The first person to speak was Brian, the leader of the Six Demon Generals. Behind him stood the same five people as in the original novel, namely Dark Night, Hete Ai, Cobra, Kong Nai, and Lisa.

"Dregs, I didn't expect you to be so fast. You can find the entrance mechanism so quickly! But, that's it!" Brian said arrogantly.

Laxus said disdainfully: "Do you think you can defeat us with just a few of you trash and these scumbags!?"

"What did you say!?" Brian hadn't spoken yet, but the people behind him didn't want to hear it.

Lisa stepped forward: "There are only a few of you. I alone can deal with you!" After saying that, she disappeared in front of everyone.

Brian did not stop them, and he could observe their strength.

"What?!" Except for Xi and Laxus, everyone was shocked. They found that they could not see how Lisa disappeared!

Lisa, who suddenly disappeared, appeared behind Yiye, kicked Yiye away easily with a flying kick, and then disappeared again in a blink of an eye, and then used the same method to attack the other people.

Facing Lisa's extremely fast speed, they had no way to deal with it.

Lisa laughed arrogantly while wandering and running: "Hahaha, no one can keep up with my speed! Do you still want to go against our six demon generals?"

Xi looked calm and even yawned: "What a boring trick, you or me?" Turned to Laxus and asked.

Laxus didn't say anything, just twisted his neck, took a step forward, and turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Brian saw this and thought it was not good.

Laxus, who turned into lightning, appeared behind Lisa who was about to attack Pacas in an instant. Lisa couldn't believe it and screamed: "How is it possible!"

Laxus smiled grimly: "Bug, you are so arrogant!" Then he hit the opponent's stomach directly with his fist wrapped in lightning.

"Uh!" Lisa was hit by this powerful blow and flew to Brian's feet and fainted.

"How is it possible! How can he be so strong!?" Seeing that he defeated one of the six demon generals with just one blow, except for the sleeping Dark Night, everyone looked at Laxus in shock.

Laxus, who had only done a trivial thing, said disdainfully: "Humph, bugs are bugs! You are so slow, but you dare to shout in front of me? Even if you are fast, can you be as fast as lightning?"

Xi also laughed: "Well, don't say that, although his speed is indeed very slow, this magic is still very interesting!"

Then he explained to everyone: "In fact, it's not how fast he is, but his magic gives us an illusion!"

Everyone was puzzled: "Illusion?"

Xi: "Yes, if I'm not mistaken, his magic should be slow magic, This kind of magic can affect our senses, making us mistakenly think that he is extremely fast, and under the influence of this magic, we also think that we are casting magic or something else at normal speed, but in fact, under his influence, our senses and movements have also slowed down! "

Jura also suddenly realized: "So, in fact, his speed is just a little faster than that of ordinary wizards!"

Xi nodded: "Yes, that's it!"

Laxus was even more disdainful after hearing this: "Humph, bugs are bugs after all!"

Brian also heard Xi's words, and seeing that the other party saw through Lisa's magic so quickly, his face became ugly: "Then why are you not affected! ? "

Xi laughed disdainfully: "Tsk, in In front of powerful strength, it's all just a bunch of gimmicks! Simply put, the magic power gap is too big, and it can't affect me and Laxus at all! What's more, I am a light wizard, and Laxus is a lightning wizard. Comparing speed with us? This is not the way to seek death! "

Brian's face became even uglier when he heard this, and he kept shouting in his heart: "Damn it! These wizards of the Light Guild are so strong! I don't believe it! I don't believe that the others are the same as them!"

Thinking of this, Brian waved his hand and ordered the many members of the Dark Guild under his command: "Go!"

After hearing the order, they looked at each other. They also saw that Laxus easily defeated their boss and hesitated.

Brian saw that they hadn't made any move yet, and he was furious: "Didn't you listen?

Do you see what I said! All of you come at me! Otherwise I will kill you first! "

The dark members who heard this looked at Brian with more fear. Facing Brian's tyranny, they finally mustered up their courage: "Brothers, go!"

Facing many dark members who attacked, Xi said: "Just as we agreed before, let's go too!"

"Yeah!" Several people nodded.

"First, let's give you an appetizer! Laxus!" Xi smiled evilly and shouted.

"The Roar of the Light Dragon!"

"The Roar of the Thunder Dragon!"

Two huge golden roars rushed over and instantly wiped out most of the dark members.

Xi smiled with satisfaction when he saw the results of himself and Laxus, and then the two rushed into the crowd, punching each kid.

Jura was also unwilling to lag behind: "Let's go too! Rock Iron Pillar! "With a flick of his finger, a huge rock pillar emerged from the ground, killing more than a dozen dark members.

"Haha, Drunken Fist!" Pakas also rushed up and moved at high speed around the enemy camp, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"Power Perfume!" Yi Ye took out two bottles of perfume and inserted them into his nostrils, then gradually grew into a strong giant two or three meters tall, and his clothes were exploded and shattered.

Soon, with the efficient cooperation and strong strength of several people, all the dark guild members under the Six Demon Generals were defeated.

As Xi casually threw away the last dark member in his hand, "This is the last one, you are the only ones left!" After saying that, he stared at the Six Demon Generals.

The other people also stood behind Xi tacitly.

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