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【PS: Akakakakaka, I beg all KTC members to subscribe automatically in the next one~~~~~】

Ice-blue magic power continued to condense in the air, and then an extremely sharp ice sword was materialized and fell into Gu Yun's hands.

Maybe it was because of some feelings when he first crossed over to this world, Gu Yun liked to use the sword every time he used a big move, even if the essence of the big move was still magic. Well, a mild case of the second syndrome

"I heard that once you are cursed by the black magic curse of the god Anxelram, you will suffer endless pain for eternity, and this pain is called eternal life by most people."

Holding the ice sword with a cold breath in his hand, Gu Yun looked at Jellal who was lying in a coma in front of him and chuckled and said,"Then everything ends here, the so-called immortality?"

"It's just a joke."

After saying that, Gu Yun used the ice sword in his hand to pierce Jellal's heart without any hesitation.

Gu Yun didn't know whether immortality really existed.

However, there was one thing Gu Yun was very clear about, that is, it was just a black magic curse, and it would definitely not stop him. The black magic curse of the god Ankselram, the death hunt, would definitely not be able to save Jellal from him.

Since he decided to provoke, he had to be responsible for the consequences of his choice.

The price of provoking Gu Yun depends on Gu Yun's mood. If he is in a good mood, nothing may happen. If he is in a bad mood, then the consequence is death. It is a pity. , Gu Yun was not in a particularly good mood right now.

The tip of the ice blade began to touch the skin on Jellal's chest.

Without any surprise, the body that had not suffered even the slightest trauma since it was cursed by the black magic curse of the god Ankselram four hundred years ago, was pierced into by the ice sword in Gu Yun's hand like a piece of tofu.

A dark, evil and disgusting aura burst out from Jellal's body at this time. Even the ice sword in Gu Yun's hand that had been pierced into Jellal's chest could not help but stop under the outburst of this aura, and even retreated to the outside.


Gu Yun felt the dark aura that suddenly burst out from Jellal in front of him and became slightly interested. He chuckled and said,"It seems that this should be the true form of the so-called black magic curse of the god Anxelram, the Death Hunt."

"Is it because it senses that the host is about to die that it starts to explode desperately in an attempt to stop me?"

""But, can you stop it?"

After saying that, Gu Yun directly took advantage of the pressure brought by the crazy burst of energy in Jellal's body, and forced the ice sword in his hand to pierce into Jellal's chest.

Facing Gu Yun, even the crazy burst of the black magic curse of the god Kseram's death hunting could not withstand it. Gu Yun kept breaking through the direction, and the tip of the ice sword approached Jellal's heart little by little.

Just when the ice sword in Gu Yun's hand was about to pierce Jellal's heart, Jellal, who had been in a coma since just now, suddenly opened his eyes. His pupils became more and more scarlet, staring at the sword that was about to pierce his heart, and then the world turned gray again. Time stopped at this moment, and the space around Gu Yun also became solidified at this moment. Everything was no different from the trick Gu Yun used against Jellal just now.

"Use the trick I just used against me?"

Without having time to figure out why the unconscious Jellal suddenly woke up, Gu Yun sneered at the sudden change in the surrounding environment, and then continued to stab Jellal's heart with the ice sword in his hand. The confined space and forbidden time around him did not affect Gu Yun even for a moment, and finally Gu Yun stabbed hard, but missed.

After feeling that he had missed, Gu Yun frowned slightly, and directly slashed the ice sword in his hand at the surrounding space again.

After a sound like shattering glass, the surrounding world that had originally returned to its original state turned gray again, and Jellal was looking at him with a smile not far away.

"It seems that it is not just a simple space confinement?"

Gu Yun looked at the smiling Jellal and said a little seriously. For some reason, when Jellal suddenly woke up from his coma, he actually brought him a sense of threat.

After taking a look at the END Book that fell on the ground, Gu Yun had an answer in his mind.

This guy is definitely not Jellal, definitely not the brother-obsessed pervert Jellal Dragneel.

And the way this guy looked at him was also very perverted, that kind of eager eyes

"It's really surprising"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a mortal who makes me drool. I really want this kind of hot and huge vitality."

"But your strength is unexpectedly strong, even this shell is far inferior to you, it's really a pity, why did this happen?!"

‘Jellal looked at Gu Yun and said with a smile, ignoring Gu Yun's question. His scarlet eyes were filled with greed for Gu Yun, an uncontrollable greed.


After hearing the words of 'Jeref' in front of him, Gu Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam of light flashed quietly, revealing a dangerous light, and he said lightly:"Who are you?"

"Is it Zeref Dragneel, or"

"Anxelram God?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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