The rain was so strong that the sun shone brightly.

Magnolia in the rain.

"Drip drip drip!"

Juvia came to a very suspicious pharmacy with an umbrella and all the guild members on her back.

"Oh, you want the other person to fall in love with you, but you don't know if there is such a good medicine!"

"Crack" lightning flashed across the sky

"As long as, as long as he can notice Juvia!" Juvia's extremely serious expression also showed her determination.

"Well, there is such a level, this is it, you can use it!"

The owner of the pharmacy put a bottle of a very suspicious pink liquid on the table with a snap.

"This is..."

"This is a magic potion that can make the other party pay close attention to you. The price is 60,000 J!" The shopkeeper stretched out his palm and made a six shape, signaling Juvia to take the money quickly.

"This... is really not cheap!" Juvia looked at the magic potion in her hand and hesitated in her heart. The store manager also saw her hesitation and quickly added: "This bottle of medicine is guaranteed. It is very popular. If you miss this store, there will be no next customer!"

"Guaranteed? Lord Gray... enthusiastic eyes." Juvia's original thoughts jumped immediately when she heard it. Thinking of Gray's steep face, she directly confirmed her idea.

"I bought it at the original price! Xixili, Lord Gray, you will always belong to Juvia." Juvia took the magic potion and went out. Looking at the Fairy Tail Guild in the distance, her heart was full of fantasies about Lord Gray.

But Juvia didn't realize that the shopkeeper was happily packing up his family's valuables and preparing to run away. He had finally gathered enough money.


The next day, the sun was shining brightly, in the Fairy Tail Guild

"Ah, most of the guild members have gone out to work, so boring."

Lucy was lying on the table, bored. Now there were only two S-class wizards left in the guild, Mirajane and Erza. Zorn and Laxus had been sent out by the president a day earlier, and it was unknown what mission they were on.

Because it was rare to send two S-class wizards directly on a mission, but the president kept silent, which made everyone curious.

"Lucy, you can go to work and make money!"

"Ah, but Natsu doesn't seem to want to work! Mira, do you know why?"

Lucy pouted, looking unhappy, she didn't understand why Natsu was slacking off at work.

"That's not clear, you see Natsu is dancing very happily now! But you can also go to work by yourself?" After Mirajane put down the plate she was polishing, she walked to the bar and persuaded Lucy.

"Well, after all, he and I are a team, so there's no way I can leave Natsu behind!"

Lucy also lay on the table, expressing her thoughts helplessly.

But Mirajane leaned over to Lucy's ear and teased: "You and Natsu look like a couple, the more you look at them, the more they match! And Natsu seems to be interested in you too!"

"Hey!" Lucy looked at Mira in disbelief, then turned to look at Natsu who was posing: "I shake, I shake!"

"Haha, Natsu, you shake like this, it's so funny." The other members of the guild laughed around Natsu.

Lucy looked at this: "Well, if that's the case, I don't want to accept it!"

"Natsu, we should go out to work too!" Gray immediately stopped Natsu when he saw him like this, and reminded him to work.

"Put on your clothes first, Gray, and you, Natsu, have you burned your brain because you used too much fire?"

Erusa scolded both of them directly. She was so angry with these two people that she was completely immersed in anger.

"It's okay, Erza, you should relax, right, Happy!"


"Haha, ka-chi-ka-chi"

Natsu still didn't care, and still danced his own dance on the table with Happy, making the other people in the guild laugh even more.

"I absolutely can't accept this!"

"Well, Lucy, I think you two are a good match!" Mirajane also tried her best to pull the strings between the two. After this pull, Lucy had a little other meaning for Natsu in her heart.

"Ah, Gray-sama, turn your passionate eyes to me quickly, I can't do it anymore, my hands are shaking."

Juvia was also hiding behind a pillar at this time, quietly observing Gray's every move

I was still imagining Gray's handsome face, and I was so excited that I couldn't say anything more.

The hand holding the magic potion kept shaking, and as a result, I failed to drug it today.


On the other side, Zorn and Laxus were in a ruin, looking at the dark guild members who had all fallen to the ground.

"Laxus, you're too heavy-handed. It seems that we can't get any information this time!"

Zorn squatted down and looked at the dark members who had turned black, and sighed.

"Tsk, it's just a thunderbolt!" Laxus turned his head and said lightly with disdain.

"Forget it, there are still many dark guilds to deal with, so don't worry!"

Zorn stood up and said calmly. After all, Laxus didn't really use much effort. He just found the next dark guild and didn't ask them first.

"The president said that we need to find out why the Six Demon Generals have been out so frequently recently, and other dark guilds have also taken action."

"Yeah, it's a good opportunity to clean up the dark guilds!"

Laxus crossed his arms and looked at the dark guilds on the ground with disgust.

"Well, there's no need to think so much. Let's go eat something first. I just saw a barbecue restaurant, it looks very good!"

Zon suddenly changed the subject and took Laxus to the restaurant to eat. They would talk about it later, after all, eating was the most important thing.

However, Zon knew in his heart that the Six Demon Generals chapter should begin.


On the Dark Guild Demon Heart Spaceship

"President Hades, the Six Demon Generals have begun to act, but it seems that they have attracted two strong opponents. What should we do now!" Ultia was on the ship, reporting the situation to Hades.

"Let them go"

"Some people won't sit idly by, so we can get rid of them!"

"Let's take this opportunity to quickly get to the key to unlocking Zeref's seal!"

Hades, in the dark, completely laid out his plans and ideas, and said with a look of anticipation.

"Yes, President, that would be the best!"

Ultear also responded respectfully, with a sneer on her face, and also hoped to kill Fairy Tail.

But when she turned her back to the president, her expression immediately turned into a worried look, worried about the situation of Zorn Gray and the others!

To be continued~

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