At this moment,

Kevin, the judge from the Eagle Country, who saw this scene, was full of disbelief. You know, he died tragically on this battlefield. Not only that, but he was also cursed by everyone after he came back.

It’s okay to lose, but his character is gone. Now everyone looks down on him! In the next competition, he may not be the judge of the Eagle Country!

But now Su Heng, who just entered the copy, can use magic so skillfully to take off! Show off in front of everyone!

He couldn’t help but feel jealous. Su Heng, you deserve to die! Hurry up and lose!..............

On the other side, Su Heng also used the power of fire to pass through the mouth of Jupiter's cannon and successfully entered the interior of the Phantom Overlord. What came into view at this moment was a crystal ball that looked like a glass bead, but it was dozens of times larger.

There were also countless catheters on the side, closely attached to the crystal ball, which were obviously responsible for transporting magic power.

"The magic crystal that gathers magic power? All we have to do next is destroy it! The mission is almost halfway done!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Heng said softly, and after mobilizing the magic power in his body little by little, he began to walk towards the magic crystal in front.

As he got closer and closer to the magic crystal, the magic power in Su Heng's body became more active, and then all the magic power gathered at one point.

Su Heng swung out his fist wrapped in high-temperature flames.

However, the next moment.

Just when his fist was about to touch the magic crystal, it suddenly stopped!

"You are such a nuisance! If I really let you succeed, I will be in trouble!"

After the words fell, a man with long black and white hair and Japanese samurai braids appeared in front of Su Heng with his hands folded across his chest.

"Rabbit Pill, one of the four elements? Well, then let you be my first opponent!"

Turning his head and looking at Rabbit Pill in front of him, Su Heng sneered and said

"Oh, do you know my identity? Hahaha! Then you should also know my magic! Fire Mage! You are unlucky to meet me!"

At this moment, Tutuwan, who had his hands behind his back, was obviously surprised when Su Heng called out his identity.

But after being surprised, he began to laugh and then rushed towards Su Heng.

Seeing Su Heng's first opponent appear, the atmosphere in the arena became more and more lively.

"It’s over, it’s over, Su Heng is doomed to lose! His first opponent is Tutuwan, so unlucky!"

"Why do you say that? Is Tutuwan really that powerful?"

"Look at the introduction given by Su Heng! Tutuwan is a magician who controls fire! Whether it is the magician's fire or the spontaneously ignited fire, he can control it!"

"Damn, this is hilarious! Su Heng is courting death! He actually created an enemy that can control fire! And then he chose Natsu who uses fire magic!"

"I guess they thought Natsu was very strong, but they didn't expect to meet Rabbit Maru first! I can only say that I had bad luck! It's a destined ending!"

It's obvious that everyone at the scene was not optimistic about the outcome of the battle between Su Heng and Rabbit King.

Not only were they not optimistic, but several judges at the scene also showed mocking expressions.

It was obvious that they were ready to add insult to injury. As long as Su Heng failed, they would immediately step forward to exert pressure. They would make the other party immediately hand over the ownership of the copy and hand it over to them.

Victory is in sight!

"Su Heng! Can you really survive this crisis?"

At this moment, Li Yi, who was standing aside, looked at the screen in the live broadcast room with curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

On the other side, Tutuwan also attacked Su Heng.

"Take it! Blue flame!"

As soon as the words fell, a blue flame rushed towards Su Heng.

Looking at this scene, Su Heng grinned, and then opened his mouth like a vacuum cleaner, swallowing up the surrounding flames.

"What a strange taste! It's actually a little cool! It's really novel!"

Looking at this scene, Tutuwan showed a look of sudden enlightenment.:

"I see, you are the legendary Fire Dragon Slayer from Fairy Tail! We two really don't get along!"

"After all, fire has no effect on us! It's really frustrating!"

Looking at the arrogant Tutuwan in front of him, Su Heng chuckled and said,"Since fire has no effect! Then let you taste the power of the fire dragon's body!"

The next second.

Su Heng's muscles tensed up, then he stepped forward and quickly rushed towards Tutuwan.

""Not good!"

At this moment, Tutuwan exclaimed, just realizing that something was wrong, and quickly retreated, trying to avoid Su Heng's attack.


Su Heng's speed was much faster than he imagined, and in the blink of an eye he had arrived in front of Tutuwan.

Seeing this, Tutuwan quickly drew out the samurai sword beside him and began to resist the attack.


After a loud bang, Su Heng's fist hit Tutuwan's samurai sword hard.

At this moment, a huge force was transmitted to Tutuwan through the samurai sword.

The powerful force instantly shocked Tutuwan back several steps, and the samurai sword in his hand almost slipped out of his hand.

At this moment, Tutuwan was shocked. He didn't expect the opponent's physical strength to be so strong.

But soon, he adjusted his momentum, and then took the initiative to swing the knife and started to attack Su Heng.

The two soon fought fiercely together, and Su Heng flexibly dodged Tutuwan's knife light.

At the same time, he kept punching Tutuwan's vital points. Each of Su Heng's punches was powerful and heavy, and it was continuous like raindrops.

This made Tutuwan miserable. Su Heng's fist power was too huge. Often when a punch came, he had to raise the knife to resist.

And every time he resisted, he was hit by the tiger's mouth���The hands holding the knife were trembling. Now his hands were covered in blood, and the blade was cracked.

The next second.

While he was in a daze, Su Heng seized the opportunity, flashed to the side of Tutuwan again, and punched him. Crack!.....Tutuwan raised his sword to block, but the sword was hit by something it shouldn't have been hit by and shattered instantly.

Su Heng's fist, with the remaining force, hit Tutuwan's chest.

With a loud bang,......Tutuwan felt a huge force coming, and the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, after seeing this wonderful fight scene in front of them, the audience at the scene suddenly burst into cheers that resounded through the sky.

"Wow, this is so cool! Boss Su Heng also knows Kung Fu! I can only say it's awesome!"

"Bare hands against a blade! Awesome! Kneel before the boss! Take my knee!"

"Su Heng thought he would be at a disadvantage when encountering Tutumaru who could manipulate fire, but he didn't expect that it was the opponent who was at a disadvantage!"

"I thought Lu Bu was invincible, but I didn't expect there was someone braver than him! Whose general is this?"

"The boss is awesome! He turned the disadvantage into a favorable situation!".....................................

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