At this moment, as Su Heng brought out the three bodyguards, everyone at the scene was shocked!

On the other side, the host Lina secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing everyone's doubts about Su Heng, her heart was in her throat, but fortunately, in the end, Su Heng relied on the three bodyguards to successfully resolve the problem!

Feeling relaxed, she picked up the microphone and began to explain:

"It seems that Su Heng is as strong as ever! When someone questions whether such a copy is off topic!"

"Just relying on a setting, it is easy to make the rumormonger speechless! This also makes us sigh that Su Heng is really a genius!"

As the voice fell.

The other judges on the field began to hold back their laughter.

Who is the rumormonger talking about! Everyone knows it very well!

At this moment, the judges of Sakura Country are also full of anger!

But they are extremely surprised in their hearts!

Unexpectedly, Su Heng can really do it!

Just relying on the setting of three characters, it is easy to resolve this storm against him!

What's more important is that it seems to be done without knowing it! This is too outrageous!

On the other side, the judges of Eagle Sauce Country are silent and no longer speak. It is embarrassing enough now!

He decided that before finding the next breakthrough, he would never speak easily again!

Too embarrassing!

On the other side of the audience!

The cheers of the crowd came one after another!

At this moment.

A discordant voice rang!

"Wait! If we continue like this, I think there is something wrong with Su Heng's copy!"

As the voice came, everyone at the scene looked sideways!

The person who made the voice was the director from the United States who had just been clamoring to buy the image of the Chimera Ant in Su Heng's copy!

Seeing everyone looking at him!

The director from the United States cleared his throat and then expressed his opinion:

"I think making a copy is similar to the movie! So I put my own ideas into it and found that there is something wrong with it!"

"Although the theme of the dungeon is insects, humans, as the opposing party, must also have some hope. When people hold on to some belief"

"The movie will be more exciting, and the same is true for the copy, because the Chimera Ant is too powerful, this overwhelming force will make the copy imperfect!"

Hearing this, everyone present nodded in agreement!

"It is undeniable that the Chimera Ants are indeed too powerful! Humans must also have a force to check and balance them!"

"Yes, wouldn't the dungeon be too boring if that were the case? The strength of both sides must be kept at a similar level! A crushing victory is not a good look!"

"Although my heart is cat-like! But my point of view tells me that this is indeed a bit problematic! Now it depends on how Su Heng solves it!"

After hearing the views of the director of the Eagle Sauce Country, the audience at the scene also talked about it!

On the other side of the judges' seat, several judges who did not want Su Heng to win the championship nodded in agreement after seeing this scene!

At this moment in the contestant lounge

"It's bad! The situation is one-sided! No, I have to remind the boss!"

At this moment, Zhao Linger looked at the player on the screen and said anxiously.

Seeing this, the other members of the strategy team nodded one after another!

Then, in Su Heng's live broadcast room, the barrage on the field began to refresh continuously!

It also successfully made Su Heng notice this!

However, after hearing everyone's doubts, his expression was a little strange!

Ah? No way, they actually questioned this!

The human side is weak? How could such an illusion be created?

Well, although the chimera ants are indeed quite buggy!

In this case, let you see the strong ones on the human side!

Thinking of this,

Su Heng began to concentrate!

He took action immediately!

[Isaac Nitro]

[Personality: A lively and active old man! He often looks absent-minded, but if he encounters a strong enemy, he will instantly cheer up!

The goal is to find someone worthy of respect and have a hearty battle]

With the submission of the settings.

A kind-looking old man wearing a blue and white sportswear appeared in front of everyone!

And the terrifying amount of muscle all over the old man's body!

It's even more surprising!

The next moment, the system began to play the picture!

And the scene played in the picture was Netero releasing his mind ability!

He was originally lazy and his face suddenly became serious!

""Hundred Styles of Guanyin!"

With a light shout, a huge multi-handed Guanyin statue appeared behind the old man!

And the whole body was emitting golden color!

Then the Guanyin suddenly started to move, waving its golden hands tightly!

Every blow was extremely powerful!

For a moment, the field became devastated!

And this is not the end!

Then the scene changed, and another old man with white hair who seemed to be dying appeared in front of everyone!

[Zeno Zoldyck!]

[Personality: An old man who looks taciturn, but as a member of a killer organization, he is merciless when it comes to killing people! ]

Then the system screen began to play

"Dragon Star Group!"

As the voice fell, many powerful golden energy bombs suddenly appeared in the field!

Then they fell quickly like a storm!

And they looked extremely powerful!

As the images of these two people appeared in front of everyone!

The director of the Eagle Sauce Country, who was still questioning, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"This is amazing! I underestimated Su Heng! I didn't expect that the human side actually has such a powerful master!"

"They are too strong! Whether it is Zeno Zoldyck or Isaac Netero, they both have power far beyond the three guards!"

"I've decided! Even if I have to spend all my wealth! I must let Su Heng sell these characters to me!"

At this moment, the director of the Eagle Sauce Country was full of enthusiasm.

The audience around him also cheered when they saw this.

"Su Heng is really amazing! In a blink of an eye, he made the director of the United States completely surrender! These two characters are also really awesome, so awesome!"

"Damn, if this continues, the outcome is still uncertain! Now, whether it is the Chimera Ants or humans! They all have extremely powerful strength!"

""Master, you are really awesome! I am already looking forward to it more and more! If this copy is completed, it will be super awesome! Whether it is the ability of the Chimera Ant or the thoughts of the human side!"

At this moment, the audience around kept cheering!

It was obvious that they were already looking forward to Su Heng's copy more and more!

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