After quickly flipping through two magazines, Rhodes took off his glasses and prepared to start today's physical training.

"I told you not to get under the bed."

Rod held up the back of Worm's neck, and Worm's four legs hung down naturally, part of his tongue was exposed, and his horns drooped down, looking pitiful like "please don't scold me."

"It's just right." Rhode put down Worm and went to the laundry room to get a basin of water and a rag.

Worm sat obediently on the ground and waited for Rhodes to wipe him.

However, Rhodes threw the rag to it: "Anyway, you are all dirty. Please help me wipe it clean under the bed. It is inconvenient for me to do it."

Worm:? ? ?

"If I finish wiping before I come back, I'll buy you cookies tomorrow. See you later!"

Worm hesitantly held up the rag with his little paws.

Rod closed the door with a click and ran downstairs.

The route was slightly changed from yesterday. Because he already knew where his limit was, Rhodes slightly controlled the return position and estimated that he would be able to lie down tiredly after running home.

When you first start running, you can also think about your future training plan and wonder whether you should get a sandbag to hit at home.

In the second half of the race, all that was left was the thought of ‘one more step, one more step’.

This kind of training is effective - at least Rhodes is becoming more and more skilled in giving himself cold compresses and applying trauma medicine.

When he dragged his legs like lead and climbed the stairs while holding on to the handrail, what he saw was a 'little gray dog' squatting at the door.

"You really did it, you deserve encouragement."

Rhodes moved to the bed and threw himself on the bed. His first thought was: 'It's over, I'm covered in stinky sweat, and the sheets need to be changed. ’

Worm stuck out his tongue and watched Rhodes think for a while, then jumped on the chair, then jumped on the table, and jumped on the bed with the bottle of potion that Rhodes used yesterday.

"Thank you." Rhode struggled to hold himself up, took the medicine bottle, and immediately saw the gray mark Worm left on the sheets.


Worm felt guilty when he saw him, so he took a few steps back and jumped out of bed, leaving a few more footprints.

"Okay, let me take you to take a bath first."


The dawn of summer always comes very early, and it is already bright when Rhodes opens his eyes.

Worm, who was sleeping next to the pillow, disappeared as before.

Rhodes didn't know yet whether it was because the supply of magic power was interrupted after he fell asleep, or because there was a time limit for the summons to stay.

He got out of bed, put on his slippers and stretched out. The soreness in his legs and the obvious increase in magic power in his body made him feel very at ease.

Maybe it’s because the base is too small, and you can easily see results as long as you work hard.

"Ding, MP limit +10!"

Rhodes voices his own silent Goldfinger.

The increase in magic power is a happy event, but what makes him even more happy is what he discovered when he tried to feel the condition of the river crab through the necklace after meditating last night.

Rhodes not only 'saw' the river crab diving into the water, but also saw an entire river, and... another river crab.

The other party was walking leisurely around the lower reaches of the river, as if on patrol.

Rhodes felt that he could summon this river crab at any time if he wanted.

After the injured river crab recovers, it should be possible to summon two at the same time.

He felt his own magic power - okay, he still has to practice for a few more days.

Rhodes washed up and went out, greeted Goodman as usual, and summoned Worm.

I didn’t forget to buy a pack of biscuits for Worm on the way.

Funds are reduced by 500J.

Seeing Worm happily swallowing a biscuit with just one roll of his tongue, Rhodes began to consider a feeding plan.

Poros in the game need to eat Poro delicacies if they want to grow up... Although they look like cookies, what ingredients are they made of?

Do you want to find more ingredients and let Worm sort them out for yourself?

That's a way.

While thinking about it, the guild has arrived.

Rhodes did some cleaning work as usual, and then went to the backyard together with Marcus who had made an appointment yesterday.

He has already inquired about Marcus's situation. He is considered a good player in defense when using sand magic, but not as good in offense.

Comprehensive strength...

Mira euphemistically gave a comment that "it's not very impressive compared to Erza", which was considered as saving face for Marcus.

Rhodes tasted the product carefully and felt that what she wanted to say might be that its strength was not very impressive among the entire guild.

Then, Rhodes lost again.

Although Marcus couldn't bring down the Canyon Swift Crab as cleanly as Natsu, he could still block the Crab's advance.

When the crab hit the sand defense wall with a thud, several ropes of sand entangled the crab's legs, restricting its movement.

"It seems that it can really only be used as a functional wild monster." Rhodes completely understood the position of the river crab.

Marcus walked around the river crab and walked towards Rhodes: "Do you want to continue fighting?"

Rhodes took a stance: "Fight."

You can't beat him in a fight. The experience of just two fights is nothing compared to someone fighting every three or five times.

Even Marcus, who is not outstanding in strength, can easily deal with Rhodes.

It’s just that Marcus was more particular about ‘pointing to the point’, so he didn’t leave any bruises or other scars on Rhodes.

In Marcus' words: "I don't want a friend I just met to not want to talk to me the next day."

For someone like him who likes to talk to people, the audience is very important.

Rod felt that since Marcus liked it, he should chat with him about ten dollars before going to work.

Whether it was to get more information or to correct his common language, Rhode also needed to communicate with others.

"How to quickly improve magic power? There is no such thing. Magic power can only be increased by hard practice.

Oh, by the way, as age increases, magic power will naturally increase. Take me for example, I am 16 years old now, and I will definitely become very strong in seven or eight years.

Hey, how old are you, Rhode?"

"Almost 19 years old..." Rhode was stunned. How should I calculate my age and birthday in the future?

"18 years old, then you are the same age as Erza, Mira, Bisca, Alzak..."

Marcus thought about it, patted Rhode's shoulder as if to comfort him, "Keep working hard."

"..."Not comforted at all.

"Speaking of which, Bisca has not been learning magic for a long time, and now she can be independent, so you don't have to worry at all. Just work hard..."

As Marcus spoke, Rhode's eyes fell on the green-haired girl chatting with Erza.

That was Biska. Although they had not formally greeted each other, Lacy had introduced him to her.

Biska and Erza had a good relationship and could also use the magic of changing clothes, but she changed into various firearms.

In addition, there was also enthusiastic popular science (gossip) from Mira:

Biska learned the magic of changing clothes because she admired Erza, and she also liked Alzak who was good at gun and bullet magic.

According to Mira's observation, Alzak would occasionally stare at Biska's back in a daze, and she felt that these two people would be together sooner or later.

Alzak... Rhode looked for a while, and sure enough, he found a handsome guy dressed like a cowboy not far from Biska.

Rhode found that his guild not only had many weirdos, but also many handsome men and beautiful women.

Some book friends said that the names and people did not match and they could not remember who was who, so some illustrations were added in some of the previous chapters, and I will try to add pictures in the later chapters

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