At this moment, the children of the top nobles in Dragon Country all lowered their attitudes in front of Su Heng.

Su Heng, who was sitting on the sofa at this moment, looked extremely satisfied at the respectful attitudes of the people.

If any of the people present were arrogant as soon as they arrived

, he would drive them away without saying a word. After all, he was not here to be a nanny.

""Not bad! I am very satisfied with your performance! Everyone, get up!"

As Su Heng's voice fell, everyone at the scene stood up and stood aside respectfully.

But they were all looking at Su Heng with curious eyes.

After all, they had just received news from their masters.

From today on, their lives and future actions are in the hands of the man in front of them.

Even their property has been obtained by this man!!!

This news is so ridiculous, but no one thinks it is a joke.

Because they have never seen their masters show such a serious expression. If they disagree, they may be replaced by others immediately!

Therefore, everyone is very curious about their future boss.

Looking at the people in front of him, Su Heng naturally knew clearly what these people were thinking.

So the next moment, the huge magic power in his body suddenly poured out.


A huge amount of magic power instantly filled the entire space.

Everyone's shoulders became heavier and heavier.

What Su Heng did at this moment undoubtedly brought a great shock to the worldview of these boys and girls.

After all, they usually have their own preferences and don't pay much attention to the copy competition.

Therefore, they felt this huge magic power at this moment.

Everyone was extremely shocked. They didn't expect that the man in front of them would have such a strong strength.

This is something they have never seen before! This is also something they can't understand!

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes became more respectful. Seeing that his goal was achieved, Su Heng also took the magic power back into his body, and then slowly said:

"From today on, you are all my subordinates! I hate people who don't obey my orders. My orders are imperial decrees!"

"If anyone dares to violate it, they will bear the consequences themselves! Of course, don't worry, I will give you corresponding benefits!"

"That is! The ability I just used!"

At this point, Su Heng paused.

Subconsciously, he looked at the people in front of him.

At this moment, when they heard what Su Heng was going to give them, everyone's faces suddenly flashed with excitement.

Seeing this, Su Heng smiled and continued:

"Other countries are forming a raiding group to raid my copy! I want to get magic from it."

"You are all the top talents in Dragon Country, so I will lead you to form a national team to represent the entire Dragon Country!!"

"And the name of this team! I will name it after my first dungeon. From today on, this team will be called Fairy Tail!!!" As soon as the words fell

, everyone on the scene showed surprise.

They didn't expect that the dungeon that all countries had worked so hard to conquer was created by the man in front of them.

No wonder they were standing here.

No wonder their own adults said that.

At this moment, everything had an answer.

""Yes! Lord Su Heng!"

Everyone said in unison.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yi gritted his teeth.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he said to Su Heng:

"Sue....Su Heng! I want to join Fairy Tail, too! Is that okay?"

Li Yi's slightly pleading voice sounded at this moment.

But Su Heng just glanced at her and then retracted his gaze:

"No! I don't need people who don't obey my orders in my team. Do you think you can do it?"

Su Heng's words at this moment were like a bolt from the blue.

Yes! She, Li Yi, was the champion of the last dungeon competition.

Is it really possible for her to completely submit to the man in front of her now! Can she really let go of her pride?

Thinking of this, Li Yi quickly shook her head.

No, this is the only chance!

I must not let my grandfather down!

At this moment, Li Yi seemed to have made up her mind completely.

Then she bent down and lowered her posture very low.

Then she said:

"Su Heng, let me join the Fairy Tail! From today on, I will obey all your orders without any complaints!"

Looking at the situation ahead, Su Heng smiled.

"Very good! From today on, you are a member of Fairy Tail!"

""Let's go! Let's give those people a shock! Let the other raiders see what a real raid dungeon is!"

After the words fell,

Su Heng walked out of the lounge without looking back.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly followed him............................

At this moment, at the scene of the dungeon competition,

Su Heng led a group of people into the dungeon space of the system.

Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked.

"Damn, what's going on! Why are there so many people following Boss Su Heng? What are they doing?"

"What? I really don't know, but have you noticed that these people are so good-looking? Oh my god, why are there so many handsome men and beautiful women!"

"Damn! These people seem familiar! The only daughter of Zhao's company? And the youngest daughter of Wang's company? These are all the children of the top dignitaries!"

"Could this be the raiding group formed by Su Heng? Is he going to lead a team to raid his own dungeon? Damn, I'm so envious!"

"What are you envious of? Look at how respectful those people are! The people who were usually so powerful have now become obedient. What do you think is the price?"

"Why not be envious? I am willing to be his dog if I follow Su Heng!!"

At this moment, everyone on the field was having a heated discussion.

But Su Heng was not interested in those things. After everyone entered the system space,

Su Heng directly used the authority he had obtained. He blocked the sound here, and then began to explain every step after entering the copy. What to do in each step? What to pay attention to! He believed that with the ability of these people, they would not be disappointed after talking to this extent.

"Okay, that's all I need to say! Everyone, go in and clear the dungeon. If anyone fails,"

"Come back and accept my punishment!"

After the words fell, everyone nodded vigorously, and then began to enter the space in an orderly manner.

Surprisingly, Su Heng also entered his own copy again and began to challenge........................................................

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