Dolanbart swallowed his saliva subconsciously when he looked at the huge crowds of people in front of him.

Because he was proficient in the space magic"teleportation", Dolanbart was asked by Lahar to come to the Kingdom of Fiore to evacuate the people. Dolanbart would use magic to teleport all the people in the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore.

As for whether Dolanbart could teleport all these people away and whether he would teleport Gu Yun away together, there was no need to worry at all. At that time, the magic crystal with magic elf power on Dolanbart's body would replace the magic power in Dolanbart's body to release magic, and the magic effect dominated by magic elf power would be greatly enhanced.

However, because the Magic Council has not yet studied and controlled the magic elf power deeply, Dolanbart, as a carrier, would suffer a serious injury at that time, and even a slightly more serious person might be directly disabled.

To be honest, if he didn't know that Lahar was very concerned about what happened in Magunolia before, Dolanbart really wouldn't do this. After all, the magic elf power is too dangerous, and a little carelessness will lead to serious consequences.

Even though the Magic Council has gained a deeper understanding of the magic elf power through research and application in recent years and has been able to roughly apply it to magic, it is still too dangerous to allow wizards to directly borrow the magic elf power. It is difficult for wizards' bodies to withstand the extremely high quality of the magic elf power, which is called the power of God.

Originally, the Magic Council was planning to conduct research for a few more years to see if they could achieve the goal of allowing wizards to use magic with the magic elf power.

Of course, from the original book, in which the Magic Council was wiped out in the face of the attack by the Gate of Hell, it can be seen that the goal of allowing wizards to use magic with the magic elf power is a distant goal.

"It's really troublesome."

"But since Lahar has asked me to do that, I might as well give it a try."After taking a deep breath, Dolanbart took the hand containing the power of the magic elves and slapped it directly on the ground of the podium, breaking it, and activated the space magic"teleport".


The earth was shaking wildly, and a super-large magic circle emerged, directly covering the entire central square in the center of the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore.

You know, the central square of the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore can accommodate millions of people, and the area is very large. I didn't expect Dolanbart to be able to directly create such a huge magic circle.

Gu Yun, who had been watching the show, finally changed his expression.

If Dolanbart, who was within Gu Yun's sight, was a very stable individual who was very harmonious with the surrounding environment before, he suddenly became extremely unstable at this moment. The magic power in Dolanbart's body boiled in an instant, no, it evaporated directly in an instant, followed by a very high-quality A large amount of magic power was forcibly filled into Dolanbart's body.

Dolanbart, who was as harmless as a sheep in Gu Yun's eyes, turned into a wolf cub with milk teeth in this instant. Well, although it still does not pose even the slightest threat, it has at least changed from a herbivore to a carnivore.

Although he did not know what the effect of this magic circle was, Gu Yun had never let others decide his future, so Gu Yun just waved his hand slightly, ready to directly interrupt and destroy Dolanbart's magic.

Following Gu Yun's actions, the magic circle on the ground composed of the power of the magic elves shook violently, but something happened to Gu Yun's surprise. The magic circle on the ground did not collapse and become invalid because of Gu Yun's actions, but it was still running. Although this had nothing to do with Gu Yun's strength, you have to know that there are very few magic circles in this world that can withstand Gu Yun's interference.

"No, it's not because the magic circle is too stable."

Gu Yun's attention was immediately drawn to the magic circle on the ground. He murmured to himself with a bit of seriousness,"It's because the magic power that makes up the magic circle itself is too stable. More importantly, the quality of this magic power is too high.Surpassed me!"

"Moreover, it has the two supreme attributes of time and space. This special attribute, this extremely high quality, is this magic spirit power?!"

You should know that the magic power in Gu Yun's body has been constantly compressed, refined and streamlined, and during the time when Gu Yun froze himself, Gu Yun's body was still constantly absorbing and refining magic power. After four hundred years, the quality of the magic power in Gu Yun's body has long become astonishingly terrifying.

It can be said that the current Gu Yun can beat himself who cut off the continent with a sword four hundred years ago.

But even so, the quality of the magic power in Gu Yun's body is still not as good as the magic power that constitutes the magic circle. What else can it be except the magic spirit power that is blown to the sky in the fairy tail world?

Then in the next moment, the super-large magic circle that wrapped the entire central square was activated, accompanied by a huge space fluctuation, and the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore suddenly became silent. The central square, which was originally crowded with people, suddenly became empty, leaving only Gu Yun and Dolanbart lying on the podium, and the army disguised as normal people before.


Gu Yun chuckled as he looked at the Magic Council army that surrounded him not far away.

"You must have used magic spirit power just now."

"It seems that your Magic Council is quite courageous. You have directly brought most of your Magic Council's troops here?"

Looking at Dolanbart lying on the podium and breathing heavily, Gu Yun said with a smile:

"I wonder if you are prepared to lose most of your troops?"

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