Most of the members of the Magic Council did not have any particular dissatisfaction with the action taken by Gu Yun, the dragon slayer. If it were not for the last meeting where Speaker Gulan decided to wait and see, the Magic Council would have taken action long ago.

After all, although Gu Yun killed a thousand magicians in one go, all the members felt that killing a thousand magicians in one go was already Gu Yun's limit. Even if he was a little stronger, it would not be much stronger. There was no need to be timid because of Gu Yun's matter.

The reason why these members reacted so strongly now was entirely because Speaker Gulan"bypassed" them and directly controlled the Magic Council without going through the meeting. Although Gulan was the Speaker and had the highest status in the Magic Council, this was not a reason for Speaker Gulan to"bypass" them and directly control the Magic Council.

The Magic Council was not a one-man show, and other members were even less likely to watch the Magic Council become the one-man show of the incumbent Speaker, because it was related to their own vital interests. Only those who had a say in the Magic Council would have people curry favor with them and bribe them because of their status as members of the Magic Council.

Therefore, even the most inactive members of parliament would be very concerned about the speaker doing something important without holding a meeting.

"I can understand the feelings of the members of parliament."

Looking at the members of parliament who were quarreling in front of him, Lahar was much calmer and said seriously:"It's just that there are special reasons for this situation this time. The specific reasons are not convenient to explain to the members of parliament at present, but after this matter is over, I will explain it to the members of parliament in person."

"As for what will happen next, please follow me to the meeting room. Perhaps after some force majeure, the Magic Council will use the magic spirit power to kill the target."

All the council members looked at Lahar and Speaker Gulan who was"sleeping" on the seat next to him with surprise.

Using the magic spirit power is not a small matter. You should know that in the history of the Magic Council, the magic spirit power has been used only a few times, and each time it must be approved by more than half of the council members.

And the background forces behind each council member are different, and there will be considerable conflicts in interests. This ensures that the Magic Council can use the magic spirit power correctly.

Even seven years ago, the Magic Council was used by Gerald, which led to the collapse of the original Magic Council.

"If the fact that Speaker Gulan secretly mobilized the army without our knowledge can be regarded as a small matter, and we can listen to your explanation after the incident, Lahar, then the use of magic elves is no small matter."

"Well, if you don't tell me the reason, I will definitely not agree to use the magic spirit power."

"That's right, Lahar, you should quickly wake up Speaker Gulan. We must hear the reason for using the magic elves' power. You know, the magic elves' power can easily destroy cities and countries."

"Once we really use the power of magic spirits, other countries will definitely ask our Magic Council to give an explanation. If there is no legitimate reason, then it will be really troublesome."

""Yes, yes, Speaker Gulan! Stop pretending to be asleep here! Get up quickly and give me every explanation, otherwise I will use my power of impeachment!"

After a moment of silence, the members of the Magic Council suddenly became excited, and regardless of whether Speaker Gulan was really sleeping next to them, they started shouting in the direction of Speaker Gulan.

However, these members soon discovered that the situation seemed to be more complicated than they had imagined.

No matter how they shouted at Speaker Gulan, who was lying on the table, Speaker Gulan did not respond at all.

Even if he was really asleep, he could not have slept so soundly.

He should have thought that he was awakened by the intrusion of them.

"Okay, all the senators, please stop arguing. I will take over the affairs of Speaker Gulan until he wakes up. Let's take a look at the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore first."

Lahar looked at the members of the Magic Council and said with a smile:"The battle situation in the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore will affect the decision of our Magic Council on whether to use the magic elves."

"As for whether innocent people will be hurt, please rest assured, all irrelevant people in the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore have been evacuated by Dolanbart's space magic"teleportation". Apart from the need to compensate for the destroyed city, we don't need to worry about other things."

While speaking, Lahar took out a crystal ball, and the picture of the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore appeared in the crystal ball.

Although it is known that the movements of the Magic Council army in recent times have been a bit too tough, because Lahar can conceal it, the members present actually don't know what Lahar is going to do this time.

Looking at the members whose attention was attracted, Lahar continued to say with a smile:"This is the theme of the last meeting, the Dragon Slayer. Now our Magic Council army has completely confronted this Dragon Slayer."

"If our army loses, then Dolanbart will use the space magic"teleport" to take everyone away, but at this time, simply choosing to escape will not solve any problems. At that time, we may be found by this extremely powerful dragon slayer."

"Therefore, I hope that you will think carefully about whether to use the magic spirit power."

As Lahar finished speaking, the noisy councilors suddenly became quiet. No one was stupid. Everyone knew the seriousness of the problem.

If the Dragon Slayer really showed a powerful force far beyond the limit, and even the army of the Magic Council could not defeat him in a frontal battle, the councilors who had offended the Dragon Slayer would definitely be unable to sleep or eat.

Even if they did not make this decision.

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