At this moment, accompanied by the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the judges could not hold back. They all smiled and walked forward in a flattering manner.

"Su Heng! He is really young and capable! At such a young age, he has created such an amazing copy!"

"Now you have successfully passed the level and become a magician. We are also looking forward to your performance in the future competitions!"

At this moment, the judge from the Bear Country was the first to step forward.

He rubbed his hands, and then said to Su Heng with a flattering smile.

Seeing this scene, the other judges couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

This guy looks big and strong on the surface, but he has so many tricks in his mind! The initiative was taken away in an instant.

Seeing this, the other judges were not willing to lag behind. They stepped forward and began to ask about Su Heng's well-being.

Even the judge from the Sakura Country, who usually danced the most happily, squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

They were afraid that if they offended Su Heng, they would suffer You can't get away with it, so take advantage of the other party's good mood.

Hurry up and flatter him.

After all, everyone present here is a veteran, and they all have good eyesight to sit in this position.

If it was just a small figure, then of course they would let them control him.

But now it is different.

Su Heng is soaring to the sky, and no matter where he is, he will be the most distinguished guest.

The copy production competition is an important competition for the whole world.


This scene in front of him has also been continuously watched by senior officials of other countries.

At this moment in the United States.

The president of the United States, sitting on the chair, looked at The picture played on the screen in front.

He kept tapping the table with his fingers.

The copy production competition is an extremely valuable event.

Even a good copy may affect the entire country.

Therefore, he needs to judge the value of the copy by watching the game.

After all, if a copy appears that will change the international situation, he also needs to be prepared in advance.

But so far, he has never seen such a valuable copy.

The most powerful one may be the martial arts copy of the previous champion, Li Yi, but it is not too outrageous.

It's just that there is a sharper cold weapon, which is not to be feared at all.


When Su Heng started to make a copy.

The originally calm heart of the President of the Eagle Sauce Country began to gradually stir up waves.

With his unique vision, he knew that this would be an extremely valuable copy.

Because of this.

He agreed to Su Heng's bet.

And when Su Heng successfully passed the copy, even when everyone showed the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic.

The President of the Eagle Sauce Country could no longer remain calm, and he slammed the table and stood up, and then stood up with shock in his eyes.

"How is it possible! This Fire Dragon Slayer Magic is really so powerful!"

"Damn it! In this way, the copy that I worked so hard to get will be given away for nothing!"

The sound was so loud that it even attracted the attention of the security guards outside the door.


"Excuse me, what happened?"

A few knocks on the door finally brought the Eagle Sauce President back to his senses:"Nothing!" The Eagle Sauce President immediately sat back in his chair, but he couldn't hide his shock in his heart.

"Fire Dragon Slayer Magic! Judging from the scene, the attack was at least several thousand degrees hot!"

"If I use my full strength, can I really achieve the effect shown in the system demonstration?"

"It's amazing! Perhaps from this moment on, the whole world will usher in changes!"

At this moment, thinking of his own players, and comparing them with Su Hengyi, the president of the Eagle Sauce Country couldn't help but cursed:

"I didn't expect such a copy to appear! Su Heng! Damn it, he's from Dragon Country again!"

""Wright is a jerk! He only knows how to fiddle with his broken lion all day long. How can he be as powerful as our fire dragon?"

However, after scolding, the president of the Eagle Sauce Country began to think about countermeasures.

Now it seems that we can only please Su Heng first, and try not to make enemies with the Dragon Country during this period.

I only hope that after Su Heng is satisfied with his licking, he can teach us some magic.

On the other hand, in Sakura Country, the Prime Minister of Sakura Country is also paying attention to this event.

When Su Heng successfully passed the dungeon and brought out the Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and showed it in front of everyone, even through the screen, he could feel the scorching heat.

"This Su Heng is surprisingly so strong. The power he releases casually is comparable to the most advanced missiles in the country!"

"Once it is fully released, the power may be equivalent to a volcanic eruption! And it can also recover by swallowing things of the same type!"

"This is too abnormal! How can there be such an outrageous setting! And it has been successfully realized, this is too outrageous!"

At this moment, the Prime Minister of Sakura Country was extremely shocked. However, while being shocked by Su Heng's powerful strength, he was a little angry when he thought of what the judges of his own country had done:

"This damn idiot! He is always causing trouble but can't do anything good. He only knows how to offend people everywhere!"

"Now even the Yitian copy and Yitian sword that he just got have to be handed over, damn! He will suffer a lot when he comes back!"

The Prime Minister of Sakura Country was getting angrier and angrier.

In order to get the Yitian copy, was it easy for them?

Not only did they spend a lot of money and inquire about the news everywhere, but they also spent a lot of effort and put it into it, constantly mastering the other party's copy, for fear of making mistakes.

Now it's good, not only did they lose the things, but they also offended Su Heng!

Now he can only think about the next countermeasures as soon as possible.

And it's not just these two countries that have this idea.

At this moment, the senior leaders of all countries are holding emergency meetings.

The purpose is to please Su Heng and never offend him.

On the other side, the internal senior leaders of Dragon Country also held an emergency meeting regarding Su Heng's situation.

However, unlike other countries, everyone's serious atmosphere was different.

At this moment, in the meeting room of Dragon Country, everyone had a smile on their face.

And the 45-degree raised corners of the mouth could not be suppressed.

At this moment, an old man sitting at the top spoke:

"I believe everyone knows the main purpose of this meeting!"

"That's right, we are discussing Su Heng! In this dungeon competition, he can be said to be the strongest dark horse that stands out!"

"The magic brought out by his copy is extremely powerful!"

The next second, the old man pressed a button.

Then the next moment, the screen in the middle began to play the picture.

Then a figure appeared in the center.

It was the scene where Su Heng released the magic.

"The roar of the fire dragon!!"

With a roar, a huge flame shot up into the sky, instantly dispersing all the white clouds in the sky.

The video ended here. At this moment, the senior leaders who were watching the video could not suppress their inner shock.

"You read that right! I have lived for so many years, and yet flames are released from the human body!"

"Is this a scene from the dungeon-making contest? Someone could actually make such a powerful dungeon!"

"Is this a player from Dragon Country? If so! Dragon Country seems to be about to undergo a change!"............................................

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