At this moment in the contestant lounge, as Su Heng successfully made a luxurious army lineup and successfully slapped the judges in the face, everyone cheered.

"I believe that our boss is always the strongest! You see, I was right! The boss is really awesome!!"

"The boss is the boss, no matter what, he can handle it! It turns out that following the boss is always the right choice!"

"I'm already looking forward to this copy. I wonder what kind of devil fruit I can get?"

"One devil fruit is enough! We must make sure everyone in our raiding team has one! We will never let the boss down!"

"By the way, it seems that Li Yi's copy has been successfully created! Let's go and take a look!"

"So fast? It seems that they don't want to fall behind! In this case, hurry up and show your support!"

After the voice fell, everyone began to watch the game in the field.

However, at this moment, at the scene of the dungeon competition, there were two girls standing in the center of the field.

One had a cold expression, like an iceberg, and looked like she was keeping people away.

The other blinked her big eyes, looking around curiously, with a lively and cheerful look.

These two people were Li Yi from the Fairy Tail Strategy Group and the little princess of John Bull.

At almost the same time, the two of them completed their dungeons. At this moment, Lina was holding a microphone and was constantly interviewing the two.

"You two finished the dungeon almost at the same time! And you were both the first to finish the dungeon!"

"Then, next! Can you two introduce your own copies respectively?"

After the voice fell, the two also agreed and nodded.

At this moment, Li Yi's cold voice sounded first. The name of the copy I created is

[[Blue Dragon Sea]

As the voice fell, the screen in the space suddenly lit up.

Everyone looked over.

Sure enough, the main battlefield this time was an endless ocean.

And on the surface of the water were huge ships.

Then Li Yi introduced again.

"The Sea of Azure Dragon, as the name suggests, is a battle on the sea. There are two forces on the field."

"Players who enter here only need to choose a faction, then deploy control, and successfully destroy all enemy ships to succeed!"

After the introduction, Li Yi stopped talking.

After all, completing the dungeon is just a task assigned to her by the old man!

Now, compared to doing the dungeon seriously, she hopes to attack her boss as soon as possible and make a copy of the top war!

After all, she doesn't want to lose to other members!

"Well, we can see that player Li Yi took great pains to create this copy!"

"Okay, then let's take a look at another player's copy!"

Seeing that Li Yi's introduction was over, Lina quickly changed the subject.

At this moment, everyone in Longguo saw this scene and became confused.

[What's going on? Why do I seem to care less about my own copy?]

[It must be an illusion. How can a player not care about his own copy? Li Yi, isn't that just her personality? I'm overthinking it!]

[That's right! This copy is very well made! The name is also very meaningful! As expected of the first champion of Dragon Country, Mr. Li Yi! ]

At this moment, accompanied by the continuous praise from the crowd,

John Bull's little princess also picked up the microphone and began to introduce her own copy!

"After constant thinking, I decided to name my copy!"

[War Frenzy]

At this point, the little princess seemed a little proud, and then she continued to introduce

"There are two forces on the field now! One is the land, and the other is the ocean!"

"Both forces are extremely powerful! Both are equipped with extremely high-end weapons! The lethality is extremely great!"

"The condition for passing the level is that the contestant controls one side of the force and annihilates the enemy, which means winning! It's very simple, right?"

After saying that, the little princess blinked, and seemed to be looking forward to everyone quickly passing her copy!

After all, as long as everyone quickly passes the level, she won't have to stay here anymore!

Su Heng's copy seems to be almost completed! She is in a hurry to go in and challenge!

Devil Fruit! Three colors of domineering! And six styles!

Each one is so attractive!!!

At this moment, the little princess was thinking excitedly.

And this scene was perfectly captured by the camera.

At this moment, the fans from John Bull were also confused.

[Why do I feel like the little princess is a little happy? Is she expecting others to clear her instance as soon as possible? Is it my illusion?]

[Of course! Most players want to make their own dungeons as difficult as possible! How could they expect others to complete the dungeon as quickly as possible?]

[That seems to be true! And the little princess's copy is really difficult. I feel like no one will be able to clear it in a short time! ]

At this moment, everyone kept talking.

When Lina saw this scene, she picked up the microphone awkwardly and said:

"Okay, now all the contestants have officially introduced their own copies!"

"Then, we invite all the judges to come on stage and enter the dungeon! Let's make a detailed evaluation of these dungeons!"

As the words fell, the judges on the field also straightened up.

After looking at each other, they came to the front of the dungeon system.

Then they quickly sank into the white light.

The first strategy they chose was Li Yi's Azure Dragon Sea!

At this moment, the fans on the field began to worry constantly.

[Oh no, I didn’t expect these judges to speed-pass me! I feel a little panicked!]

[That shouldn't be the case! Even if it's a speedrun, it should be the judge from Dragon Country, and I'll be satisfied! Otherwise, if it's a speedrun from other countries, I'll be miserable!]

[Why do I feel like Li Yi is looking forward to being speed-passed! Is there a smile on her lips?]

Just when everyone was confused.

After half a day, a white light flashed.

At this moment, the old man of Longguo took a deep breath.

After resting for a while.

He nodded to Li Yi, and then sank into the system space again. This time, he chose the copy of John Bull Little Princess.

Seeing this scene, Li Yi was secretly happy, and hurried to Su Heng's lounge!

Then he prepared the strategy for the top war with the members of the strategy group!!!

After the judges of Longguo, the other judges were also teleported out.

Then they sank into the copy of John Bull Little Princess.

This time, the little princess saw that Li Yi's copy was cleared, and she began to wait anxiously.

But fortunately.

This time it took less than half a day.

John Bull's judges successfully cleared the copy!

Seeing this, the little princess nodded in satisfaction, and then gave John Bull's judge a thumbs up!

John Bull's judge could only smile bitterly! After all, before entering the dungeon, the little princess sent him a guide! A bit embarrassing! Hard to say!

At this moment, with the clearance of the two dungeons.

At this moment, the judges on the field showed their expectations again.

They were looking forward to the highlight of this competition!!

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