[Let me tell you, Su Hengjia has too many settings! The system won’t let me pass it now!]

[The dragon clan setting looks really good! What a pity!]

[This world background will definitely not pass! Serves you right, hahaha! Victory belongs to Wright!]

[Even the system is stuck! How powerful must the setting of this dragon clan be! It’s a pity that I can’t pass it!]........

At this moment, the comments were full of ridicule for Su Heng's suicidal behavior, and the judges on the side were also arguing endlessly.

"Hahaha! You people from Dragon Country are so arrogant! The first time Su Heng was eliminated because of the setting conflict, I didn’t expect it to happen again the second time! He deserves it!"

At this moment, the judges of Sakura Country saw this scene and couldn't help laughing crazily. In their hearts, they felt extremely fortunate for Su Heng's failure.

"Alas, what a pity! Su Heng was indeed too arrogant! Now that the system has crashed, he has lost his qualification to compete! He can only try again next time!"

The judge from the Bear Country shook his head. After all, he was still looking forward to Su Heng's copy!

"It seems that the champion this time should be Wright from our Eagle Sauce Country!"

The Eagle Sauce Country judges had a smile on their faces, and seemed very confident that they would win this time.

""Su Heng, what on earth are you thinking about?"

At this moment, the old man of Longguo looked at Su Heng with a worried look in his eyes.

However, in the next second, the originally silent system suddenly issued a rare prompt sound.

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Su Heng! Successfully added world background!]

[Dragon Clan!!!]

However, even though the dragon clan background was successfully added to the copy, the world built by Su Heng did not change at all.

[It was added successfully again?]

[What a pervert!]

[And the system even made a prompt sound!]

[It seems that there is no change in this copy? What's going on?]

[That seems to be the case! Why didn't it change after adding it? Did it fail?]

[No! You see, the dragon setting added by Su Heng seems to have changed!!!].......

Sure enough, when the people in the barrage were questioning, they turned around and looked at the newly added dragon settings. They didn't know when they had changed.


A legendary existence, they are the most mysterious and powerful magical species in the world.

In the process of fighting each other, they even changed the terrain of the continent.

However, in the battle hundreds of years ago, a dragon slayer named Acnologia destroyed all the dragons, and now there are only a few dragons left.

Acnologia, in the end, was completely transformed into a dragon because he was soaked in too much dragon blood. As the one who destroyed all the dragons, he was honored as the Dragon King by people in later generations!!!

The powerful black wizard Zeref also called him the"origin of evil", saying that he was a giant dragon that destroyed everything and brought despair and pain.

And his appearance also represents the end of the era is coming, and he is also called the black feather of the end.

At this moment, as the settings were added, a huge black shadow began to soar in the sky of the continent.

The crowd could not clearly observe his appearance, but just the blurry back could make people feel his power.

As if sensing something, the next second, the black dragon raised its head and roared loudly.


This dragon roar that pierced through the sky even passed through the system's copy manufacturing space and reached the scene of the competition.

Feeling the domineering aura mixed in the dragon roar, the audience at the scene all had shocked and incredible eyes.

"Holy shit, this is too outrageous! The sound was heard at the competition venue! I was so scared!"

"How powerful is this dragon? It must be capable of destroying the world!"

"So terrifying! What kind of monster did Su Heng create?"

"The black dragon Acnologia! The dragon of the end? This is really awesome!"

"One person destroyed the entire dragon clan! And then transformed into a dragon? This idea is too amazing!".........

At this moment, Lina , the host, stood there blankly holding the microphone after hearing the huge dragon roar.

""Good, good, good! Dragons! Dragon Slayer! Black Dragon King! This tight setting one after another is really satisfying! By the way, why don’t you all say anything?"

At this moment, the old man of Dragon Country saw Su Heng showing his prowess, and he couldn’t help but stand up excitedly, clapping his hands, and then asked the other judges with a red face.

Hearing the sarcasm mixed in the old man’s words, the face of the Sakura Country judge turned blue and purple. Although he was very aggrieved, he didn’t speak at this moment. The

Eagle Sauce Country on the side had the same attitude. After all, he just boasted that their Wright would win.

As a result, looking at this situation now, he wished he could dig a 3-bedroom and 1-living room first.

"Su Heng's copy is really good! Damn it, I really can't help it! Let me in! Open the copy for me quickly!"

The judge from the Bear Country did not hesitate to praise him. This carefree man just wanted to go to Su Heng's copy and experience it.

The contestants on the other side were stunned by the scene in front of them, and some were even scared to the ground.

It was obvious that the pressure brought to them by Su Heng had made them sweat profusely.

At the same time, in Wright's live broadcast room.

At this moment, Wright is doing his best to continuously improve the settings of his golden lion, such as asexual reproduction of a single lion.

It is obvious that Wright wants to bring the golden lion as a copy reward into the real world, and now he is working hard to strengthen the golden lion.���The setting of the son.

At this moment, the barrage in his live broadcast room was constantly refreshed.

[Golden lion? What is Gou Ba? Can it compare to a hair of my Black Dragon King?]

[Why are there so many settings? What kind of stitched monster is this? It can't even touch the soles of my Black Dragon King's feet!]

[Before I saw Su Heng, I thought it was the ceiling! After seeing Su Heng, I just thought it was my grandma's foot scrubber]

[Wright, you are very good, but I'm sorry, I have to go to Su Heng's place. From now on, just tell others that we don't know each other. I'm afraid Su Heng will misunderstand!]

[It's not that you're not good enough, Wright! It's just that Su Heng's place is more cost-effective! Goodbye, Wright!]...................................................

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