At this moment.

After the Fairy Tail strategy team's nonsense, the competition finally came to an end!

All the dungeons have been conquered!

Now it's time to announce the champion!

But this champion is no suspense!

The next moment.

Lina, as the host, also opened the note in her hand and announced

"Then the champion of this competition is! Player Su Heng!"

As expected, as Lina finished speaking, everyone on the field cheered!

"Su Heng is awesome! I look forward to what kind of surprise he will bring us next time!"

"Please don't make the next topic too outrageous! I feel like it's getting harder and harder to do dungeons! I spent so much time thinking about this one!"

"No one can explain the theme clearly! But Su Heng is always the god!"

"As for the big guy winning the championship! I had already expected it! After all, with the intensity of the war at the top! If he doesn't win the championship, it will be unjust!"

At this moment, the people on the field kept talking!

"Now, please invite all the judges to come on stage! For our champion Su Heng! Comment on it together!"

Seeing this, Lina picked up the microphone and spoke again.

As the voice fell, the judges also stood up and came to Su Heng's side.

"Su Heng has won the championship for two consecutive times! I have to say that his strength is indeed recognized!"

"The young are formidable! The young are formidable! You are the pride of our Dragon Country! Keep it up!"

At this moment, the old man of Dragon Country patted Su Heng on the shoulder, and then said with expectation on his face

"Su Heng, your performance is amazing! Whether it's the last time in Fairy Tail or this time in One Piece!"

"Every time your copy can show extremely high potential and value! This is really good! Looking forward to your future performance!"

At this moment, John Bull's judge stepped forward and said with admiration!

And the other judges behind him also stepped forward one after another!

Constantly speaking, praising Su Heng!

And Su Heng also nodded in response one by one!

This is the second time!

Thinking of this, Su Heng couldn't help but feel a little emotional!

Then he took the prize handed over by Lina!

They were all things that were nothing to him!

And as Su Heng took the prize, the judges on the field also officially announced the champion of this time!

Su Heng!!!

With the announcement of the champion!

"Snap Snap Snap....!"

There was thunderous applause at the scene!

The competition came to an end!!!.............................................................................

It has been a while since the competition ended.

At this moment, Su Heng was lying leisurely on the chair!

Behind him!

A girl with a perfect appearance and figure was seen!

She was pounding his shoulders with a red face!

In front of them!

The boys and girls on the field were sweating!

Seeing this scene, Su Heng nodded with satisfaction!

During this period, he kept training himself!

Most things in the pirate world require proficient training!

Whether it is the use of three-color domineering, or the various fruits he now has in his body!

That's right!

With the blessing of the system!

He can have multiple fruits at the same time!

Therefore, from Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit to Blackbeard's Dark-Dark Fruit, basically all kinds of powerful fruits have been brought out by him!

Of course, the most important thing is the six styles!

If this physical skill can be practiced to the extreme!

It is not inferior to some fruit ability users!

Therefore, during this period, he kept urging everyone in the Fairy Tail Strategy Group!

Fortunately, everyone's talents are not bad!

This also saves Su Heng a lot of worries!

And the girl Li Yi behind him is a genius among geniuses! While others were still practicing hard, she had already mastered it!

Su Heng did not let her idle!

He arranged a position for her directly!

Now I don’t know what the next theme will be? If it is still war!

Then I have a lot of things to do!

It makes me look forward to it!

At this moment, Su Heng was enjoying the sunbath while constantly thinking about it in his mind!

With the end of the competition, the news on the Internet was flying all over the sky!

After all, Su Heng won the championship again!

This amazed everyone!

And other countries also felt a sense of crisis!

So they began to prepare for action!

At this moment in John Bull’s training ground!


The roar and explosions on the field came one after another!

The members who had won the fruit in the competition!

Now they are developing the fruit here!

But things are far from being as simple as they imagined!

The development of the fruit is extremely difficult!

If they just use it simply! Maybe they can't develop any potential in a long time!

However, they have no way to deal with this!

And the Prime Minister of John Bull is standing high up!

Looking at the people training below through the glass window!

"Alas, it's still too weak! This can't be compared with the Fairy Tail Raiders! The most critical six styles are not obtained!"

"But fortunately, we still did not gain nothing! At least we got the fruit! And the little princess's strength has also increased a lot recently! It can be regarded as a consolation!"

At this moment, Prime Minister John Bull shook his head and said helplessly.

Originally, for Su Heng's copy!

What they were most looking forward to was the Six Styles! This kind of physical skill that can strengthen the overall armament! It is really a treasure among treasures!

But unfortunately, they did not get it!

If he were to exchange a few ability users for this physical skill now, he would agree without saying a word!

What a pity!

"Sir! The message from Dragon Country! It's about the next dungeon competition!"

At this moment, the secretary beside him came out and whispered!

"Oh? What did you say? Just tell me!"

Prime Minister John Bull showed a curious look and asked his secretary to tell him.

"Yes, sir! The rules for setting themes have changed! Now each country can freely choose a theme, and then one of these themes will be randomly drawn at the competition site!"

"The theme that is drawn will be the theme of the next copy for the players! In simple terms, it allows each country to formulate a theme based on its own needs!"

As the secretary finished speaking,

Prime Minister John Bull's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Good! Good! Good! In terms of rules, Longguo is doing better and better! Very good! Let's go back and hold a meeting now!"

After the voice fell,

Prime Minister John Bull hurried away!

And the same scene also happened in other countries!

They have never been so satisfied with any country!

Longguo is really good!

They are very satisfied with this rule!

Good comments, must be good comments!

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