After finishing Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing,

Su Heng finished the settings of the remaining characters one after another and submitted them to the dungeon!

At this moment, everyone on the scene was discussing

"It seems that all the characters have been completed, and Boss Su Heng has not made any moves for a long time. According to my estimation, the next step should be to submit the copy!"

"Boss Su Heng is really fast. He has managed to create so many huge and complex settings in such a short time. However, these settings are different from the previous ones. It feels very difficult!"

"So, do you think this dungeon system can be passed? I feel it is a bit uncertain, after all, the number of people this time is extremely complicated, and the abilities are also!"

"Oh my god, after hearing what you said, it won’t fail! I suddenly feel panicked!"

At this moment, the audience on the field talked a lot.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Su Heng submitted the copy.

The system seemed to be stuck and did not respond for a long time.

At the same time, the Sakura country player who was one step behind also happened to finish his copy and submitted it!

Surprisingly, after just a short while, the system gave a response.

[Ding! The copy (Supreme God) was submitted successfully. As the prompt sounded, the Sakura Country player immediately showed a proud look, and then looked at Su Heng in the field with an increasingly disdainful expression.

"Su Heng is just a nobody! No matter how good or amazing the copy is, it's useless. This time, he just shot himself in the foot! Victory belongs to Sakura Country!"

As the voice fell, the judges of Sakura Country also showed a satisfied look on their faces.

"Haha, it seems that Su Heng is really powerless this time, which is a pity, because the settings he made are very good!"

"Oh, by the way, how about we use this theme in the next dungeon competition? It just so happens that we can also use Su Heng’s settings. If everyone uses a little, it won’t cause a crash. Hahaha!"

At this moment, the Sakura Country audience on the stage also laughed out loud.

"The victory belongs to Sakura Country. It's just Su Heng. This time, let me show you who is the real god of making copies."

"The God of Victory has finally begun to favor us. It is obvious that the copy made by Xiaojiro has been recognized by the system, and Su Heng! It is estimated that he will only end up in collapse."

"It's really interesting. When I think of the disappointed expressions on the faces of the Dragon people, I feel like I'm shaking with excitement!"

Seeing this scene, the audience in Dragon Country couldn't sit still.

"Why are you in such a hurry? The system hasn't judged yet! It's so abominable. Damn it, the little Sakura Country is so ungrateful after getting the advantage."

"Baka! Let me tell you, this time our Sakura Country is sure to win, and you Dragon Country just wait to admit defeat!"..........

At this moment, the audience on the field kept arguing.

Lina, the host of Dragon Country, was also full of indignation when she saw this scene.

Now everyone's expectant eyes fell on Su Heng.

However, Su Heng was also full of doubts at this moment!

Although there have been system freezes before!

But there has never been a time like this time that lasted for so long.

There should be no conflict in my copy settings? How could this happen?

And even if the settings conflict and cause the copy to crash, the system should not take so long to process!

What is going on? Could it be that the guys from Sakura Country are allowed to jump back and forth!

Just as Su Heng was thinking in his heart.

The long-lost system prompt sound finally rang in everyone's ears!

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Su Heng! Submit multiple high-quality copies in succession, and your authority will be upgraded! Submit copies and automatically upgrade!]

[The current copy is under one person, and has been automatically upgraded to a large multiplayer copy! ]

As the prompt sounded, everyone was dumbfounded, even Su Heng was a little confused for a moment.

The good news is that his copy finally passed!

But what about the large multiplayer copy? Since the authority has been upgraded, Su Heng quickly started to query through the system

[Ding! The upgraded dungeon can be entered by multiple people at the same time, and one faction can be selected to conduct dungeon raiding!

The system rewards will be judged comprehensively based on multiple factors such as the individual's damage percentage! The first place can obtain a self-selected ability, as well as a randomly drawn SSS ability]

With the explanation of the system, Su Heng completely understood it. In simple terms, his dungeon can directly lead the entire raiding group to conduct a team raiding!

In this way, the efficiency will undoubtedly be much faster. Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but look forward to it.

On the other side, as the system gave the explanation, the judges also stood up excitedly.

John Bull's judge:"This is really amazing?! The system has been upgraded because of Su Heng, this is unprecedented! A large multiplayer dungeon?"

"I didn't expect that the upgraded system would become faster and more convenient. Su Heng deserves credit for all this!"

The judges of the Bear Country:"Hahaha, good! In this way, having an excellent commander will undoubtedly speed up the clearance of the dungeon. It's great!"

"It's a pity that this function can only be used for Su Heng's copies, but the system upgrade also proves more possibilities, and I am looking forward to it more and more!"

Dragon Country Judge:"Since the 2nd competition, Su Heng has won the championship for many consecutive times, and each copy is extremely excellent. Is it because of these copies that the system has made changes!"

"If this continues, will the system become more intelligent? Su Heng's future is limitless!"

Other judges also spoke up when they saw this.

At this moment, the audience of Longguo started cheering.

"Well, well, now you little black people from the Sakura Country have nothing to say, right? Let's see what real strength is! Boss Su Heng directly asked the system to update and change it for him!"

"This is really hilarious. At this time, there are still people who doubt that Su Heng's copy is inconsistent and crashed? You probably passed it because you made it too easy."

"Boss Su Heng, this is real strength! The dungeon he made has even been upgraded to a large multiplayer dungeon. If it weren't for Boss Su Heng, you would never see such a change in your life!"

"The Sakura Country can be destroyed in a snap, yet you still dare to be so arrogant. Wait for the big boss's copy and see if you can conquer it! I won't give you a chance to make mistakes this time! Then you will all die in the copy, hahahaha!"

"Boss Su Heng is awesome, the Sakura Country can no longer be so arrogant!"

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