The enemy was in a hurry.

At this time, Laxus was rushing to the command room of the magic cannon.

His goal was clear. The magic cannon would definitely not have only one shot. As long as it was given time, it would definitely fire the second and third shots. And such an important thing must be guarded by someone.

And the strength must not be low. It is very likely that one of the four elements is there.

As expected, when Laxus walked over, a man with black and white hair and a red robe stood next to a large crystal ball. This man was Tutuwan, one of the four elements.

Laxus flashed a smile, and then disappeared quickly.

"My name is Tutuwan, I am one of the four elements of Phantom. Are you the S-class wizard Laxus of Fairy Tail?"

Laxus said arrogantly: "I am not interested in telling you my name, and I am not interested in knowing your name either."

Tutuwan felt insulted by the other party's tone: "Don't be too proud, I am one of the four elements, and I am also an S-class wizard like you!"

Laxus was even more disdainful: "A grain of light dares to compete with the bright moon, and a wizard from a second-rate guild dares to be compared with us?"

"Second-rate? How dare you say we are a second-rate guild!? Bastard, don't look down on me! Red flame!" A red flame shot out from his hand.

"Oh?" Seeing that the opponent was actually a fire wizard, Laxus couldn't help but take a closer look, but when the flame touched Laxus, feeling the temperature of the flame, Laxus instantly lost interest.

"This level of flame is no match for Natsu, it can't even burn my clothes!"

After saying that, he just waved his hand casually, and the flames wrapped around his body dissipated directly.

Tutuwan was even more surprised: "How is it possible, my flame is actually useless to the opponent! I don't believe it! Blue flame!"

Laxus was still indifferent, and it was obviously a flame, but it made people feel quite cool: "The characteristics are quite interesting, but the power is just like this. Use all the flames you have, otherwise you will have no chance."

Tutuwan saw that his flame had no effect at all, and was horrified and very angry at the same time: "Damn, don't be too proud! In this case, then try my strongest magic! Seven-color flame!"

Seven different colors of flames were entangled together and rushed towards Laxus quickly.

Laxus's lazy eyes were slightly retracted: "This is a bit interesting! But it's still useless!"

He simply wrapped lightning around his fist and punched the fierce seven-color flames with force. The flames were directly scattered and dissipated like fireworks.

"It seems that you have used up all your means, so it's time to end it! Thunder Dragon's Collapse Fist!"

Before Tutuwan could react to the previous attack, Laxus turned into lightning and appeared in front of Tutuwan in an instant.

"What!" He had no time to defend himself and had to raise his arms to try to block the attack.

Unfortunately, the gap in strength between the two sides was too big. The powerful strength directly knocked Tutuwan away and embedded him in the wall, and his consciousness also dissipated and fell into a coma.

Laxus spitted with disdain: "With only this little strength, you dare to start a war with our Fairy Tail? Humph!"

Laxus turned his head to look at the huge crystal ball again. In order to prevent the magic cannon from continuing to fire, he directly destroyed the crystal ball.

After resolving this farce, he walked back without looking back, intending to return to the members of the Fairy Tail Guild, with no intention of supporting Nozomi.

As for the previous agreement with Nozomi, Laxus also said that it didn't matter, after all, it was just a joke between brothers.

The battle situation on the other side was different from Laxus's complete defeat. On the contrary, he also encountered Elfman, one of the four elements, and could be said to have no ability to fight back.

The opponent was Thor, the earth element, who used earth magic. The power was not great, but it was very difficult to deal with. , just like now.

"NO, NO, NO! Three consecutive NOs mean that you are not my opponent at all! It's better for you not to struggle, so that I can make you lose more decently."

"Wulusai! Dare to destroy Fairy Tail, I must defeat you!"

"NO, NO, NO! I saw it~ You almost killed your own sister before, right~" Thor said insidiously.

Elfman was stunned: "You...what did you say! How did you know that!"

Thor ignored the other party's excited expression and used earth magic to raise a clay sculpture from the ground.

, and finally turned into Lisanna: "How pitiful, because of the failure to receive the beast king, she lost control. If Xi Fix hadn't suddenly appeared and saved her, I'm afraid the grass in front of her grave would be several meters high!"

"So, who is the culprit of all this? It's you, Elfman Strauss!"

Elfman's pupils contracted, and he held his head in pain: "No, it's not like this... I didn't mean it! I really didn't mean it!"

"Statue" Lisanna opened her eyes and asked Elfman in a dead voice: "Brother Elfman, why do you do this to me... Why do you do this to me... Brother Elfman! It hurts... It hurts!!"

The hands holding his head slowly fell, and just when Elfman was about to sink into a stone statue, the real Lisanna appeared.

Lisanna shouted loudly: "Brother Elfman!"

Her empty eyes showed a slight fluctuation: "Lisanna..."

Lisanna continued to shout: "Brother Elfman, wake up! Didn't you say that you would protect me and sister Mira! Didn't you say that you would become a real man!?"

"Lisanna... Sister... That's right... I promised them, and promised Brother Xi that I would definitely protect Lisanna and sister..."

Lisanna: "Brother Elfman, it was not your fault back then. I insisted on stopping you. It was me, I was the one who dragged you down the most! Brother Elfman, I believe in you. Now that you are a man, you will definitely be able to successfully receive the Beast King!"

Elfman's consciousness finally returned completely. He looked at Lisanna with tearful eyes, and then looked outside the Phantom, just in time to see Mira looking at him worriedly below.

At this moment, Thor sneaked up and grabbed Lisanna: "It's a touching scene, but it's useless. The difference in strength is there. Your cowardly brother has no strength to protect you, just like now!"

After saying that, Thor planned to hurt Lisanna.

Elfman was instantly furious: "You are not allowed to hurt Lisanna! Ah!!!"

A flash of light passed by, and Elfman directly turned into the beast king form. His already tall body became even stronger and more majestic, and Elfman did not lose control and was very conscious.

He took a big step forward and reached out to take Lisanna back from the other party.

Lisanna looked at Elfman who had turned into the Beast King with excitement: "You succeeded, Brother Elfman!"

Elfman gently put Lisanna on the ground and said softly: "I'm sorry, Lisanna, I made you worry for so long. As promised, I will protect you and won't let you cry again."

Thor on the opposite side was no longer as relaxed as before. He was sweating profusely and hurriedly explained: "NO, NO, NO! In fact, I did this to help you successfully overcome the psychological shadow! Look, you succeeded, didn't you, ahahaha...!"

Elfman stared at Thor with scarlet eyes, and without saying a word, he punched him.

Thor dodged in embarrassment: "NO, NO, NO! Do you think I'm really afraid of you! Plaster Sonata!"

The huge fist made of sand condensed into sand slammed into the other party, raising a puff of smoke.

Thor smiled proudly and said, "NO, NO, NO! After all, it's just good-looking but useless. I still defeated you!"

But when the smoke dissipated, Elfman's huge body was still standing without any injuries on his body. Thor's proud face turned into horror in an instant.

"No... Impossible!"

Ignoring the other party's exclamation, Elfman quickly rushed to Thor, grabbed the other party's feet with his big hands, and smashed them back and forth on the ground on both sides, directly doing a "Thor" style swing.

Finally, when he felt that it was almost done, he let go of Thor who had already fainted.

"Ah!!!!" Elfman raised his head and roared in victory.

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