The battle was won, and the battle was won.

In the southwestern part of the Kingdom of Fiore, in the Katchia Mountains, this was Zorn's last S-level mission. The previous missions were all easily solved under Zorn's leadership.

For Kana, being able to see different types of S-level missions at this age, and being able to assist in completing them, this experience is an extremely precious experience for a wizard. Kana has also greatly improved her own strength in the real battle scene. Of course, the days with Zorn are also precious memories for both of them.

The mountains in the distance are dyed with the colors of late autumn, like a quiet Chinese painting. Those yellow, brown, and red colors are intertwined, and their colors and shapes depict the beauty of late autumn.

Zorn and Kana walked leisurely on the mountain trail, enjoying the beautiful scenery around them with great interest.

"Tap tap tap~" Kana suddenly ran forward, and it turned out that she had reached a naturally formed mountain platform.

"Haha, Zorn, come on, look, it's so beautiful." Kana smiled and asked Zorn to walk faster, but she was deeply immersed in the beautiful scene and never turned her head.

The overlapping peaks are like a beautiful painting, and the clouds are like silk floating between the peaks. As the peaks sway gently, they emit a radiant light under the sunlight, as if they are as dazzling as treasures in the fairyland.

The peaks also appear more steep and majestic against the backdrop of the clouds. When Zorn stood on the platform and overlooked the beautiful scenery of the sea of ​​clouds and the peaks, he couldn't help but sigh at the magic and magnificence of nature. This beautiful scenery made Zorn and Kana feel an incomparable sense of tranquility.

While admiring the scene, Zorn quickly took out his magic camera to record this moment, jumping left and right to record Cana and the beautiful scenery, and also took many photos with Cana as a souvenir.

Zorn took out the photos he had just taken and put them in an album with great care. There were many beautiful memories in it, including the group photo of the guild (the picture of the Harpy attacking), the ugly photo of Laxus, the photo of Erza and Mirajane playing around, the photo of Natsu and Gray training painfully but insisting, the photo of Elfman shyly facing the camera and Lisanna smiling sweetly, some interesting photos of the guild members, and the group photos with Cana since the trip.

These memories were all collected by Zorn. Zorn also planned to show these new travel photos to the guild members when he returned, so that they would be envious. Zorn smiled and closed the album, slowly put it into his backpack, and pulled Cana to continue the unfinished task.

"Zon, I heard that many wizards failed to find the ruins they investigated this time, and it was finally upgraded to an S-level mission." Kana thought about the task list [Investigate the Lost Magic Ruins] she saw before, and the descriptions of other wizards about this task.

There will always be wizards who are carrying out tasks who will disappear, and then there will be other people who will search every inch of this mountain range without finding any traces. Then one day, the missing person will lose all magic power and appear in a random place in the mountains. Then he will be a little confused and will not remember what happened at all.

At one time, people thought that this relic did not exist, but an old man in the village in the mountains said that this relic really exists, saying that it has been passed down from generation to generation, and he must let his children and grandchildren find this relic.

"I don't know the specific reason."

"Has the magic power disappeared? It is indeed a bit weird, but don't worry, I am here." Zon promised, not worried at all. At most, he can take Kana out directly if there is any situation. Now his range of observation is very wide.

"Let's go, the village should be in that direction." Zorn sensed a little and found that there were some life reactions on their east side, but he found something unusual in his perception.

"What's wrong, did you find anything?" Kana saw that Zorn was frowning during the perception process, and it was obvious that there was something wrong.

"Well, go over and take a look, and you will know, there are just some small problems." Zorn slightly closed his two fingers, sincerely expressing that it was a small problem. This sincere answer made Kana really get it accurately, this should really be a small problem.

After a while, the two arrived within the scope of the village, and a middle-aged man dressed as a villager greeted them with a smile, "Two wizards, you must be tired on the way, come on,

The food has been prepared. After eating, take a good rest and go on the mission tomorrow. "

"Oh, really? That's great. It's really tiring on this journey." Zorn raised his eyebrows, slightly curved his mouth, and replied happily^_^. He turned his head and said to Kana: "It seems that this mission is good. Let's go in quickly! "

After saying that, he impatiently pulled Kana to follow the uncle, but after holding Kana's hand, he drew a mark on Kana's hand, and at the same time secretly conveyed the meaning of paying attention to the situation.

Kana also understood what Zon meant instantly, hugged Zon's arm with both hands, and followed the middle-aged uncle into the village with an expectant expression.

The villagers in the village were doing their own things, and there were also children playing on the side, looking at the two curiously, and each household was preparing for lunch.

Zon carefully observed the living habits of each villager. On the surface, it was really a harmonious and beautiful village, and people could not detect anything wrong.

"Haha, we are almost there, just in front. My father is the village chief here. After dinner, I can learn more about the mission from him. "

The middle-aged man saw that Zorn was very interested in watching the living conditions of the villagers around him, so he quickly spoke to divert Zorn's attention and pointed to the front. An old house and courtyard with smoke billowing out of the chimney also appeared in front of the two.

There was a big table in the courtyard, which was filled with chickens, ducks, fish, meat, and some seasonal vegetables. It was very rich and appetizing.

A woman brought out the last dish from the kitchen. Seeing that her husband brought the guests back, she was also very enthusiastic.

"Hey, are these two wizards who came to perform the mission? They are really young and promising. Come on, the two young lovers, take a seat first. The head of the family, accompany the guests first, and I will help my father-in-law out. "

The woman first praised the two of them, then quickly invited them to sit down, and then went into the inner hall to help out an old man who looked old and walked unsteadily.

Since entering the village, Zoen has been covering the entire village with his observation Haki, and there has really been no problem so far.

When he initially surveyed the village, he did find that there was something wrong with this village. At the beginning, there were only a few people in the village, and then at a certain moment, the number of people grew wildly, as if they suddenly grew out of the ground.

This also made Zoen alert. When he was about to reach the village, this middle-aged man seemed to know that someone was coming today, and he came to greet him early, so he had to pay more attention.

Zon, also silently thought in his heart that the noodles were still delicious, and looked at the table of delicious food in front of him with a happy face.

To be continued~

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