At this moment.

After dealing with the seven warlords of the sea and several important figures of the Navy Headquarters.

There is no doubt that the next step is the pirates!

Where should I start first?

At this moment, Su Heng began to think.

At this moment, everyone was constantly chatting!

[What is Su Heng thinking about? Is he thinking about what's going to happen next? Can anyone guess?]

[Isn't this simple? The Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Navy have all been dealt with! You tell me what to do next! It must be pirates! But Su Heng seems to have a problem!]

[Isn't this certain? If you really start to be a pirate! Then the navy is so strong! How do you think we should balance it?]

[Damn, the boss has a unique insight! In that case, Su Heng is doomed! After all, the navy is so strong, the pirates are indeed in danger!]

[It’s just that Su Heng can’t do it! When he was a navy before, he only knew how to pretend, and he was so strong! Now let’s see what you can do! ]

Seeing Su Heng’s look at this moment.

Someone actually guessed some of the truth!

That is, the next goal is indeed to start making pirates!

But it’s hard to say whether Su Heng encountered difficulties! But at least everyone thinks so now!

And now after the initial shock of the devil fruit.

Now only a small number of players are still insisting on making their own copies.

Most of the players stayed in Su Heng’s live broadcast room and chose to continue watching Su Heng make copies!

After all, if they ask themselves, the copies they made are no match for Su Heng’s, there is no suspense at all!

Seeing that Su Heng encountered difficulties, a small number of players showed joy on their faces, and then started to mock!

"I am dying of laughter! Wasn't he very awesome when he was making devil fruits? Wasn't he very arrogant when he was in the navy? He set a trap for himself!"

"Is this what you call shooting yourself in the foot? The navy is too strong. If the pirates are too weak, then the copy may not even be established!"

"Shit! If Su Heng's copy crashes! I will definitely use the settings here!"

"Damn, you are so shameless! You are worthy of being the top player in Korea! You are so strong! Although I hate Su Heng, I am inferior to you!"

At this moment, the players began to add insult to injury.

After all, Su Heng had beaten them to a pulp!

If his copy failed, they would feel much better.

However, after Su Heng decided what to do next, he looked up at the barrage.

Then he couldn't help but smile.

It seems that some people will be disappointed!

Because the copy made by him, Su Heng, is destined to never collapse!

Then the next moment.

A detailed character setting was submitted by Su Heng.

[Edward Newgate]

[Status: Four Emperors]

[Personality: generous and open-minded, has a very broad mind, cherishes companions very much, brave and good at fighting]

[Fruit ability: Tremor Fruit]

[Haki: Conqueror Haki, Armament Haki, Observation Haki]

[Tremor-Tremor Fruit: Possesses the ability to cause vibrations at any time. By striking the space, it can cause a scene like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth! It is the strongest superhuman fruit!

In order to let everyone understand Whitebeard's style, Su Heng even specially introduced the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

And with all the settings perfected.

The system began to play the picture slowly.

A sturdy and burly man appeared in front of everyone, with a crescent-shaped beard that curved upwards. He was one of the Four Emperors and the owner of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Edward Newgate!!!

He smashed his hands into the space, and then instantly caused a huge tsunami.

In the blink of an eye, it instantly swallowed up an island!!

The picture ended here.

And at this moment, looking at the huge power in front of him.

Looking at the majestic back of Whitebeard.

The entire live broadcast room instantly boiled up.

[Holy shit, what did I see! The strongest fruit? The Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which can cause landslides and tsunamis! Isn't this fucking invincible?]

[I am really impressed. Su Heng is too outrageous! Oh my god, it is simply against the sky! And he has all three colors of domineering! This is a true king!]

[Damn, this is so scary! With a shake of his hands, a huge tsunami was triggered, even flooding the entire island! This is fucking outrageous!]

[I kneel down to Master Su Heng! I thought he couldn't do it, and was thinking about it! I didn't expect a big one to come out! It's awesome!]

At this moment, the entire barrage was discussing it frantically.

The players who had just mocked Su Heng were all shocked and stunned in the system space.

After a long time, they all smiled bitterly.

"This is too strong! Edward Newgate alone may have the power to fight against the entire navy!"

"The power of the navy has been raised to this level! Unexpectedly, it easily balanced the power of both sides!"

"Now, if we add two or three stronger characters, the two sides will basically be on par! Su Heng is really strong!"

At this moment, several contestants were completely convinced.

They all showed respect to Su Heng.

On the other side, the host Lina saw this scene and picked up the microphone to introduce:

"Unexpectedly, at this most critical moment, Su Heng actually created the strongest fruit ability user!"

"Edward Newgate, I wonder what the judges think about this?"

At this moment, the judges were stunned by this shocking scene. At this moment, they heard that Lina actually asked them for their opinions again, and they couldn't help but complain in their hearts. Opinions! Opinions! How can there be so many things to talk about! This Su Heng is awesome! Is n't it enough to be awesome! But he has to talk about it from a professional perspective! My brain cells are almost dead! So after clearing his throat, the judge of Longguo spoke first:

"To some extent, Su Heng's work is very delicate! Each character can be said to have its own characteristics!"

"If you look closely, you will find that Edward Newgate, one of the Four Emperors of Pirates, has a personality that is generous and values friendship!"

"This kind of brotherhood is extremely rare, and now as a pirate, he has these characteristics! I have to say that Su Heng is really strong!"

After speaking, the Dragon Country judge took a sip of tea.

Then he stopped talking.

Finally finished speaking, and took a break.

Seeing this, the other judges also hurriedly spoke up, and in response to the points made by the Dragon Country judge, they picked up their own unique insights and began to expand.

After hearing this, the people on the field nodded with satisfaction.

Judges are judges.

They didn't notice so many details! Su Heng is really awesome!

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