After entering August, the weather seems to be a bit hotter.

Magnolia has done a good job of greening, with trees everywhere, which also leads to the constant sound of cicadas.

When you are calm, you may feel good to listen to it, thinking that this is what summer should be like.

But when you are not in such a good mood, you will just feel annoying.

The ceiling fan in the guild is turning slowly, bringing a breeze that is better than nothing to the noisy tavern.

In this hot weather, Rhodes feels that even the noisy voices are hot.

In fact, there are many people in the tavern who are as hot and lazy as Rhodes. The serious ones are weak in speaking, and only gulping down a few sips of ice beer can relieve a little.

At this time, Gray became one of the most popular people.

Although he himself was sweating profusely, he still couldn't resist everyone's pleading and became a ruthless ice-making machine.

But this is also good for him, that is, those who have benefited from him are embarrassed to remind him to put on clothes.

Of course, these people do not include Natsu.

This guy was not affected at all. Even in such a hot weather, he still had the energy to run around, and even did some strange dances occasionally.

Mira took an empty cup, put a few ice cubes in it, poured a drink and pushed it to Rod: "You don't look very energetic."

"Thank you." Rod said with a bitter face, "I didn't sleep well last night. It was too hot, and the mosquitoes were very fierce."

The mosquito repellent left by Goodman when he moved had just run out, and Rod reminded himself to buy a new bottle after get off work.

Mira showed a sympathetic look: "That's hard enough... Why haven't I seen Worm these two days?"

"Because the weather is too hot and he doesn't want to come out, he's a disloyal guy who hides in the Howling Abyss to escape the heat."

Rod picked up the cup and put it on his forehead. The cool touch made him feel a little more comfortable.

"I suspect that things may not go well recently, and even the increase in magic power is not as obvious as before."

"Of course, because your magic power level is already very good, the same increase is certainly not as obvious as it was at the beginning."

"Can I be considered good?"

"At least Jet and Marcus are no match for you..." Mira covered her mouth lightly, feeling that it seemed a bit rude to Jet and the others to say this.

When Rod just got the stone beetle, it was already a headache for Jet, not to mention that his magic power has increased a lot now, and he also has the "three wolves".

The three wolves are the common name for this wild monster combination, including two shadow wolves and a large shadow wolf.

The size of the shadow wolf is similar to that of a tiger, much larger than an ordinary wolf, and more powerful than an ordinary wolf, a bit like a saber-toothed tiger.

The large shadow wolf is even larger and has two heads.

When the three giant wolves leaned over and bared their teeth, they looked ferocious, and it was obvious that they were not easy to mess with.

After many tests and sparring with his companions, Rhodes determined that they were more agile and better at attacking than stone beetles.

In addition to the basic attack of biting, the shadow wolves have a keen sense of smell for tracking, and are good at sneaking in the shadows. The wolf is as its name suggests.

Although it seems very weak in the game, its strength here is not bad - at least Kana can't hit them with cards as easily as she can against stone beetles.

As for the magic power consumed by summoning them, it is basically about three river crabs, similar to stone beetles.

Now Rhodes can command stone beetles and shadow wolves to fight at the same time. As long as the fight starts, the single fight will immediately turn into a group fight, which is a huge advantage.

The problem that follows is that Rhodes himself is more likely to be targeted as a breakthrough point.

There are two most effective solutions at present. One is to ride on a river crab and run far away.

The other is to follow the stone beetle to burrow into the ground and run as far as possible within the limited breath holding time.

The tactics are cowardly, but they are useful.

However, these can only treat the symptoms. If you want to treat the root cause, you still need to be strong.

Continuously exercising the body and practicing fighting skills is one way, but it still requires long-term persistence.

Another way is to learn one or two ability-based magic, but this method...

Rhodes asked: "Everyone seems to specialize in only one kind of magic. Why not learn a few more to deal with different situations?"

"Because there is not enough time and energy." Mira said, "Whether it is learning magic or improving magic power, it takes a lot of time and energy.

If you learn multiple magics at the same time, you may achieve nothing for a long time. It is better to concentrate on studying a certain kind of magic.

Imagine if you add one more kind of magic practice to your current schedule, is there any way to squeeze out time?"

Rhodes thought about it. Meditation and physical fitness are the basics of becoming stronger, and they must not be put down.

The proficiency of summoning magic is an important factor in reducing the chanting words, and the time for this practice cannot be less.

The other thing is working time...

You can't just sit there and wait for the guild to support you - even Nabu, who never takes on any quests, occasionally does odd jobs to earn some food money.

In addition to these, there is time for studying.

When I have completed my common sense, I should be able to use it to learn other magic.


"Squeeze out some time to sleep?"

"No!" Mira immediately rejected it, and she raised her index finger to show the importance of what she was going to say next,

"Sleep is an important way to restore mental strength. You mentioned your schedule before, right?

That is already an exaggeration. If you reduce your sleep time to practice magic, you will run the risk of suffering from magic power deficiency! "

Rhodes has read about magic deficiency syndrome in books, and it is usually easily induced when magic power is overdrawn.

Once the disease occurs, it can range from coma to sudden death, which is a very dangerous disease for magicians.

Practicing magic because you are afraid of death, and practicing magic to death... That's too stupid.

Rhodes responded seriously: "I know."

Just because you don’t have time to practice now doesn’t mean you’ll have to prioritize things later.

As long as the goals of this stage are completed - supplementing knowledge and shortening chants, there will naturally be time to practice other things in the future.

He had only been studying for less than a month, so he couldn't rush it.

"Don't look so sad. Let me tell you some good news."

Mira seemed to be relieved and put a wad of banknotes on the counter, "Dang dang dang...salary has been paid!"

"So early!" Rhodes was surprised and picked up the banknotes and clicked them. No more, no less than 120,000 J. He asked,

"No, I don't think I've been working for a full month."

Mira thought for a while: "I worked overtime on the purchasing day."

"Then...then thank you."

I want to thank the guild for taking care of me, and also thank Mira for thinking of a reason.

Rhodes realized that this was not the hotel where he worked as a summer job, but the guild, Fairy Tail.

Mira waved to Lucky, who was chatting with her companions not far away: "Raqi, come here and get your share!"

"Here we come!" Lucky took over her salary. She was a full-time employee and her banknotes were thicker than Rhodes's.

"I finally received a measure of the value of my time and labor..."

Lucky’s strange expression of the value of time and labor.

Rhodes eliminated this phrase from his vocabulary. Correcting the common language was already very hard and he didn't want to learn it.

Lucky rubbed the banknote with her face affectionately: "I can buy a few more 'little cuties'."

Little cutie...


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