The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

"Are you okay, Sister Mira? Are you hurt anywhere..."

Elfman, with a pot-covered head, ran over with a worried look on his face, and just glanced at the broken glass on the ground.

Then he hurriedly checked to see if his sister was hurt anywhere.

"Sister Mira, don't scare me, what's wrong with you..."

But when he looked up.

When he saw his sister crying and confused, he was really scared.

In the accident a few years ago, when Lisanna was on a mission with them, she accidentally fell off a cliff when she was chased by the Kingdom Army.

They also went to the bottom of the cliff to look for it, but they only saw an underground river that flowed to an unknown direction, and did not find any trace of Lisanna at all.

It was also from that time that the gentle and cheerful sister Mira was depressed for a long time. She would sit there and look into the distance and cry.

However, under everyone's careful care, she has slowly recovered a little and is not so serious.

So he was really afraid that sister Mira would fall into the depressed state of a few years ago. He could not lose another family member again.

When Elfman thought of the past, his originally suppressed emotions also broke out at this moment.

He cried loudly.

The people of Fairy Tail were also silent. Thinking of this, they also fell into a sad mood.

At that time, when the news came back that Lisanna was in trouble, Natsu, who had a good relationship with Lisanna, drove his magic drive car, looking for Lisanna everywhere, and looking for magic crystals for the guild.


Zon and his group on the other side.

On an open space.

"Really, it scared us, but this guy's meat is really delicious!"

Just now, when they were flying in the air and looking for the Fairy Tail Guild, a huge fish suddenly jumped out from a river in the air.

The frightened Natsu punched it from the sky to the ground.

Natsu was holding a huge barbecue, eating it in big mouthfuls as if for revenge.

On the fire next to him was an unknown fish that was as big as two or three people.

"Don't worry, Lisanna, they must be fine."

Zon handed a hind leg meat to Lisanna and comforted her.

They first arrived at the place in Lisanna's original memory, but when they got there, it was already empty and there was no trace of the Fairy Tail Guild.

Zon also tried to spread his observation Haki, but he didn't find any familiar things or people at all.

He could only look for another place where it might appear.

So they flew in the air to search, and Zon's observation Haki was always in the open state.

"That's right, how could Fairy Tail lose to the enemy, and there is me in this world!"

Natsu said vaguely, but his eyes were very confident. He believed that he in this world could protect the entire guild.

He didn't quite believe that he in this world was really that timid.

But Zon smiled and didn't say anything. He also wanted to see what Natsu's reaction would be when he saw Lucy in this world.

I'm afraid that he would be afraid of Lucy like Natsu in this world.

Zon thought of Natsu being locked by Lucy and then beaten, and shook his head.

He quickly finished the meat in his hand, stood up and looked into the distance.

He thought about two other questions.

One is to search in his memory for the place where Fairy Tail might appear now.

The second is that he is not sure whether there are people like him in this world.

It stands to reason that he came from another world.

There is no such person as him in the fake world, so there should be no one like him in this world.


Zon sensed something.

He immediately stopped thinking, raised his hand and waved it, and the sky above their area was instantly covered by a light shield.

Then Zon gestured to Natsu, Wendy, Lisanna and others, asking them to keep quiet.

Habby was also obedient and covered his mouth with both hands.

The other people also stopped talking obediently and listened quietly to the noises coming from all around.

After a few seconds.

Three dragon-like monsters roared and hovered above their location.

"What's wrong, fairy hunter-Elsa."

Shugboy was wearing a pink

Armor, standing on another monster, asked with some doubt.

They were the Kingdom Army that was going to capture the Fairy Tail Guild.

Originally, they were rushing to the destination of Fairy Tail, but Erza, the leader, suddenly turned and rushed over here.

And now it stopped again, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

He looked down and around and there was nothing, only bare open space.

"It should be right, I just heard some sound."

Erza held the Holy Spear in her hand, wearing black armor, and also scanned the surroundings with a puzzled look, and found nothing unusual.

The Holy Spear in her hand was tightly held, and the tip of the spear slowly condensed into an energy cannon.

Erza's eyes were extremely firm, as if she was going to attack the next moment to verify her doubts.

Wendy, Lisanna, Xia Lulu and others also looked up at the sky with a worried look.

Zorn and Natsu were on high alert, and Zorn used his magic power to convert the light curtain into attack magic at any time.

"Erza, are you being too careful? I don't see anything unusual here."

"This time, Armani didn't convert the magic power he originally estimated, so he should save it!"

"And it's important to capture the members of the Fairy Tail Guild!"

Seeing Erza about to release attack magic, Shugboy hurriedly spoke out to stop her.

He really felt that it was unnecessary to waste magic power in this place.

So Erza put away the Holy Spear, glanced at Shugboy's expression, and seemed to understand something.

The monsters he drove headed back to the direction of Fairy Tail.

Natsu and others who were watching them leave were about to speak, but were covered by Zorn's mouth.

Several people stayed there quietly for nearly ten minutes.

On the other side of the Kingdom Army, Erza and Shugboy also hid under a big tree and quietly observed this side.

"It seems that you really heard it wrong, Erza."

"Yeah, it seems so! Let's speed up and catch up with the main force!"

After Erza finished speaking, her figure flashed, and no magic fluctuations were seen. She disappeared directly on the spot and chased the main force at a very fast speed.

"Okay, someone has led the way for us, let's follow it!"

Zon let go of his hand and said to Natsu and others with a smile.

"Erza is our enemy in this world!"

"I don't care, even if Erza in this world is an enemy, I must pull her back."

"I have to protect the Fairy Tail in this world."

After hearing Wendy's words, Natsu also had a firm look on his face. Looking at Erza who was going away, he didn't care!

"Don't worry, with the direction, we will get to Fairy Tail before them!"

Zon also had some thoughts in his mind.

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