Fairy Tail: Money Can Make You Stronger

Chapter 39 Mavis’S Will, Makarov’S Expectations

"It's so hot."

As the temperature got higher and higher, Cheng Feng collapsed on the recliner. Can you believe it? It's almost the end of December, and the temperature here is still above 40 degrees.

"It's almost here."

Makarov, wearing a beach suit, looked at Cheng Feng, who was only wearing a pair of shorts, and said, "Why don't you sleep this time?"

"It's so hot, how can I sleep."

Cheng Feng complained, took out the ice wheel pill and froze a piece of ice to cool down, and then he felt better.

"President Grandpa, we are going to worship the first president Mavis, right?"

Cheng Feng looked at Makarov and said, "What is the purpose of holding this ceremony?"

Makarov stopped fanning his fan. He looked at Cheng Feng and sighed, "There has always been this ceremony, but I have another expectation for you."


Cheng Feng was stunned, then reacted, sat up straight and looked at Makarov and said, "Receive magic•Heroic Spirit!"

"Not stupid."

Makarov glanced at Cheng Feng, continued to fan and said, "If you can really use the Heroic Spirit, then the first generation should not be stingy to lend you his power."

Cheng Feng sat there for a while, then smiled bitterly, but didn't say anything.

Because he knew very well that his receiving magic could only receive the power of cards, and other powers could not be received at all.

Then, it was...

Mavis was not dead at all. Even if he could receive the Heroic Spirit, where would Mavis go to change a Heroic Spirit for him? !

But Makarov didn't know!

Although he knew that Mavis' body was buried under the guild, Makarov had long thought that Mavis was dead over the years, so he naturally didn't know the inside story.

Cheng Feng couldn't say it either, otherwise how could he explain that he knew these things?

As for Tianlang Island, Cheng Feng also wanted to go there once.

Of course, there was a purpose.

That was the tombstone that integrated Mavis's will, and the two super magics hidden on it.

One was the absolute killing magic, the Fairy's Glory.

The other was the absolute defensive magic, the Fairy's Ball.

Cheng Feng wanted to study the Fairy's Ball.

Although the Fairy's Glory had a strong attack power, to be honest, Cheng Feng had so many cards that he didn't lack this attack method.

But the Fairy's Ball was different.

It condensed the thoughts of all guild members into powerful magic power, and created an invincible protective ball, which protected all members and the environment within the range, and added the function of freezing all time in the ball.

Such magic was not only about defense, but also about time.

You know, Ultear used all his strength and only went back one minute.

The fairy ball can seal for up to 7 years!

It took Mavis to remove the magic, otherwise the seal would have lasted even longer!

Cheng Feng wanted to get in touch. Not only could he remove the seal of the Fairy Ball when he really couldn't withstand the black dragon's attack, but on the other hand, Cheng Feng also wanted to try to see if he could use the super magic of the Fairy Ball to draw parallels. Check out other effects.

For example, the ability to convert the power of longing into magic power. If you understand the method, can it solve Cheng Feng's current shortage of magic power reserves?

You know, what limits Cheng Feng now is the problem of magic power reserve.

If Cheng Feng really has a huge amount of magic power, then with the combination of many cards, Cheng Feng's strength will be extremely terrifying.

Not to mention other things, the power of Jiro's fully opened seal, the explosive growth of the sun that never sets in Escanor's heart, the Super Saiyan form, plus Saitama's explosion.

Just the combination of these four guys and their super serious punch made Cheng Feng a little worried about whether the planet under his feet could withstand this punch.

But Cheng Feng could only think about this model. After all, if it really reaches this level, Cheng Feng feels that from his current point of view, let alone the second source of magic, even if he adds a dozen more, it will be drained. Magic is a matter of moments.

Of course, Cheng Feng can also look forward to it. If he really reaches the red card and develops a second magic source, maybe it will be enough.

Cheng Feng's requirements are not high. The destructive power caused by this imaginary mode, let alone three seconds, even one second, is absolutely unimaginable!


Just when Cheng Feng was thinking wildly, Makarov's words made Cheng Feng wake up from his dream.

At this moment, the ship had reached a blank sea area. Just when Cheng Feng was wondering where Tianlang Island was, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and a unique island suddenly appeared in front of Cheng Feng.

"Sirius Island is protected by a unique barrier. Under normal circumstances, there is no way to see the islands."

Makarov said to Cheng Feng: "Only Fairy Tail magicians can see this island and land on this Fairy Tail Guild Holy Land!"

Cheng Feng nodded and followed Makarov off the boat, landing on the guild's holy land. As soon as he set foot on the island, Cheng Feng was enveloped in strong magic.

Cheng Feng flicked the spherical pendant hanging around his neck, and soon the pendant was filled with magic power.

“What a great place.”

Cheng Feng took a deep breath and said, "With such strong magic power, I feel like I can even have one extra second when I'm at my peak!"

"follow me."

Makarov gestured towards Cheng Feng, who nodded and followed Makarov's footsteps. After passing through a large forest filled with various strange creatures, an old man and a young man came to Mavis's tombstone.

Makarov clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and bowed towards the tombstone.

When I opened my eyes and wanted to tell Cheng Feng some precautions, I found that Cheng Feng was squatting over there, taking out various expensive-looking desserts from nowhere and placing them on Mavis's tombstone. forward.

"What are you..."

Makarov was directly confused by Cheng Feng's operation, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Mavis is a girl after all. Girls generally don't refuse the temptation of desserts."

Cheng Feng put the sacrifices away, followed Makarov's example, bowed towards the tombstone and said, "After all, we have to seek help from Mavis, the first president of the guild, so naturally we have to prepare something good."

Makarov smiled bitterly and murmured in his heart: "If this is useful, I will eat all these things."

However, thinking that this was Cheng Feng's "filial piety" after all, Makarov said nothing more.

But after Cheng Feng worshiped, Makarov swallowed his saliva when he looked at the ice-cold ice cream sundae. In this damn weather, eat some ice cream. The first generation won't blame me, right?

Well, after all, if you don’t eat it, it won’t taste good if it melts in such a hot weather.

Thinking this way, Makarov suddenly felt better. He was not wasting food!

Stretching out his hand, Makarov was about to pick up the ice cream sundae, but at this moment, a small white hand stretched out from somewhere, slapped Makarov's hand away, and then the The sundae was taken away by little hands as fast as lightning.

Makarov:? ? ? ? !

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