At this moment, with the appearance of Zhang Chulan, everyone on the field was shocked.

They didn't expect Su Heng to depict the characters in the copy to such a detailed level!

Then, everyone couldn't help but become more curious about the other characters.

"Zhang Chulan's work is really awesome! I hope that the next character that Su Heng creates won't disappoint us!"

"After seeing Zhang Chulan, I feel that the requirements for character creation have become higher. I hope that Mr. Su Heng can maintain this style!"

"To be honest, I find it difficult. After all, there are a lot of things to think about when shaping a character, especially for someone like Zhang Chulan. It’s better not to have too high expectations!"

"Let's not talk about other things first, let's see how the boss performs next!"

At this moment, everyone on the field was discussing among themselves.

On the one hand, they were extremely satisfied with Zhang Chulan's character design.

On the other hand, they were worried that Su Heng could no longer create such a character.

However, after just a short while ,

Su Heng had submitted a character design in the blink of an eye.

Even after reading it many times, everyone was still shocked, because Su Heng's production speed was too outrageous.

[Feng Baobao]

[Status: Go-to-anywhere, one of the temporary workers]

[Personality: He speaks and acts very directly, and does not think twice like normal people do, and even cannot understand the moral rules of normal people.

In addition to his unusual personality, he is also a typical stubborn person. If he promises something, he will follow through to the end even if his life is threatened.]

[Abilities: Immortality, self-healing, physical skills, Awei's Eighteen Styles, Qi reading, transformation.....................]

At this moment, as the settings were submitted, a girl who looked about 18 or 19 years old appeared in front of everyone.

But at this moment, the girl was dressed very casually, with messy long hair, dull eyes, expressionless face, and a little hunched. Basically, she didn't look feminine.

Seeing this scene, the audience was stunned for a moment, and then they expressed their dissatisfaction one after another.

"Is this a beggar? Looking at the introduction and setting, I thought it would be a fairy who transcends the world! I had so much expectation, but you ended up with this?"

"Is this something that Master Su Heng did on purpose to disgust people? With so many powerful abilities! Plus the setting of not fighting with the world, it is impossible for him to be like this!"

"The setting of Su Heng is very good, but the characterization is really not good! If you don't know how to do it, you don't even need to design it for us to see! Do you know how disappointed I am?"

"I'm almost dumbfounded! And you show me this? I'm really going to throw up!"

At this moment, everyone was expressing dissatisfaction with Su Heng's actions, but Su Heng obviously had no self-awareness at all.

Because after this, he made the next character one after another.

[Name: Chen Duo]

[Identity: One of the twelve top talents in Biyou Village]

[Personality: He has not received proper human education since birth, and his values are different from those of ordinary people. He has no self-awareness.

Later, with the help of others, he realized that he was no longer subject to inhuman constraints and broke down crying. From then on, he slowly learned the way of life of ordinary people. But in reality, he still could not accept the life of humans.]

[Abilities: Holy Child Gu, Life Gu·King Snake, Love Gu·Smooth Love Gu, Seductive Gu, Speed Gu.........]

As the settings were gradually added, a girl with green eyes and long black hair appeared in front of everyone. The girl had a good-looking face, but she seemed to have no expression. She was wearing a green isolation suit and a casual jacket.

Everyone was dumbfounded by the novel settings in front of them.

"The characters are pretty good this time! But what are these skills? I don’t understand any of them! What are these Gu?"

"Ah? What on earth is Su Heng doing? I am getting more and more confused! Can anyone from Dragon Country explain this to me? What is a Gu worm? Is it very powerful?"

"It seems to be some kind of poisonous insect? I am not sure! There are too few records on this aspect, and I am not a professional, so I don’t know much! But it should be quite powerful!"

"It seems that after designing the first powerful character, it is very difficult to imitate it again. Look at what Master Su Heng has made now?"

At this moment, everyone kept asking questions.

It was obvious that they were extremely dissatisfied with the characters Su Heng made.

Then in the next moment, Su Heng completely perfected the settings of these two characters.

Then the scene began to play on the field.

The look of Feng Baobao, who was looked down upon by everyone, showing off her skills!

She chopped people crazily with a kitchen knife in her hand, and her skills were agile.

And when she used other moves, her heroic appearance immediately changed everyone's views.

Then to Chen Duo, when she used one poison after another, she completed the tasks assigned to her by others cleanly and neatly.

And the Gu body saint child had just been taken out, and the unconscious loneliness that was emitted made the surrounding area barren!

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

At this moment, the judges of Longguo couldn't help but say in shock:

"This? This is really shocking! Feng Baobao's mental state should be based on the core of Taoism, centered around a child!"

"There is also the Holy Child of Gu Body! Gu worms are one of the cultures of Dragon Country. According to the classics, the general method of refining Gu worms is to put many poisonous insects together. In this way, the surviving Gu worm is the most poisonous and the most ferocious one!"

At this point, the judge of Dragon Country paused, and then spoke again

"Judging from the current situation, this Holy Child with a Gu Body is probably in a similar situation, otherwise how could he possess such strength?"

"It's not as simple as it seems! This is really amazing. I didn't expect Su Heng to be able to do this. This requires extremely deep research!"

As the voice fell, there was a commotion on the field.

I didn't expect Su Heng to use so many things when designing the characters? And they haven't discovered it yet! The next moment, the crowd suddenly went crazy.

"Wow, Master Su Heng is awesome! I didn't expect that he put so many details into the creation of the characters! I was completely kept in the dark!"

"Baby Feng! I just checked it online and it seems to be true! I didn't expect that Master Su Heng is so powerful!"

"It's too outrageous! And Chen Duo, I didn't expect the power of the Gu worm to be so strong? Awesome, it's really amazing! Big Brother Su Heng is the eternal god!"

At this moment, everyone on the field cheered wildly.

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