The fire dragon roared.

In a mountain forest...

"Dragon Slayer Magic-Roar of the Fire Dragon"

The flames burst out of the mouth at an alarming speed, forming a long column of flames, which rolled and twisted in the air, forming huge fireballs, and then violently hit the ground. Accompanied by a violent explosion, everything around was pushed far away.

Under the attack of the flames, the earth became charred, and even creatures in the distance could feel the hot breath and strong vibrations.

When the flames hit the ground, strong shock waves were generated. These shock waves pushed the surrounding air higher, forming huge fireballs. These fireballs rolled and twisted in the air, forming magnificent waterfalls of fire.

The monsters driven by the Beast King suffered heavy casualties in this attack, but many were still surging forward.

"Lisanna, go and help evacuate the nearby villagers, we are here."

After releasing a dark ray, Mirajane turned around and anxiously told Lisanna, who had just blown away a wolf.

"Okay, then you sisters, be careful." After hearing the order, Lisanna did not dare to delay. After transforming into a blue-green bird, she flapped her wings hurriedly and flew to the surrounding villages.

"Damn it, will this ever end? Fortunately, I invited Natsu to come with me, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Mirajane gritted her teeth and looked at the monsters in front of her that were still running towards them one after another, and she was secretly grateful in her heart.

Although she could deal with these monsters alone, her magic power would definitely be severely depleted by then. If the Beast King came out again, she would not be able to deal with it.

"Natsu, Elfman, you must guard this level and never let any monsters go. I'll go deal with the beast king first."

Mirajane flew into the air and said to the two who were still fighting bravely. After raising her hands and releasing a wave of dark rays into the beast group, she stepped into the air and flew quickly to the beast king who was roaring behind the beast group.

"I promise to complete the mission." Natsu touched his fists, fighting with high morale, and moved through the beast group at a very fast speed. With a hook and a flying kick, most of the monsters were blown away with each blow.

"Fighting is what a man should do, Onna-chan, don't worry."

"Full body reception-Beast Soul·Giant Ape" Elfman directly transformed into a giant ape form, his body immediately swelled up, becoming several times the size of a normal person, and took away a large group of monsters with a wave of his hand.

With the precise cooperation of Natsu and Elfman, not a single monster broke through, and they became more and more excited as they fought, and their fighting power exploded.

At this time, Zorn was in the sky, with his eyes closed, and he released his observation Haki to the extreme, covering the entire area, including the sky, the ground, the river, and the woods.

But so far, no space magic or any space fluctuations have been found.

"What conditions need to be met?" Zorn opened his eyes, folded his hands across his chest, and dragged his chin with one hand, and fell into deep thought.


The huge sound caused by the earth-shaking interrupted Zorn's thinking, so he turned his sight to the battlefield below.

A few minutes ago...

Mirajane sprinted to the top of the Beast King at a rapid speed, gathered ultra-high dark energy in her right claw, and punched the Beast King's chin, and the Beast King was blasted into the sky by this huge force.

Watching the Beast King flying into the sky, it can be seen that the power of this punch is so great that Mirajane quickly followed and punched at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye. From the distant eyes of Natsu and Elfman, they could only see the Beast King's body swinging left and right in the air.

"Suck, so powerful." After Natsu blew away a group of monsters with a wing attack, he looked at Mirajane's battle scene with shining eyes.

"Dark Rage" A huge dark claw, from high in the sky, blasted the beast king into the ground with one blow. The huge body instantly stirred up huge smoke and dust, and the ground shook with it.

The darkness in the eyes of the remaining few monsters dissipated, and they regained consciousness. Looking at the countless dead and wounded around them, they took a few steps back in shock and fled to the mountains behind.

After Mirajane saw that the beast king was easily solved by herself, she couldn't help but feel proud in her heart, and she didn't use the observation Haki to carefully perceive the current state of the beast king.

But in Zon's perception, although the beast king was seriously injured at this time, his vitality was still very strong. Now he was pretending to be dying, and his right fist was accumulating power, wanting to give Mirajane a surprise attack.

Zon also shook his head at this time, and didn't do anything.

, Mirajane could block this attack, which also made Mirajane remember that if she was arrogant and looked down on the enemy in battle, she would be the one who failed in the end.

Just as Mirajane slowly landed beside the Beast King, she was about to turn around and ask Elfman to come over to try to receive the Beast King's enhanced strength.

Suddenly, an inexplicable danger appeared on the right, and she subconsciously launched a defensive magic, crossed her hands, and the Beast King's full-strength attack hit the defensive magic. After a stalemate, Mirajane was instantly knocked out.

"Roar~" After the Beast King launched a blow, he roared with all his strength, venting his anger regardless of the wounds on his body.

Mirajane was also caught by Elfman and slid for a distance.

Then she looked at the Beast King in front of her with a shocked face. She used all her strength in every attack, but she didn't expect that the Beast King's defense was so high, and the attack power was so strong in the last attack.

"One-chan, put away the tape." Elfman looked at Mirajane with a worried look on his face.

"One-chan," a voice came from a distance, and a blue bird flew over. After approaching everyone, it changed back to human form, ran to Mirajane, and looked at his sister worriedly.

"The villagers have been completely evacuated, One-chan."

"Okay, cough, Natsu takes Lisanna and Elfman to go first, I will stop it." Mirajane coughed up a mouthful of blood and said to Natsu who was blocking them.

"No, no, I won't leave any of my companions behind."

"I won't leave either, One-chan." Lisanna, Elfman and Natsu were unwilling to leave first, and firmly rejected Mirajane's suggestion.

At this time, Natsu was also staring at the beast king in front of him, clenching his fists, ready to attack at any time.

"Mina, everyone." Happy was also on the side, looking at everyone worriedly.

"You misunderstood me. I let you go first, not because I was afraid that you would be hurt, but because I was worried that my attack would affect you."

Mirajane looked at the nervous people in front of her with a bit of a smile. At this time, she still had some magic power left, and she was fully capable of killing the current Beast King. However, the attack power of the form she was going to receive was too strong, and it was inevitable that it would affect everyone.

"Then you wait here, it will be over soon."

"Full body reception - Demon God Halfas", the terrifying magic power instantly scattered, Mirajane slowly rose to a certain height, and after feeling that it would not pose a threat to the people below, she stepped hard on her feet, generating a sonic boom thrust, and instantly let Mirajane reach the Beast King.

Her right hand gathered a colorful energy ball, which instantly hit the Beast King. Her hand easily passed through the Beast King's body, forming a huge hole, and the scattered energy waves instantly hit the mountains behind, and the mountains no longer existed.


"This, this, this... Is this the form used in the last S-level assessment?"

"So strong."

Zorn nodded when he saw this. It was indeed a very strong form. The previous training was indeed correct, but the endurance was still a little lacking.

Mirajane bent down to breathe and had already released the form.


At this moment, Zorn suddenly felt an inexplicable magic wave appear in the air...Super subspace magic... Such a powerful space.

"Lisanna, what's wrong with you..." Elfman exclaimed, and it reached Mirajane's ears.

Immediately turned around and looked over... and found...

To be continued~

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