Chapter 54

The night is as cool as water.

A full moon hung high in the sky, and the bright moonlight poured down on the earth.

There was an endless forest on the ground, and under the light of the moon, it was extraordinarily quiet.

"I hear the sound of light crumbling and falling!".

At this moment, a man surrounded by a python walked to the cliff at the edge of the forest, looked at the forest in front of him, and grinned.

"The legendary magic, Nirvana is in this forest!".

"Soon, this magic will be ours!".

A man with a skeletal staff walked over and said with a fanatical expression.

"What's wrong with Lisa, why hasn't she come to the assembly yet?".

Next to the man with the skeletal staff, a tall man with a book in his arms asked.

"Let's go to the guild below, I should be back soon!".

A woman said with one hand on her waist and in a languid tone.

Behind the woman, a man was sleeping cross-legged on a flying carpet with his head bowed.

If Night Feather was here at this time, he would definitely recognize these five people.

These five people were none other than five of the six demon generals.

Not long after the woman's words fell, the man holding the skull staff suddenly changed his face.

"Brian, what's wrong?".

The man with the snake around him seemed to hear something, and he immediately turned to look at the man holding the skull staff and asked.

"Lisa, failed!".

The man, Brian, spoke up.

Brian's face was patterned with lines.

This pattern is not a tattoo, but a kind of living connection sealing magic.

It seals Brian's second personality.

When the Six Demon Generals are defeated, the lines on Brian's face disappear.

Just now, the line connecting Lisa on Brian's face suddenly disappeared.

And this means that Lisa has been defeated.

"Eh, Lisa will fail, and the person who defeats him must not be weak!".

Hearing Brian's words, the man codenamed Cobra stroked the snake around him, and then asked Brian again, "What now, Brian?"

"Find Lisa, then bring him back!".

Brian turned and said.


After Nightfeather and Elusa left the Dark Unicorn Guild for a while, Rahal, the captain of the Freshman Council, came to the Dark Unicorn Guild with a group of soldiers from the Council.

"This is..."

Rahal looked at the frozen building in front of him, and his face changed suddenly.

"What the hell is going on here?".

"The whole building was frozen!".

Lahal looked up at the building in front of him and said with a look of surprise.

Just then, a soldier dressed in a knight's costume approached and reported to Lahal.

"Captain, the members of the Dark Guild Unicorn are all in the main hall, in addition to the leader of the Iron Forest Guild, Eligor, and one of the six demon generals, Lisa, is also inside!".

"It seems that the information provided by Fairy Tail is true, and everyone will be arrested!"

Rahal commanded with a push of his glasses.


Under the orders of Captain Rahal, a group of soldiers from the Senate poured into the main hall.

Although the people of the Dark Guild are frozen.

But something happened that made it difficult for them.

Freezing the ice of Lisa and the others, they couldn't break it.

"Captain, this ice can't melt!".

"Let me come!".

Rahal walked up to Lisa's ice sculpture and directly cast a spell.

In the next second, a cluster of flames directly drowned Lisa's ice sculpture.

But after burning for more than ten seconds, the ice showed no signs of melting.

"It's ice that isn't afraid of flames, what the hell is this..."

Rahal put away his magic, a thoughtful look on his face.

Then he gave the order: "Take the ice and the people back and go again!".

"Let's bring the ice back and leave it behind!".

At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly came from outside the main hall.

Hearing this, Rahal's face suddenly changed, and he immediately turned to look.

I saw Brian and Cobra and others coming over.

"You are... The remaining five of the Six Demon Generals?!".

Rahal looked at Brian and recognized the identities of Brian and the others at a glance.

"Take it all for me!".

With Rahal's order, the Senate soldiers in the hall all pounced on Brian and his party.

As the Senate soldiers rushed forward, Brian's skeletal staff swung into the air.


In the next second, a large amount of green energy, like a living thing, rushed out of the skeletal staff and swept towards the soldiers of the Senate.


A second later, all the members of the Senate in the hall fell to the ground.

"Is this the strength of the Six Demon Generals?"

Rahal, who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, looked at Brian and the others and said with a frightened expression.

After dealing with everyone in the Senate, Brian and the others walked up to Lisa's ice sculpture.

"The entire building can be frozen in ice, what kind of monster did Lisa encounter?".


Minutes later, Brian freed Lisa from the ice.

"Lisa, who froze you?".

"Fairy Tail's Wizard!".

Hearing Brian's question, Lisa said with murderous intent.

"Fairy Tail?".

"I remember this guild!".

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