Fairy Tail: I want to summon Baron Nash

Chapter 14 The Guild’s Reputation Seems to Have a Problem

"Then it's settled, I'll help you find the necessary information, and I can also help explain it. You tell me about Chinese!"

According to Mira, Rebby loves books very much, and she is probably the person most familiar with the guild library.

And in addition to magic, Rhodes also needs to understand the history, geography, culture and other aspects of this place.

You can also ask Lebby about these things. Even if she doesn't remember them all, she will know where to look.

With Lebby's help, Rhodes' learning efficiency can be greatly improved.

And she was interested in Rhodes' native language, so both parties could get what they needed.

The only ones who were unhappy were Jett and Troy, but because Rhodes didn't do anything special after seeing Lebby, he didn't say anything rude.

But...then again, Rebby is so cute, but he doesn't react at all?

This is another kind of unhappiness.

Rhodes didn't understand the chaotic expression changes of these two people at first, but later he heard some gossip from Mira -

The three of them grew up together, and Jet and Troy were recently investigating the ways girls like to express their feelings.

Rhodes suddenly realized:

It turns out it's t... No, it's not polite to call your companion that way. He should be called the Flower Protector.

However, Rhodes looked at those two people as if they were scum.

Lebby probably looks like a junior high school girl, right?

"Is this a crime for them?"

"..." Mira covered her mouth and smiled, "Lebby is 16 years old. She knows that you will be sad if you say this."

"..." Rhodes was silent for a moment. He remembered that Mira was 18 years old, and the two-year gap seemed understandable...

"That's not right." Rhodes said, "A 16-year-old is still a minor."

"No, in the Kingdom of Fiore, you can drink and... do various things at the age of 15."

Mira pointed at Kana, who was half-drunk and half-awakened while holding the wine bucket, "For example, Kanna has been drinking since she was 13 years old."

"Oh..." Rhodes felt that the example Mira gave was full of flaws.

But it seems quite normal for people in this guild to not follow the rules.


The agreement with Lebby was of course to start tomorrow. She just came back today and needed to rest after a long journey.

Jett and Troy were particularly energetic. They chatted about their journey experience with familiar people in the guild without returning home.

Rhodes was a little envious. He had to learn magic quickly and then he could see this magical world with his own eyes.

Of course, the key point is that you can make money and pay off debt faster.

He is a person who doesn't even dare to use "spend money", and now he always feels uncomfortable carrying a large amount of debt.

During the dinner in the tavern, it was busy and noisy. Just like yesterday, Rod helped wipe the tables and chairs and swept the floor with Worm back to his rented house.

The room was still as dark as yesterday, and seemed a little deserted.

But Worm sniffed around like a puppy, adding a little more life to the empty house.

Rhodes allowed Worm to explore as he pleased. He sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated as he did during the day, working hard to exercise his mental power and increase the magic power in his body.

It wasn't until sleepiness and exhaustion came over him that he washed up hastily, put out the oil lamp and fell asleep.

Before going to bed, I still thought that the oil lamp was inconvenient and I would buy a magic lamp sooner or later.

Worm was like a little fur ball, lying quietly on Rhodes' pillow until the early morning, when his body gradually became transparent and disappeared.

That night, Rhodes always felt warm and comfortable in his sleep.

Early the next morning, Rhodes got up on time to wash up.

When he made the bed and was about to go out, he felt like something was missing.

"Where's my Poro?" Rhodes bent down and looked under the bed, "Worm?"

After searching around the room, Rhodes remembered that Worm's location could be determined by the connection of magic power.

He closed his eyes and found that his magic power was much stronger than yesterday, and it seemed that it was not consumed now.

"Is the time limit up or will it automatically return when I fall asleep?"

Rhodes was not sure about the situation and decided to summon again:

"I am the one who connects the two worlds. You, a creature from another world, answer my call and pass through the door!"

The pendant emitted golden and blue light, and there was magic power gathering in the air. Rhodes squeezed the pendant tightly and shouted the last words:

"Open the door to another world!"

A small stream of magic power was drawn out of Rhodes' body, and a small white figure appeared on the floor.

Worm was confused for a moment, then immediately threw himself into Rhode's arms and arched again and again.

"Your jumping ability is really good." Rhodes caught Worm and rubbed it, then asked, "Were there any other companions beside you just now?"

Worm shook his head, it had been sleeping in its nest.

"Just now I felt that besides you, I could summon another... I don't know what it was."

Worm's dark eyes looked at Rhodes, revealing clear foolishness... clear innocence.

"It seems you don't know anymore." Rhodes touched Worm's head, put it down, and then picked up the pendant again, "I'll find out if I try again."

"I am..."

Just as the pendant started to glow, Rhodes interrupted the magic.

"Forget it, I don't feel safe trying it at home, so I'd better ask the president."

He picked up Worm, locked the door, went downstairs and left.

Goodman came earlier today and had already arranged the stall: "Good morning, Mr. Rod..."

He noticed Worm sticking out his tongue: "Is this your pet?"

Rod realized an important problem. Do landlords hate tenants keeping pets?

Fortunately, Worm is not just a pet.

"It's called Worm. I summoned it from another world with magic." Rod said, "Worm, say hello."

"Wool~" Worm made a cute sound.

"Magic, no wonder I've never seen such an animal." Goodman was a little envious, "Why not wait until my son grows up and let him learn magic."

"You have a son, that's great, he can join Fairy Tail at that time."

"Ha...haha...yes, yes, but he is only three years old, it's too early for this kind of thing, too early."

For some reason, Rod felt that Goodman's smile was a bit dry.

Because he didn't quite understand the two-tiered reputation of his own guild - it was both the most trustworthy guild and the most guarded guild.

Fairy Tail is now one of the most famous guilds in the country, and being able to join it is something that wizards should be proud of.

In addition, citizens usually come into contact with wizards and know that they are generally good people.

Causing trouble and destroying things are secondary, because they will try their best to make up for and compensate for the things they cause.

The problem that worries Goodman the most is that there are many weirdos and problem children there.

If I send my own children there...will they get some quirks? Will they tear down my house at any time?

It's fun and exciting to watch them fight and destroy the guild, but if my own child becomes a nuisance...

Goodman needs to think about it carefully.

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