’ magic seems to have nothing to do with lightning, right?

When did lightning magic become so powerful?

A bolt of lightning shattered Thor’s plaster sonata.

The next moment….

Jin Yan’s body flashed with electricity, streaked an afterimage, quickly appeared in front of Sol, and then smashed it with a hammer.

Compared to constantly releasing magic to bombard each other from a distance, Jin Yan prefers face-to-face battles.

That’s how to get it right.

Thor was very cautious, even if he didn’t put Jin Yan in his eyes from the beginning, he still used a defensive magic for himself.

Thor was surprised, and quickly activated the pre-arranged defense.

A flowing wall of sand blocked him.

With a “pop”, the hammer fell on the sand wall, and the sand wall rippled layer by layer of sand.

Jin Yan’s hammer seemed to fall into the mud, blocked by layers of resistance, and it was difficult to advance.

“Hmph… Hugh wants to break through my sand wall! Thor breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, Jin Yan’s hammer shook lightly and slammed into a red dot.

With a “bang”, the sand wall collapsed.

“How so?” Thor screamed strangely, and quickly released one wall of sand after another.

However, Jin Yan just gently waved the hammer, and these sand walls disintegrated one after another.

I can’t hold on for even half a second.

“How so!!!” Thor was sweating profusely.

He didn’t feel the slightest magic fluctuation on Jin Yan’s body.

However, his strongest defense prefers to be like tofu dregs, which will shatter when touched.

“How is this possible, how is this possible!” Thor let out a desperate wail in his heart.

The speed at which Thor unleashed magic is not as fast as Jin Yan’s swinging of a hammer.

After several sand walls shattered, Thor didn’t have time to release the next sand wall, and Jin Yan’s hammer had already fallen on him.


Still in the same position as Thorin, Jin Yan’s hammer slammed into Thor’s body, and a hammer smashed Sol out.


In the air, Thor spewed out several mouthfuls of blood in succession, then fell heavily on the ground, rolled around a few times, and did not make a sound.

I don’t know if I live or die.

Jin Yan’s figure shook and appeared in front of Sol.

“Don’t kill…” the cyan Pegasus Wizard suddenly exclaimed.

“Little blacksmith, you can’t be wrong if you listen to me!”

Qingma’s magic guide is a fat man who is not tall, wearing a suit and a bow tie….

He flicked his bare forehead very stinkily: Listen to me, I will point you in the right direction….

“Kill him, you and the ghosts will not die, they will definitely send more powerful wizards, even if you are not safe in the city…”

Jin Yan looked at Qingma’s magic guide and felt that this painting style was somewhat familiar.

“Are you… A night in the blue pegasus? ”


Qingma’s magic guide suddenly laughed exaggeratedly: “It turns out that you also know my name!” ”

“Yes, yes, I am the most handsome and handsome magic guide and life mentor of Cyan Pegasus. Wandere Shou. ”

“So, you’re not wrong to listen to me.”

Jin Yan couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

The night of cyan Pegasus was indeed a funny comparison.

“Why should I listen to you?” Jin Yan squatted down and reached out to pat Sol’s face.

Thor woke up slowly, his eyes were halfway open, and Jin Yan suddenly slapped over.

With a “pop”, Thor passed out again.

One night shivered, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Jin Yan say leisurely: “Who said I was going to kill?” ”

“I’m still a child, how can I kill people casually?”

Jin Yan reached out and pulled out a wallet from Sol’s clothes pocket: “I’m just… Get my loot back. ”


One night blinked his eyes speechlessly, it’s really not good for children to kill, but if you start so ruthlessly, is it really good?

Also, you don’t even let go of the belt of people’s pants, is it really good?

Jin Yan quickly scavenged the things on the Sol and Thorin brothers.

I have to say that these two people have a very rich net worth, especially Sol, who has a lot of good things on them.

Jin Yan reached out and patted Sol’s cheek: “Thank you, I can buy more black crystals this time.” ”

Thor was woken up and almost fainted again when he heard these words.

Thor stared at Jin Yan deadly: “Hehe, don’t you dare to kill me, kill me, the ghost will definitely smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces…”

Thor let out a strange laugh.

“Is that so?”

Jin Yan showed a thoughtful expression, and then he raised his palm and gently patted Sol’s body.


Thor’s body, suddenly disintegrated, constantly disintegrated, turned into a pile of powder in a blink of an eye, and then was blown clean by a gust of wind.

“You…” Ichiye was stunned.

“Why did you still kill him?”

“If I don’t kill him, will he let me go? Will the ghost let me go? Jin Yan shook his head: “Since they still won’t let me go, then what am I keeping this enemy for?” ”

The night was suddenly speechless.

Jin Yan said well, even if Jin Yan does not kill Sol this time, Sol will not let Jin Yan go.

Thorin is a ready-made example.

In the last conflict, Jin Yan’s subordinates showed mercy and released Solin, but after this guy went back, he planned to find Jin Yan to take revenge, and Sol was found by him, and they also cut off Jin Yan’s source of black stone.

Just now, Jin Yan was also a little hesitant and did not kill Thor immediately, but Sol’s words made him completely understand that the grudge between him and Thor and the ghost could not be resolved.

Thinking about this, Jin Yan will certainly not make the same mistake again.

“What’s more, I’ve already killed someone.” Jin Yan walked to Solin’s side, raised his palm again and slapped it down.

Thorin is actually dead a long time ago, and as soon as Thorin dies, even if Jin Yan wants to reconcile, Thor, he will not agree.

What’s more, Jin Yan did not intend to bow to Sol.

Without the magic shield, Thorin also quickly turned into powder and was blown away by the wind.

His feud with the Saul and Thorin brothers ended.

However, between him and the ghost, there will be no end.

Suddenly, Jin Yan raised his head.

Rain fluttered in the sky.

“Brother Jin Yan…”

A delicate voice came from the rain.

Jubia rushed over, her blue hair constantly rippling behind her.


Jin Yan stood up and opened his arms.

The next moment, Jubia was like a nesting bird, throwing herself into Jin Yan’s arms.

“Brother Jin Yan…”

Jin Yan gently stroked Jubia’s long hair and smiled slightly: “Why, Jubia, you can’t wait?” ”

“I already knew, I will quickly solve these two troubles!”

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