The sky was full of fog, and the sky was full of fog.

"Super Magic-Blessing of Starlight"


Zorn's magic power burst out in full force, and the magic power of others was also attracted and called up together.

A powerful magic power rushed into the sky, and Jon's eyes were covered with one gold and one blue at this time. He couldn't help but mutter obscure words, and the purple and white magic source in the middle slowly rose into the sky.

As Jon muttered faster and faster, Gray, Leon, and Ultiya's eyes also turned one gold and one blue.

A huge golden and blue magic circle unfolded above the sky, and the stars that were already there shone even more, echoing with the magic circle.

Lucy and the others were also outputting their magic power with all their strength at this moment, and they did not notice that the Star Spirit Key on her waist was also emitting light.

The Star Spirits and the Star Spirit King in the Star Spirit Realm seemed to sense something, "Old friend, let me lend you a hand!"

The more powerful light from the stars was guided by the magic circle and sprinkled down, combining with the magic energy ball formed by the moonlight.

"Now, Gray, Leon, Ultear."

"Ah~" Gray and the others all tried their best to output their magic power.

Gray: "Please, let me see Uru again. I really want to say sorry to her again. It seems that I have dispelled the darkness in my heart. I just miss you so much now."

Leon: "Master, come back. I am already very strong. I know I did something wrong. I just want to listen to your scolding again. Come back, come back, Master, I miss you."

Ultiya: "Mom, I miss you so much. I want to throw myself into your arms again. As long as you come back, everything is fine. I just want to see you again, Okasan."

Seeing this, Zon gathered all the magic power gushing around into the sky, and slowly formed a sun in the sky

Gray, Leon, and Ultiya's tears ran down their cheeks and dripped into the air. They slowly gathered together and merged with the magic power.

Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, the light group of three lights combined slowly fell on the frozen ice with everyone's hope.

The moment the magic circle in the sky was completed, everyone instantly fell to the ground gasping for breath. Everyone's magic power was exhausted, and now they all looked at the ice with hope.

At this time, the ice also emitted a dazzling light, slowly turning into a pool of water, and under the light, slowly formed a familiar figure.



The moment Ultiya saw it, she immediately rushed into this warm embrace, rubbing her head back and forth in this embrace, enjoying the warmth at this time.

"I'm sorry, Ultiya, it's my mother's fault. You have suffered all these years, my daughter, at that time..."

Uru gently stroked Ultiya's head with tears in his eyes, and slowly told her what happened at that time.

"It's okay, everything is okay, my mother is back, everything is okay." Ultia thought to herself.

"Master" Gray and Leon stood around the two of them, crying like humans. Their aloof appearance was long gone. Now in front of Ulu, they were still the little brats who followed their master to learn magic.

But the others did not laugh at this look, they were all very moved, even Natsu was moved to tears, thinking of his father, Igneel.

Kana also lay in Zorn's arms at this time, with tears in the corners of her eyes and a smile on her mouth, happy for Gray and the others, and Leon's group was also crying.

Uru looked at Gray and Leon who were crying so hard that his head exploded. Then he hugged all three of them into his arms: "In a blink of an eye, you have grown up so much, but you are still crying like this. Shame on you. I won't do it again!"

"Roar~" Deliora's roar suddenly broke the warm scene. The three people who were originally in Uru's arms changed their faces at this moment. They stood in front of Uru and looked at the demon in front of them with murderous eyes.

"I will never let you take everything from me again this time!"

The three of them put their hands together slightly, and squeezed their own magic power. The ice shape magic, "White Tiger", "Lancer", "Rose Garden", three different ice magics, directly bombarded Deliora and broke out of his body directly.

"How could it be so easy!" Lucy and others looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. Zorn immediately said: "Deliora had already been in

In the frozen Uru, lives were taken away bit by bit. ”

“Congratulations, you have all found your own modeling magic. "Uru said happily behind them.


After solving the temple-related issues, everyone supported each other and returned to the village. When the village chief saw them returning, everyone was seriously injured. He quickly arranged a house for them to live in and asked the villagers to take care of them. After all, they were also wizards fighting for the curse of their village.

He and the villagers saw the soaring magic power from a long distance, and thought that Zorn and his team must have encountered difficulties that were difficult to solve. They couldn't get close to the ruins, so they could only pray silently on the spot.

Seeing such powerful magic power, they deeply believed that Zorn and his wizards would be able to lift the curse on them and restore them to human form.

With such hope, the villagers also fell asleep peacefully, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

This night passed peacefully, and everyone's magic power was completely consumed. Even if Zorn knew what the evil membrane was, he couldn't destroy it. I can only wait until tomorrow when my magic power is restored.

During this night, Ultia slept in the same bed with Ulu as she wished. Gray and Leon also slept on the floor beside them, guarding the two of them. In the middle of the night, Gray and Leon would still wake up from time to time, get up and look deeply at the sleeping Ulu, confirm that it was not a dream, and then fall asleep again with satisfaction.

Zon, Lucy and the others also slept very sweetly. Lucy and Cana slept together. They were a little tired during the day, so they slept very sweetly.

Zon slept alone on the floor. The reason why he slept so well was that he finally fulfilled a wish in his heart and successfully resurrected Ulu. It was worth his years of reading materials and studying magic.

However, he still had to find an opportunity to thank the Celestial King and those celestial spirits in person. At that moment, he could clearly feel the help of the celestial spirits, which was one of the reasons why this magic was finally successful.

As for Leo, it was time to go back and solve this matter.

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