Fairy Tail: I want to summon Baron Nash

Chapter 4 Missing 100 million

Natsu didn't have the patience to wait for the president or Lebby to come back. When he heard that Lidas could help, he immediately dragged him over.

Under Lidas's drawings, Mirajane's gestures and soft words, Rhodes finally understood what they wanted to ask.

But he has never seen a dragon. He has only seen a spotted bear that looks like a pig and was almost beaten to death... Are there dragons in this world?

Rhodes thought about the magical magic, and it seemed that it was not surprising that there were dragons.

Natsu was very unwilling: "Mira, when will the old man come back?"

Mirajane replied: "Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, regular meetings usually don't last long."

Natsu made a decision immediately: "Habi, we won't go to work for the next few days until the old man comes back!"

The blue kitten raised her hand in response: "Love!"

Natsu strode to the table and sat down, "Mira, I want to eat the flame set meal!"

"Okay, coming right away." Mirajane reported what they wanted to eat to the kitchen.

"Natsu doesn't mean any harm, he's just a little impatient."

Mirajane knew the reason why Natsu wanted to find the dragon, but it was a long story. It was difficult to explain the current situation to Rhodes, so she had to try her best to tell him that Natsu meant no harm.

Rhodes nodded. Although he didn't know the specific situation, it was normal for the protagonist of a hot-blooded comic to be impatient and impulsive.

At this time, the blue cat stood on the table and raised his hand: "Mila, we want a grilled fish!"

Rhodes' eyes widened, Maomao spoke!

Mirajane smiled and said, "Happy is no ordinary cat."

Rhodes nodded. It was not unacceptable for cats in the magical world to be able to talk.

However, Rod was surprised again by the dinner plate that Lucky brought out from the kitchen.

There were two plates and a cup on the tray. Although the shape of the food could be seen in the contents, they were clearly still burning with blazing flames!

This, this, this...is this thing really food?

Mirajane tried her best to introduce to Rhodes: "Those are flame pasta, flame fried chicken, and flame drinks, which are cooked using a special method."

Seeing Natsu grabbing the flame with his bare hands and stuffing it into his mouth, Rhodes nodded hesitantly.

It's normal for the food in the magical world to be a bit special.

Mirajane felt that Rhodes might have misunderstood something. In fact, Natsu was the only one in the entire guild who liked this.

In the following time, Rhodes met all kinds of strange people and some interesting magic.

There was even a fight witnessed, started by Elfman and Natsu, which ended up involving a quarter of the tavern.

Seeing Elfman fighting with someone, Mirajane actually just watched with a smile and did nothing except telling Rhodes to step back.

Rhodes couldn't help but doubt his judgment. Could it be that this Miss Mirajane was actually not that gentle, but just couldn't let go when facing a stranger like him?

I had previously thought that the guild the protagonist belonged to would be a lively guild, but now it seems that it is too lively.

Time passed in such an atmosphere that was both peaceful and restless.

It wasn't until the next day, the afternoon of the third day after Rhodes came here, that something changed.

The president is back.

There was also a handsome blond guy with him.

Many girls gathered around and exclaimed: "It's Hyakuya's Shippiki!"

"It's Shipiki who is number one on the list of 'The magician I most want to have as my boyfriend'!"

"So handsome!"

Shipicki raised his index and middle fingers together and greeted the girls with a soft smile, triggering another burst of screams.

In the tavern, a handsome man wearing glasses and a green coat showed a panicked expression, and then took advantage of the chaos to sneak out of the guild.

Mirajane held the tray with a smile on her face: "Welcome back, President, you have had a hard journey."

People in the tavern greeted Makarov one after another, and Natsu rushed over:

"Old man! I'm finally back. I have something to ask you!"

Makarov raised a palm to stop Natsu: "I probably know what you want to ask, but it's hard to explain clearly right now. Please wait a moment."

"..." Natsu wanted to say something else, but seeing the serious look on the president's face, he just looked at him angrily.

Makarov asked Mirajane, "Is the child okay?"

"His name is Rhodes. He has recovered well from his injuries and has a little trouble communicating." Mirajane said, "I am already teaching him Common Language, but it will take some time."

