Fairy Tail: Money Can Make You Stronger

Chapter 11 Permission, First Mission

Erza's arrival did not change Cheng Feng's life too much.

On the contrary, because of the existence of Cheng Feng, Erza, who had always hidden her inner feelings in the original plot, quickly integrated into the Fairy Tail guild under the influence of Cheng Feng, and her relationship with Cheng Feng is also very good.

In contrast, Cheng Feng also has a dedicated sparring partner.

Compared with Gray, Erza is very responsible. When faced with Cheng Feng's request, she completes it meticulously and does her best to help Cheng Feng improve his strength.

Makarov saw everything and nodded silently in his heart to Cheng Feng's changes.

"Cheng Feng, come here."

On this day, Makarov stopped Cheng Feng, who had quickly finished breakfast and was about to go exercise.

Cheng Feng walked up to Makarov, looked at Makarov and said, "President Grandpa, what's the matter? Is there something else that needs to be repaired?"

Makarov shook his head slightly, patted Cheng Feng's shoulder and said, "Not bad, much stronger."

Cheng Feng smiled and scratched his head.

He had just come to Fairy Tail, and his whole body was really skin and bones. After this year of exercise, plus the supplement of nutritious meals, he also swelled up like a balloon. His skin and flesh were very tight. Although he was not full of tendons, he With his well-proportioned lines and handsome face, he has great prospects as a model.

"I have seen all your changes during these days."

Makarov looked at Cheng Feng and said kindly: "So as the president of the guild, I inform you, Cheng Feng, you are now qualified to go to the commission board to accept the commission."


Cheng Feng was pleasantly surprised!

Being able to accept the commission means that you have income!

If you have income, it means you can make money!

You can draw cards by spending money, and you can become stronger by drawing cards!

The time has come when Cheng Feng can become stronger quickly!

Makarov looked at Cheng Feng who was eager to try, chuckled, and then took out a commission form from his arms and handed it to Cheng Feng and said: "I have chosen a suitable commission for you, and I want you to practice your skills. "

Cheng Feng took the order and took a look at it.

The commission was simple. It was a farm on the outskirts of Magnolia. At this moment, the farm was invaded by a group of rabbits, causing the crops to be destroyed, so the Fairy Tail wizard was commissioned to clean up the rabbits.

The rabbit here is not the cute little rabbit in Cheng Feng’s impression, but a magical beast from the Fairy Tail world that is the size of a calf and can spit wind bullets.

But the risk is not great.

It is difficult for ordinary people to solve, but for magicians, as long as the number is not hundreds or thousands, it can be solved easily.

As for the reward, it is also very good, a full 50,000 J.

It can be said that this is an excellent commission with low difficulty and high reward.

"Okay, Grandpa President, I'll be right back!"

Cheng Feng said excitedly, and then ran towards the outside of the guild.

Until Cheng Feng disappeared, the waiter who was wiping the wine glass said: "President, this is against the rules. This task is only 30,000 J, 20,000..."

"This is the salary I gave Cheng Feng."

Makarov waved his hand, picked up the wine bottle and took a sip of wine and said: "This little guy Cheng Feng has repaired so many things for the guild over the years. It would be unreasonable to just give him shelter and food in return. "

"Okay, I know."

The waiter nodded and went to serve people drinks.

Makarov looked at the door and sighed in his heart: "Little guy, it will go well."

The farm on the outskirts of Magnolia is not far away. It only takes an hour to run there.

This is not a difficult task for Cheng Feng, who runs ten kilometers every day.

When Cheng Feng arrived at the farm, he met the owner of the farm, an uncle dressed as a farmer. After submitting the order form and showing the seal of the Fairy Tail guild, the uncle took Cheng Feng to the farm's planting area.

The planting land of this farm is only a few dozen acres, but with magical ripening, the yield is still amazing.

Cheng Feng walked to the edge of the planting field and soon saw the destroyed fence and destroyed crops.

Looking at the tooth marks on the fence and the 62 yards of messy footprints on the dirt, Cheng Feng roughly estimated that there were about thirty rabbits in this group.

It’s not too much, but it’s a bit troublesome to deal with.

"Uncle, let me strengthen your fence first to protect your remaining crops, and then I will deal with those rabbits."

Cheng Feng looked at the uncle and said, "But it will cost more to reinforce it. Are you willing?"


The uncle was confused and said: "Do you mean to use earth magic to reinforce it? It's useless. These rabbits have very powerful front teeth and are good at digging holes. Now the fence can't stop them, so they don't dig holes. If it's true Drilling holes would cause too much damage to the land.”

"It's not the earth element, but I will use the metal in the earth to make a metal fence for you. If you ask, I can also build a metal layer under the ground for you to stop them from digging holes. Even if these rabbits You can’t dig a hole a few meters deep, right?”

Cheng Feng explained that he didn't buy or sell by force, he just wanted to make more money.


The uncle is interested. If it is true as Cheng Feng said, then it can indeed greatly enhance the defense of his land.

"How much is that?"

"One hundred thousand J."

Cheng Feng thought for a moment and revealed a number.

There is no other way. To enclose dozens of acres of land, the magic power required is quite considerable.

At the same time, Cheng Feng also said that the uncle had to prepare the required materials, otherwise just extracting the metal from the land would only be a layer of iron sheet.

The uncle thought for a moment, then calculated the investment and gains, and immediately agreed readily.

Immediately afterwards, someone was asked to get a batch of iron ore.

Because of the bug ability of alchemy, whether it is iron ore or iron ingots, the effect is the same for Cheng Feng.

The materials were in place, Cheng Feng received the Edward card, and alchemy was activated. Then under the uncle's shocked eyes, the iron ore quickly turned into metal railings like melted plasticine, and a large amount of iron was incorporated into it. The ground formed a steel plate one finger wide, surrounding the entire land in a circle.

In just two minutes, this huge project was all over.

The uncle checked it in shock and found that it completely met his requirements. He immediately paid Cheng Feng 100,000 J without any arrears!

Cheng Feng was particularly happy with the extra income.

Sure enough, even if it is a commission, you can still make some extra income.

In this way, this relatively simple commission can be remunerated to 150,000 J every time!

This reward is already comparable to some tasks of encircling and suppressing bandits!

So this time, Cheng Feng is in trouble!

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