At this moment.

In the Fairy Tail dungeon.

After the Speed Pass King failed, the other judges who entered the dungeon also began to realize that they really couldn't use magic!

They couldn't help but curse Su Heng in their hearts.

"Damn Su Heng! How despicable! He actually restricted us from using magic!"

"Do you want me to fail with this trick? Humph, I will definitely win!"

"The magic power in my body cannot be used! Damn it! This Su Heng’s purpose is not to let us win!"........

For a moment, all the judges in the dungeons couldn't help cursing, but no matter how much they cursed, the dungeon strategy had to continue.

So next, all the judges became more cautious, fearing that they would be eliminated accidentally.

On the other hand, the Sakura Country judge who chose to enter on his own was holding the Heavenly Sword.

After choosing to join the Phantom Ruler, he was then sent to lurk in Fairy Tail.

At this moment, he was strolling in the city of Magnolia where Fairy Tail was located.

"Bakayaloo! Joseph, the ruler of the ghosts! He doesn't even realize how powerful I am! He has no vision at all!"

"They actually sent me here to lurk! I want to stay in the guild! It’s too dangerous to come to the enemy’s base camp!"

At this moment, the judge of Sakura Country couldn’t help but complain. You know, he chose to enter by himself. What if he met a powerful person, wouldn’t he be finished?

His original plan was to mix in the Phantom Ruler’s guild alone! His own strength is very weak, so he only needs to defeat a very weak person.

With the blessing of the Sword of the Heavenly Sword, he can easily solve the first task, and in the Phantom Ruler, he will definitely usher in victory in the end!

This is also the reason why he chose to enter by himself, but he didn’t expect that the damn Joseph didn’t know how valuable his gold was!

Just as he was walking and complaining, he heard some movement coming from a small wooden house in front.

Driven by curiosity, he hurried over and began to listen to the corner.

It seemed that a man and a woman were having a conversation. The woman’s voice was very nice. It should be a beautiful woman.

"Can I just sit there and it will be over soon?"

"Yes, just stand there and don't move! Don't worry, I'm very skilled! It will be over soon!"

"Really? All right then!"

Hearing this exciting scene, it was like a depth charge, exploding a barrage of comments launched by a group of old perverts.

[What is going on inside? Could this judge go in and take a look? I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious!]

[Judging from the sound, this woman must be a great beauty! I can’t help it!]

[Calm down, you upstairs! What if there's a tank behind the door?]

[It's okay, I'm done! Nothing to worry about!]

[Everyone in the live broadcast room is really talented. I can learn new knowledge every day by watching you speak! ]

No matter how noisy the comments were, the fat man from Sakura Country began to stir.

It was as if some kind of nature in his body began to awaken. He held the Yitian Sword in his hand, kicked open the door of the wooden house, and then shouted loudly:

"Beauty, you don't want this to be known to other people in the guild, do you?"

However, when he saw the scene inside, he was dumbfounded. He saw a blonde girl sitting there.

In front of him, he saw a man with a big belly, who seemed to be drawing for him.

""What? She was just drawing! Wait, this woman is Lucy! My target this time! So lucky, hahaha!"

Looking at Lucy sitting there, the judge of Sakura Country couldn't help but laugh wildly.

When choosing the character, he noticed that Lucy was a holder and her own strength was very weak. He had never seen the fat man next to her, so he was probably the supporting role.

With this in mind, he was about to successfully conquer this dungeon!

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Looking at the short fat man with a wretched appearance and a lewd laugh, Lucy asked cautiously.

"I am the wizard of the Phantom Ruler, and my mission this time is to capture you! Get ready!"

As soon as the words fell, the judges of Sakura Country rushed over with swords in hand!

Lucy also quickly understood the situation! Then she took out a golden key from her waist, put it in her hand and shouted:

"Open! Gate of Taurus! Talos!!"


""Moo! Miss Lucy! You look so nice today!"

As the words fell, a bull-headed man with muscular body and about five or six meters tall suddenly appeared in the field.

In his hand, he was holding a long-handled axe about two people tall, which looked murderous.

When the judges of Sakura Country saw this scene, they suddenly widened their eyes in surprise.

Damn, it doesn't look like this in the picture! When I got closer, I found that this bull looked so scary! I feel like I can be killed with one axe!

At this moment, the judges of Sakura Country have gradually begun to realize that something is wrong. The difficulty seems to be different from what he imagined.

The next second

"Talos! Kill this wretched fat uncle for me!"

As Lucy gave orders,

Talos raised the long-handled axe in his hand, and then took a big step and rushed towards the judges of Sakura Country.

"Moo! No one is allowed to hurt the beautiful Miss Lucy!"

Looking at Talos rushing towards him like a tank, the judges of Sakura Country were completely shocked.

But Talos would never show mercy, and raised the long axe in his hand high.

The next second.

Scream!......The judge from Sakura Country was cut in half, and the huge force even cracked the floor.

Blood splattered on Talos' face, like a demon from hell.

Seeing this horrible scene, the barrage exploded instantly.

[Holy shit, the astral magic of the Possession System is so strong! I thought that judge was going to win for sure!]

[I was so scared! This dungeon created by Master Su Heng is too powerful! I thought it was very simple!]

[Is this the real magic world? We thought it was too simple before! The copy of Su Heng was terrifying from beginning to end!]

[Su Heng is awesome! The level of detail in this scene, as well as the dialogue between the characters! It couldn’t be more real!]

At this moment, the comments were rolling like crazy...........................................

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