"Really, thank you for your hard work." Makarov nodded, "I have a faster way here. Let's take him to the infirmary first."

Mirajane glanced at Shipiki, who was surrounded by girls, and nodded: "Okay."

Rhodes followed Mirajane back to the infirmary in confusion. Do you want to change the dressing?

His injuries have recovered very quickly in the past two days, and now there is only a bandage on his forehead. Rhodes estimates that the medicine he used must not be ordinary medicine.

In doubt, Makarov had already brought Shipiki into the infirmary.

After Shibiki came in, he didn't hesitate for even half a second. He immediately went to Mirajane and made a gentleman's greeting:

"You are Miss Mirajane, you are really more dazzling than in the magazine! This is the first time we meet, I am Shipiki from Cyan Pegasus. Please allow me to buy you a drink."

Mirajane held her cheek with one hand: "Now is not the time to say such things, is it?"

"Ah, that's right. I'm rude." Shipiki knelt down on one knee in an exaggerated manner and stretched out a hand, "So are you free tonight?"

Although Rhodes didn't quite understand what he was talking about, he always felt that this person was quite unique even in Fairy Tail...

No, there seems to be someone who looks like him in the guild. Who is he?

Now is not the time to think about this. Rhodes stood up, bowed slightly to Makarov, and said in a somewhat stiff common language: "Thank you for saving me!"

Makarov smiled: "Isn't this a good lesson? But it's not me who saved you."

Rhodes showed a puzzled expression.

Makarov's right hand suddenly stretched and enlarged, and he directly grasped Shipiki's entire body and grabbed it:

"I didn't invite you here specifically just to let you harass the girls in our guild."

Rhodes looked at Makarov's hand in shock, old Luffy? Old Choji?

After being released, Shipiki straightened his clothes and hairstyle, and seemed to be shining handsomely:

"I already understand the content of the entrustment. I want to help him master basic common language as quickly as possible, right?"

"That's right." Makarov nodded, "On the premise that his body cannot be damaged."

Shibiki nodded: "Of course, it can be done with my magic. However, receiving a large amount of information at once may give you a headache in a short period of time. Is that okay?"

Mirajane struggled to convey Shipicki's intention to Rhodes and asked for his opinion.

Use magic to learn a language quickly, at the cost of headaches in the process?

Rhodes nodded decisively. Is there any choice between using magic to get a headache for a few minutes or learning to have a headache for a few months? Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain!

Makarov nodded: "Then, let's get started."

Shibiki raised his hands, and a golden magic circle appeared under his hands, and in the middle of the magic circle was a keyboard.

As Shipicki's fingers tapped, several screens composed of magical lights appeared in the air. Boxes and lines of text quickly passed by, and in the end only a screen was left.

Rhodes was dazzled. This thing is really magic, isn't it some future technology? It looks like a scene from a science fiction movie.

Mirajane suddenly realized: "Is this ancient document magic? So that's the case, no wonder the president wants to invite you."

Xipiji smiled slightly: "Finally, can you confirm that you only need basic common language?

In fact, I also have 100 techniques for chatting up girls and 80 ways to please girls. Do you want to teach him together? "

Makarov waved his hand: "Please be sure not to teach weird things like that."

"What a pity." Shipicki pointed at Rhodes' forehead with his hand, and golden light enveloped him.

Rhodes didn't know how much wealth he had just missed. He felt his head swelled as a lot of information poured in.

Pronunciation, writing, word formation, sentence structure...


The headache was more severe than Rhodes imagined. The pain was like being pinched by a door, and he couldn't help but cover his head and scream.

"Rhodes..." Makarov and Mirajane looked a little unbearable, but fortunately the process ended quickly.

The golden light dissipated, and the keyboard and screen in front of Shipiki also disappeared: "It's done."

Rhodes fell on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with his eyes blankly.

He still covered his head with his hands, breathing heavily: "Finally... it's over."

Mirajane praised: "This is a very good sentence."

"Huh?" Rhodes said in surprise, "I can understand you!"

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