As the defeated Yamada was teleported back to the arena, coupled with his confused expression, the barrage of comments instantly exploded

[Hahaha, I'll just laugh first! You really deserve it!]

[Ask him to copy so many settings! Don't consider the conflict at all! If you don't die, who will die!]

[Look at his confused expression! He will definitely make me laugh for the next few years!]

[He thought he was Su Heng! He had thought about it carefully! I'm afraid you didn't bring your brain with you!]

[I seriously doubt whether this Yamada has a brain!]


Not only the barrage, but also the judges area on the other side is also very lively at this moment

"Oh my! This Yamada is really a dark horse! He came out so quickly and won first place!"

At this moment, the old man of Longguo said with a smile

"Humph, Yamada just didn't think it through this time! I believe he will be able to do it next time! Isn't Su Heng from your Dragon Country the same?"

"Only failure can give him motivation! He will definitely surprise you next time!"

Seeing this, the judge of Sakura Country still said stubbornly

"You compare Yamada and Su Heng? They failed because their worldviews were too huge and conflicted!"

"Yamada is just a thief. It's strange that the stolen things can pass!"

At this moment, the judges from the Bear Country glared at Yamada and looked down on him.

Seeing this, the judges from the Sakura Country were completely silent.

After the little episode of Yamada, everyone's attention was soon put back on Su Heng.

Su Heng, who had been thinking for a long time, raised his head and smiled slowly, then said:

"Okay, next I will start making characters!"

When they heard that Su Heng wanted to make characters instead of revealing the secrets of magic! Everyone began to express their dissatisfaction

[Dog Su Heng, I want to see the magic! Please reveal the magic settings to me!]

[I don't want to see the characters! I want the magic! If I don't see the magic, I'm going to explode!]

[The magic will be revealed sooner or later! Since Su Heng wants to be a character, let's look forward to it!]

[Hahaha, I am dying of laughter. The person above is watching the competition for the first time! The character Su Heng made in the first competition was horrible!]

[Brother Su Heng! Please inject your magic power into my body!]


However, no matter how noisy the barrage was, Su Heng, who had calmed down at the moment, could no longer pay attention to it.

Indeed, if it were his original body, he might not be very good at making characters. After all, the character's personality, characteristics and abilities are extremely challenging for the producer. But Su Heng is different! In his previous life, he was a second-rate newt.

He remembered the characters' personalities, abilities and appearances in the anime clearly in his mind, and it was useful at this moment! Then he moved his mind.

At the door of Fairy Tail, a beautiful woman with long golden hair and a curvy figure gradually appeared. It was Lucy in Fairy Tail.

Lucy, who had just been made, looked extremely dull, but the next second Su Heng added the character setting of Lucy in his mind.

Lucy is a lively, cheerful and kind girl.

She also has a strong curiosity and her own opinions and has a heart that is very considerate of others, so although her qualifications are still shallow, she attaches great importance to partners and friends.

Sure enough, as various settings were added, Lucy's eyes gradually became more lively.

Seeing that Su Heng had created such a beautiful girl with just a flick of his hand, the comments instantly exploded.

[Wow, this girl is so beautiful! She is exactly my dream girl!]

[The character is so well-developed! No, I have hypersexuality! I can't help it!]

[The one above is too amazing! But Lucy is so beautiful! Love it!

[Su Heng came prepared this time! Who can resist the temptation of a blonde beauty?]

[No, I can't help it! Su Heng advises you to make more characters for me to appreciate!].........

Looking at the explosion in the live broadcast room, Su Heng chuckled and then continued to make it.

Natsu, who has short cherry-colored hair, drooping eyes, and cherishes his companions.

Gray, who has short black hair, drooping eyes, and likes to take off his clothes.

Erza, the fairy queen with beautiful long crimson hair, a strong and brave personality.

Mirajane, the demon with long white hair, beautiful appearance and gentle personality.

Elfman, who has extremely developed muscles and likes to use manliness as a slogan.

Makarov, a short and kind person, is also the president of Fairy Tail...........

In just a very short period of time, Su Heng presented one flesh-and-blood, vivid character after another to the public.

[Oh my god, Su Heng is too amazing! He created so many characters in such a short time!]

[This is not the most important thing! The key is the character, characteristics, and appearance of these characters. Su Heng did a great job! They are completely like real people!]

[When you actually enter this copy, you will definitely feel a strong sense of immersion!]

[Powerful Erza! Gentle Mirajane! Kind Lucy! So many pretty girls! Kneel down to Master Su Heng!]

[Suddenly I feel that magic power is not that important! Girls are still more beautiful!]

[Handsome men and beautiful women, this live broadcast room has them all! I'm sure you all know who to watch!]...........

Seeing Su Heng create such a lively character in the blink of an eye, Lina was also a little surprised.

Now facing Su Heng's operation, she must introduce it, so she picked up the microphone the next second.

"We saw in Su Heng's copy that the characters have been made, and these characters are extremely exquisite.���!"

"So what do the judges think about this?"

Seeing this, the screen immediately cuts to the judges area

"Haha! The characters made by Su Heng are perfect, but there is one more thing, did you all notice it! You have to know that this is in a magical world!"

"This means that the first batch of people created by Su Heng must be important characters in the copy, so they must all be able to use magic!"

"To be honest, I'm already looking forward to these people's magic!"

As the voice of the old man Long Guo fell, the audience gasped.

The old man is right! And it makes sense! What kind of magic will these characters use! It's so curious!..............................................

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