Fairy Tail: I want to summon Baron Nash

Chapter 84 Wild Monster Soul

"Are you sure you want to accept it?" Makarov looked at the big green crab in front of him, "That will take away its body."

"Well, I want to give it a try." Rhodes nodded.

"Even if it is received, as long as it is 'released' within a certain period of time, it will be fine, right?

I have mastered the method of ‘releasing’. "

I think back when he first learned to ride a bicycle, Rod had the painful experience of being unable to ride a bicycle and having to hit the wall to stop.

Later, I naturally learned a lot of lessons. When learning to skateboard, learn how to stop first, and when learning to drive, learn how to brake first...

Previously, I learned to force the door to close the door due to excitement when I learned to call. Now that I am learning to receive, I naturally cannot make the same mistake.

Makarov frowned, feeling that Rhodes was trustworthy:

"If you confirm there is no problem, let's get started."

"Okay." Rhodes put a hand on the crab's head, "Be good, don't resist."

He closed his eyes, controlled the 'fluctuations' of the magic power in his body, and tried to fit in with the state described in the book.

At a certain moment, Rhodes opened his eyes: "Receive it!"

Blue magical light surged from Rhodes' hand, completely surrounding the canyon swift crab.

Immediately afterwards, patches of light flashed across Rhode's body, and finally golden light enveloped him.

The golden light lasted for a short time. When it dissipated, Rhodes felt that a large amount of the magic power in his body had been drained away.

Then, nothing happens.

He could see his confused self through the eyes of a river crab.

"Failed, focus," Makarov said.

"It consumes so much magic power if it fails to receive?" Rhodes was heartbroken. If he did this, he would have one less chance to practice in the morning.

"Of course, when any magic is activated at this stage, no matter whether it is successful or not, the magic power has been consumed."

Makarov asked, "Why did you lose focus at the last moment?"

"Because... I'm worried about becoming too ugly."

Rhodes was a little uneasy, and there was also a difference in receiving magic.

Some people become exactly what they receive.

Some people use themselves as the subject and add some characteristics of the target.

Rhodes... really doesn't want to turn into a crab and crawl around.

"Don't learn to receive magic if you're worried about that kind of thing." Makarov said,

“Believe in your heart first, and then it will respond to you with ‘miracles’.

But remember, it's not a 'miracle', it's just your heart, and magic is the power of the heart. "

"Believe in yourself, believe in your own heart." Rhodes tried to ask himself, what do you want most?

The first is strong, and the second is handsome.

If you are strong enough, you don't have to be handsome, because as long as you defeat the enemy, you will naturally be the most handsome.

But how strong can it be to receive a river crab?

No, no, river crabs also have their own specialties.

Moreover, the strength of the received magic is not only affected by the receiving target, but also depends to a large extent on the user's own magic power.

If the guild leader uses receiving magic, even if he receives an ordinary rabbit, he can kick most of the guild members away.


"take over!"

Pieces of light spots lit up, the golden light flashed away, the river crab disappeared from the place, and Rhodes' appearance changed dramatically!

The hands, feet, body, and even the head were covered with a hard carapace, as if wearing a suit of green armor.

On the head is a pair of opposing tentacles, the face seems to be wearing a mask, and the eyes are emitting a faint yellow light.

The chest is covered with thick carapace, and the gauntlets extend from the fingers to the forearms, making them look particularly thick.

These were all seen by Rhodes himself. After receiving the river crab, he gained a unique 360-degree vision and could see his whole face without a mirror.

"This, Mozi? Golden turtle Jiro? Armored warrior Xiang Shuai?"

After Rhodes saw himself clearly, he suddenly thought of three characters with similar colors to himself.

Suddenly I felt that this green armor was quite handsome.

He knocked on his chest and arms with his fists, and the hardness seemed pretty good.

Makarov put one hand behind his back and held his other hand flat in front of him, raising his sword finger, as if he was ready to stop Rhodes when he went on a rampage.

"President, I'm fine."

Makarov put down his arm: "That's good, how do you feel?"

Rhodes moved a few times and felt that his hands and feet were more flexible than usual.

He raised his right hand, and the light spots on the gauntlet flickered, turning into a crab claw. You could feel the powerful force when opening and closing it.

Rhodes tried to move his legs again, and he immediately jumped out, much faster than usual.

And as soon as he thought about it, he immediately used the river crab's skills, leaving afterimages behind him as he ran.

"Is this Ghost Step?" Rhodes was distracted, smashed the courtyard wall with a bang, and rushed out.

The location seems to be the same place where it was knocked open when the river crab was summoned last time.

It was fate, and Rhodes was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn't hurt at all when he smashed the wall.


"I'll fix it!"

Rhodes' voice drifted in the wind, and he had already run into the lake behind the guild:

Swim, dive, or even stand on the lake!

Receiving a river crab automatically gives you water combat mastery!

Speaking of river crabs...

Rhodes concentrated on feeling the situation in Summoner's Rift through the pendant.

In the upper and lower rivers, one river crab patrolled the upper river, and the other did not disappear, but entered a dormant state, with its body submerged and a pair of tentacles sticking out of the water.

This made Rhodes confused. He agreed to seize the magic of the other party's body, but did he seize the refresh time?

He moved around in the lake for a while, familiarized himself with the magic, and then returned to the yard and unlocked the receiving magic in front of the president.

Thank God, there was no situation like Qita's clothes bursting.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, it's just that the magic power is consumed a lot, it feels more than summoning two river crabs at the same time."

"That's also a defect of receiving magic. If you improve your magic power and get familiar with that state, you can improve it a little."

Makarov thought for a while and asked again: "How is the crab?"

Rhodes checked the situation in the Summoner's Rift. There was a river crab patrolling in the upper and lower rivers: "It has recovered."

"That's good." Makarov didn't say it, but he was obviously a little bothered by this practice of receiving his fighting partner.

"But President..." Rhodes said in confusion, "I just canceled the receiving magic, and I haven't performed the 'release' step yet."

"What? How is this possible..." Makarov said in surprise, "Could it be the Summoner's Rift you mentioned, and there is a third river crab?"

"It shouldn't be..." Rhodes saw the dormant river crab jump out of the water with his own eyes.

Could it be that a new one has been refreshed?

Makarov thought for a while: "Then, can you still use the receiving magic now?"

Rhodes closed his eyes and opened them after a moment: "Receive!"

The familiar light spot appeared, and Rhodes transformed again.


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