At this moment, as Su Heng successfully completed the task with the awakened Nika Fruit, the next moment the system's prompt sound was also conveyed.

[Ding! Congratulations to the contestant! Successfully cleared the dungeon (One Piece: Top War)]

[Mission 1: Save Ace (Completed)]

[Mission 2: Knock down at least one opponent of equal strength to yourself (99999/99999). The limit has been reached!]

[Hidden Mission: Defeat one of the three generals (completed)]

[Ding! Congratulations to the contestant for winning the hidden reward! The copy you own has been upgraded, and the permissions have been upgraded! You can change your copy more!]

[Ding! The system detects that the player is clearing the dungeon for the first time! You can materialize any item from the dungeon! And gain control of the dungeon!]

[Based on the player's performance in the dungeon (One Piece: Top War), a comprehensive evaluation of SSS is given.+]

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Su Heng for obtaining the Human-Human Fruit·Mythical Beast·Nika Form (Awakened) (Side effects eliminated)]

[Ding! Congratulations to contestant Su Heng for obtaining the top three colors of Haki (Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Conqueror Haki)]

[Nika Fruit: Nika is a liberated warrior. No matter where he goes, he can make people smile! Therefore, its combat method is casual, and it is also called the Sun God Nika! ]

At this moment, Su Heng felt the power in his body.

He couldn't help but smile!

The copy was upgraded again! This also means that the territory of One Piece, like the previous Fairy Tail, has expanded from the top war, a small part, to the whole world.

There are more rewards to choose from. The fruits that could be chosen originally may only be selected from the people who participated in the top war.

But now the rewards cover the whole world! The scope has become more extensive!

The upgrade of authority means that he can continue to pass the copy to get rewards!

After all, it stands to reason that a person can only pass the copy once, and he will not get any rewards if he passes it again.

But after Su Heng obtained the authority, he can re-enter the copy countless times! Then get rewards from it!

This is what he did in the Fairy Tail copy before! Continuously successfully pass the copy and get all kinds of powerful magic!

And the Nika fruit is actually in the state of direct awakening! The most important thing is that the side effects are directly eliminated!

That is to say, there is no need to worry about aging after awakening, and the impact on the mind!

Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After all, during the war at the top, when he awakened the Nika fruit, the tossing and turning appearance was really unbearable!

The style he has always maintained!!

Fortunately, he used Luffy's appearance at that time, and others should not have any sense of substitution!

Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but feel fortunate!

On the other side, as Su Heng officially passed the dungeon.

The people at the scene cheered wildly!

"Cleared! I actually cleared such a difficult dungeon! And I didn't see it wrong, the number of people I defeated actually reached the upper limit! Master Su Heng is awesome! Too strong!"

"I was stunned by every step of the boss's operation from the beginning to the end. I have never seen such an outrageous way to pass the level!"

"I didn't expect that the boss would choose the Nika fruit again! How much do you love it! It feels like after using the Nika fruit, the whole person has become crazy!"

"According to the system prompt, the side effects should be eliminated! In other words, use the Nika fruit again! The boss should be a normal boss! Awesome!"

At this moment, everyone kept discussing.

It was obvious that Su Heng's clearance made everyone extremely excited.

On the other side, in the players' lounge, everyone's faces were filled with extremely excited expressions!

"I knew that the boss could do it! Hahaha! That's amazing! The power of the Nika Fruit is so strong in all aspects!"

"The boss has become stronger again! I wonder what the boss will be like after awakening? Okay, I'm curious!"

At this moment, Zhao Linger stretched out a finger to support her chin, then raised her head with a curious look.

"The boss is really strong! But compared to this! I am more curious about what kind of fruit we can bring out after we clear the dungeon!"

"If Zhao Linger brought out the Fruit of Splitting into Pieces, then your image might be completely ruined!"

At this moment, Wang Xueyao laughed lightly and teased

"The Splitting Fruit?.....Don't do that!"

Thinking of that look, Zhao Linger couldn't be happy at the moment!

"If you can get a high evaluation like the boss! Then the fruit you get should also be high-level! You don't have to worry about this problem!"

At this moment, Li Yi on the side thought for a while and said calmly.

After all, they are naturally sensitive to this aspect, even Li Yi, who usually doesn't care.

Don't want to get the fruit of being torn into pieces!

Seeing this, the others also agreed, nodded, and then completely put their minds at ease!

And with Su Heng's successful clearance.

At this moment, Lina also trotted to Su Heng's side with a microphone, and then quickly began to introduce

:"Okay, we can see! The top war dungeon finally welcomed its first clearer! That is player Su Heng!!"

"Moreover, player Su Heng is not only the first person to complete the level, but he is also the creator of this super copy. He is truly a genius among geniuses!"

"He also brought out the Nika Fruit that was so powerful in the dungeon! It's so amazing!"

As Lina introduced it, the barrage of comments began to scroll on the screen!

[Nika Fruit? Or the awakened form! It's over, I really want to see it! Please, sir! Let me learn more!]

[Su Heng is so handsome! The most important thing is the various magical operations when clearing the dungeon, which are impossible to imitate! It's so strong!]

[You played so well in the dungeon! How come you became so shy after the time limit! Show me your strength quickly, boss!]

[Big Boss, please satisfy our curiosity! I want to see Big Boss's Nika form! I want to see the warrior of freedom! The warrior of the sun!]

At this moment, the comments were rolling crazily, and all of them were about the same thing.

That is, they hoped that Su Heng could show the Nika form he had just obtained!

The two people at the scene did not notice this scene, so the program team quickly told Lina the whole story through the headset!

Seeing this, Lina also had an excited look on her face:

"Su Heng? Many viewers really, really, really want to see you use the Nika Fruit!"

""Excuse me, is that okay?"

At this moment, Su Heng turned his head and glanced at Lina beside him.

Seeing her blushing face, it was obvious that she also wanted to watch it!

As for those comments! Su Heng also roughly knew who posted them!

Thinking of this, he smiled.

"In that case, I’ll show it to you guys!"

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