At this moment.

After witnessing the setting of the devil fruit with her own eyes.

The player from the United States has completely lost confidence.

But this is just the beginning.

The same scene is also playing out in the live broadcast rooms of other players.

For example, John Bull's little princess at this moment.

After finishing most of the content of the copy, she glimpsed the quarrel in the barrage in her spare time.

"Has Su Heng really made something amazing now?"

"Didn't they say that only 50 ships were built in his copy?"

After hearing everyone's discussion, the little princess of John Bull blinked her big eyes and asked curiously to everyone in the barrage.

Facing the princess's question, the barrage also responded frantically.

[It's true, Princess! Su Heng has made something really powerful now! A devil fruit! I don't know how powerful it is!]

[When the contestant from the United States entered the game, he was shocked at first sight! He still hasn't recovered from it!]

[Three types of devil fruits! Each devil fruit is unique! And once eaten, it can provide powerful strength! Super tempting!]

[Is it really as amazing as you say? Isn't it too exaggerated? Are you afraid that you are here to mess up Su Heng's live broadcast room?]

[Haha! There is no point in saying more! Seeing is believing, hearing is not! If you don’t believe it, go and see it for yourself! Be prepared, don’t be shocked!]

[How could I be scared? Laughing to death! Let's go!]

As they chatted, the comments suddenly started to argue again.

And at this moment, everyone's words undoubtedly magnified the little princess's curiosity infinitely.

At this moment, her heart was itchy like a cat scratching.

So driven by curiosity, she brought the audience in her own live broadcast room!

Entered Su Heng's live broadcast room!

[Haha, I want to see how powerful Su Heng's devil fruit is!]

[If I find out that you guys are bragging today, we, John Bull, will never let you off easily! We will start to criticize you then!]

[I just returned 50 fleets! How can a devil fruit appear in such a short time? How is that possible!]

[Bragging without thinking! Get ready to be punished!] As soon as they came in, the little princess's fans had already expressed their dissatisfaction crazily.

However, after they read Su Heng's detailed introduction of the devil fruit, everyone was stunned.

At this moment, the little princess John Bull's curious eyes suddenly widened when she saw this scene. Her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

Then she couldn't help but take a breath.

Then she said:

"Three types of devil fruits! What a genius idea! Su Heng has never changed! He has always been so strong!"

Seeing this scene, the little princess also expressed her understanding of the general reason for the collapse of the Eagle Sauce country players!

After all, in front of Su Heng's devil fruit, their weapons can't play any role at all.

Compared with Su Heng's copy, their copy will only appear eclipsed and become a foil!

After thinking for a while.

John Bull's princess began to look forward to it again!

Outsiders don't know that in fact, she has always admired Su Heng in her heart!

After all, thanks to the magic in Su Heng's copy! Now she has become a veritable magician!

It can be regarded as the fulfillment of her childhood aspirations and dreams!

And now for Su Heng's new copy! And the devil fruit in it! The little princess's grandmother couldn't help but become more and more curious!

She couldn't help but want to go in and experience it! After all, making a copy is not as interesting as strategizing a copy!

By the way, how bad can the devil fruit taste? Ah! Ah! I'm really curious!

Seeing this scene at this moment, the originally arrogant princess fans, after a period of silence, suddenly broke out

[I didn't recognize you! You are awesome! I bow down to you! From today on, I will be your most loyal fan!]

[Isn't the setting of this devil fruit too outrageous? Especially the nature type! It actually allows the body to become an element? How can others play this? It's too buggy!]

[The boss is really outrageous! You can even think of this kind of setting! Today is really a knife pulling the butt, it opened my eyes!]

[Oh no, oh no, the little princess' eyes seem a little strange! Could it be that she has fallen in love with Su Heng? This can't be the case! Don't be fooled by this bad man!]

[Huh? Calm down, princess! Although Su Heng is excellent! But you can't compete with him! There's no need to lower your status!]

At this moment, the princess's fans in the live broadcast room seemed to notice something different, and they immediately posted comments!

The princess blushed when she saw this scene, and then she quickly explained:

"No, I'm just shocked by Su Heng's strength! Don't get me wrong!"

However, despite saying so, at this moment, the little princess's cheeks were rosy and her expression was constantly evasive.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

But this was just the beginning!

Then the live broadcast rooms of other major players also ushered in the same scene!

Facing Su Heng and the words such as devil fruit.

Driven by curiosity!

One after another, the players entered Su Heng's live broadcast room!

Then when they saw with their own eyes, after Su Heng's devil fruit setting!

One by one, they couldn't help but break their hearts!!!

How the hell can we play this?

How the hell can we win?

The devil fruit is also fucking elemental? Your setting will make us look stupid!!!

Finally, everyone came to Li Yi's live broadcast room!

But for our own family, there is no need to play that set!

At this moment, the barrage was no longer brushed with words like provoking war and attacking! It just provided Li Yi with key information!

[Li Yi, the copy of Lord Su Heng created a devil fruit! It has extremely powerful power!]

[There are three types of devil fruits: animal type, natural type, and superhuman type, and each one has extremely powerful power!]

[You have to work harder! Otherwise, we will be the first to get in! You may not be the first!]

[What is the person above saying? Encrypted language? I don't understand any of it! ]

At this moment, the messages on the barrage were refreshed one after another.

Li Yi was also successful and noticed this.

When she heard that Su Heng had designed another powerful copy!

At this moment, Li Yi couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and pride in her heart!

Because Su Heng is her boss! The more powerful the boss is, the happier she is!

It seems that we have to speed up! This time, the copy of Lord Su Heng! I will also be the first one to attack!

I must not embarrass Lord Su Heng! Be prepared, Li Yi!

At this moment, Li Yi secretly cheered for herself in her heart!...........................................................

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