The best healing magician in the town was casting healing magic with all his strength, frowning.

After a while, he slowly put away the magic.

"Doctor, what's her condition now?" Zorn suppressed his worries, glanced at "Lisanna" who was still sleeping, and asked the doctor who was panting at this time.

The three siblings of Mirajane also looked at the doctor with worried faces. Although they didn't say anything, they clung to each other because of nervousness and worry.

After the treatment, Elfman was strong and could move, and now he held his sister in his arms.

"I'm sorry, my magic can only go so far. It should be a problem with the soul. I need to find a higher level healing magician as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be gone in less than a day..."

The doctor's words have not yet been finished...

"No, Lisanna, no matter which world's Lisanna you are, you are my sister. Open your eyes and look at your sister. Your sister is here."

After hearing the news, Mirajane immediately threw herself on the bed and stroked Lisanna on the bed with her hands. Her eyes were full of tears, and her voice was filled with fear and sobbing. .

Lisanna in this world also turned her head and threw herself into Elfman's arms and cried bitterly. Elfman also burst into tears at this time, holding Lisanna in this world tightly with both hands, fearing that this Lisanna would also disappear.

"Hey, Natsu, this is fake, right..." Happy pulled Natsu, who was silent beside him, with his hand, and his tone was full of helplessness and fear.

Natsu also clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and couldn't stop his tears from dripping onto the floor, "Lisana..."

Yes, no matter which world she came from, Lisana is Lisana, their family, how can it not be sad.

"There is still a chance, it must be possible at Polucca's place, now hurry back to the guild, I'll go first."

Zorn's words were like a life-saving straw, projecting towards the few people who fell into darkness, instantly pulling the sad few people back to reality.

Before everyone could react, Zorn enveloped 'Lisana' with holy light, and his body immediately disappeared on the spot.

"But it's too far from the guild, it takes three days to take the train?" Habby looked at the empty bed and murmured.

"Don't worry, I believe Zorn can definitely do it."

"Let's hurry back as well."

Listening to Natsu's words, everyone also sorted out their moods, finished their things here, and took the earliest car to the guild.


At this time, Zorn was performing magic in the air, and his observation Haki was developed to the extreme. Each time he teleported, he was at the limit of the position that his observation Haki could expand to, and then he turned on the teleportation magic.

This ultra-long-distance transmission and high concentration of spirit, as well as the magic power transmission of Lisanna's holy light magic, consumed a lot of magic power and physical strength. Zorn could only absorb the surrounding light elements to replenish magic power in the middle of the two magic circles for a short time, but this was just a drop in the bucket.

When he was only one magic circle away from reaching the cabin of Polucica, Zorn suddenly felt that his magic power was almost exhausted, and he could only barely locate his position on the streets of Magnolia City.

The magic circle just appeared at the street position, and the figures of Zorn and Lisanna had already appeared on it.

Zorn supported the ground with one hand, breathing heavily, panting. At this time, it seemed that there were countless bees buzzing in his head, and his spirit was about to collapse. The other hand was still raised to transmit magic power to the magic protection on the other side.

Everyone on the street was also startled by the sudden appearance of the two people. When they saw Zorn's current state, they hurried to the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Can't give up, it's just a little bit short." After easing up a little, Zorn forced to sense it again.

Another ray of light flashed, and the two appeared in front of the cabin.

"Help, Lisanna"

Zorn saw the familiar figure, and his tense nerves relaxed. After saying the last sentence, he fell asleep immediately.

Seeing this, Polucca immediately stepped forward and caught Lisanna who had landed. He used healing magic to sense it and found that there was no magic power in the child's body.

"Could it be that it came from..."

Fairy Tail Guild...

"Oh no, President Makarov... Zorn and Lisanna, they... suddenly appeared on the street... Zorn looked

Come...very painful, Lisanna also lies in a light, no movement, you... "

A man ran into the guild in a panic, and only expressed the whole story in a discontinuous manner, but he hadn't finished yet.

At this time, two figures flashed with lightning, and a long-haired figure rushed out of the guild in an instant. At the door, the long-haired figure stepped out, and a big pit instantly formed on the ground in front of the guild. The cards in his hand turned into wind wings, and rushed to the eastern forest cabin faster than Laxus.

It turned out that after Kana and Laxus heard the news that Zorn and Lisanna were injured, they immediately used their observation Haki to sense it. Although their observation Haki was not as powerful as Zorn's, they also reached a certain height and obtained the location in a moment.

"Zorn, Lisanna, Mirajane, what exactly happened to you?" Kana and Laxus were also accelerating in the air at this time, thinking at the same time. At this time, Laxus, who was usually very calm and proud, was also worried.

"How could it be, it's impossible. "

Eluza, Gray and other guild members couldn't believe it when they heard it. They didn't have time to think about it and rushed to the eastern forest.


When Zorn woke up again, he saw that all the guild members were surrounding him, sitting on the ground, and the president was sitting on a tree stump, dozing off.

Laxus was also leaning against a tree, looking into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Zorn, you're awake, how do you feel?" The president was the first to notice that Zorn had woken up, and immediately jumped in front of him, looking at Zorn with concern.

The guild members also gathered around one by one, looking at Zorn with concern.

Zorn looked at everyone who was in the same posture and with the same concerned expression at this time, and his heart was warm.

"Where's Lisanna?"

"Lisanna is fine, the rescue was very timely, Kana and Rebecca are taking care of her inside, don't worry, how is her body now."

"I'm fine, my body has recovered now. "Zorn got out of bed immediately and jumped up and down in the open space, full of energy.

It turned out that Polucca just found that Zorn's magic power was exhausted. After calming Zorn's spirit, he let Zorn lie down on the open space and receive the baptism of the sun to restore his magic power.

"Pa pa pa~ Haha, you are in good health."

Erusa patted Zorn's shoulders several times in a row and gave him a thumbs up to express her appreciation.


Zorn turned his head slowly after calling him and saw Kana standing at the door of the house, looking at him with joy on her face.

Everyone also made way

"Bang~" Kana rushed into Zorn's arms fiercely, with great force, but Zorn also held Kana tightly in his arms, "I'm fine, sorry for making you worry. "

Zon lowered his head and gently kissed Kana's forehead. Kana didn't say anything, but just rubbed Zon's chest, feeling Zon's warmth.

The guild members also smiled at this time, looking at the warm scene in front of them.

Even Poliusica was smiling gently at the side.

"Yoshi, wait for Mirajane and others to come back, let's have a party"

The president was very happy at this time. After coming here, he had already used the power and influence of the Holy Ten to learn that Mirajane and others were rushing back, but the specific situation of the mission was still unknown.

It's okay to ask after the party is over.

Zon hadn't realized at this time that his observation Haki had broken through the limit many times and had reached a terrifying level.

To be continued~

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